Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 167–170.Hydrochasma garvinorum Mathis & Zatwarnicki (USA. Virginia. Stafford: Falmouth, Rappahannock River) 167 epandrium and cerci, posterior view 168 same, lateral view 169 internal structures of male terminalia (aedeagus [shaded], phallapodeme, gonite, hypandrium), ventral view 170 same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 119–127.119–124 Kryptopyga pendulosa male (holotype): 119 habitus dorsal 120 habitus lateral 121 head frontal 122 head lateral 123 abdomen ventral 124 wing 125 Kryptopyga pendulosa female (Indonesia, Bangka, coll. RMNH) 126–127 Kryptopyga sulawesiana male (holotype): 126 habitus dorsal 127 habitus lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figure 171.Distribution of Hydrochasma garvinorum Mathis and Zatwarnicki.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 128–135.Figures 128–129. Kryptopyga sulawesiana male (holotype): 128 head frontal 129 wing 130–131 Kryptopyga, male genitalia 130 Kryptopyga pendulosa (holotype) 131 Kryptopyga sulawesiana (holotype) 132–134 Laetodon violens male (Jamaica, coll. RMNH): 132 habitus dorsal 133 habitus lateral 134 head frontal 135 Laetodon laetus male (USA, Georgia, coll. RMNH), genitalia lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 172–174.Hydrochasma leucoproctum (Loew) (St. Vincent. St. Patrick: Cumberland Bay) 172 head, anterior view 173 same, lateral view 174 same, oblique view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 136–144.136–138 Masarygus planifrons male (syntype): 136 habitus dorsal 137 habitus lateral 138 head frontal 139 Masarygus planifrons female (syntype), habitus dorsal 140–143 Masarygus palmipalpus male (holotype): 140 habitus dorsal 141 habitus lateral 142 head frontal 143 head lateral 144 antenna.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 175–178.Hydrochasma leucoproctum (Loew) (St. Vincent. St. Patrick: Cumberland Bay) 175 epandrium and cerci, posterior view 176 same, lateral view 177 internal structures of male terminalia (aedeagus [shaded], phallapodeme, gonite, hypandrium), ventral view 178 same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 145–153.145–146 Masarygus palmipalpus male (holotype): 145 wing 146 genitalia lateral 147–149 Masarygus spec. 1 male (Brazil, coll. USNM): 147 habitus dorsal 148 habitus lateral 149 head frontal 150 Masarygus spec. 2 male (Brazil, coll. USNM), habitus lateral 151–153 Menidon falcatus male (Costa Rica, coll. ZMAN): 151 habitus dorsal 152 habitus lateral 153 head frontal.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figure 179.Distribution of Hydrochasma leucoproctum (Loew).
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 163–170.163–166 Metadon achterbergi female (holotype) 163 habitus dorsal 164 habitus lateral 165 head frontal 166 wing 167–168 Metadon, habitus: 167 Metadon bifasciatus (Japan, coll. RMNH) 168 Metadon inermis (holotype) 169–170 Metadon wulpii female (Borneo, coll. RMNH): 169 habitus dorsal 170 habitus lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 184–185.Abdomens of males, dorsal view. 184 Hydrochasma capsum sp. n. (Cuba. Sancti Spiritus: Topes de Collantes) 185 Hydrochasma leucoproctum (Loew) (St. Vincent: Cumberland Bay). Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 44–52.44–45 Ceratophya: 44 Ceratophya panamensis female (paratype), abdomen lateral 45 Ceratophya notata male (holotype), genitalia 46–52 Ceratrichomyia males (holotypes): 46 Ceratophya behara, habitus dorsal 47 Ceratophya behara, habitus lateral 48 Ceratophya bullabucca, habitus dorsal 49 Ceratophya bullabucca, habitus lateral 50 Ceratophya bullabucca, head frontal 51 Ceratophya angolensis, habitus dorsal 52 Ceratophya angolensis, habitus lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figure 100.Distribution of Hydrochasma kaieteur sp. n. and Hydrochasma lineatum sp. n.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 53–60.53–55 Ceratrichomyia angolensis male (holotype): 53 head frontal 54 head lateral 55 wing. 56–58 Ceratrichomyia males (holotypes): 56 Ceratrichomyia angolensis 57 Ceratrichomyia behara 58 Ceratrichomyia bullabucca 59–60 Ceriomicrodon petiolatus male (holotype): 59 habitus lateral 60 genitalia lateral.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 180–183.Hydrochasma lineatum sp. n. (Trinidad. St. George: Filette) 180 epandrium and cerci, posterior view 181 same, lateral view 182 internal structures of male terminalia (aedeagus [shaded], phallapodeme, gonite, hypandrium), ventral view 183 same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 269–278.269–270 Paramixogaster acantholepidis male (holotype): 269 habitus dorsal 270 habitus lateral 271 Paramixogaster luxor male (holotype), habitus dorsal 272–275 Paramixogaster piptotus female (holotype): 272 habitus dorsal 273 head frontal 274 thorax dorsal 275 habitus lateral 276–277 Paramixogaster, habitus dorsal: 276 Paramixogaster omeanus male (holotype) 277 Paramixogaster vespiformis female (syntype).
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 186–189.Hydrochasma robustum sp. n. (Brazil. Sao Paulo: Praia Puruba) 186 epandrium and cerci, posterior view 187 same, lateral view 188 internal structures of male terminalia (aedeagus [shaded], phallapodeme, gonite, hypandrium), ventral view 189 same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 299–307.299–304 Piruwa phaecada male (holotype): 299 habitus dorsal 300 habitus lateral 301 head frontal 302 head lateral 303 wing 304 genitalia lateral 305–306 Piruwa phaecada female (paratype) 305 habitus dorsal 306 habitus lateral 307 Pseudomicrodon polistoides female (holotype), habitus dorsal.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figure 190.Distribution of Hydrochasma robustum sp. n.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 308–316.308–311 Pseudomicrodon polistoides female (holotype) 308 habitus lateral 309 head frontal 310 head lateral 311 thorax dorsal 312–316 Pseudomicrodon smiti male (holotype): 312 habitus dorsal 313 habitus lateral 314 head frontal 315 head lateral 316 wing.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 191–194.Hydrochasma sagittarium sp. n. (Brazil. Paraná: Morretes) 191 epandrium and cerci, posterior view 192 same, lateral view 193 internal structures of male terminalia (aedeagus [shaded], phallapodeme, gonite, hypandrium), ventral view 194 same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 308–316.308–311 Pseudomicrodon polistoides female (holotype) 308 habitus lateral 309 head frontal 310 head lateral 311 thorax dorsal 312–316 Pseudomicrodon smiti male (holotype): 312 habitus dorsal 313 habitus lateral 314 head frontal 315 head lateral 316 wing.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figure 195.Distribution of Hydrochasma sagittarium sp. n.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 317–324.317–319 Pseudomicrodon biluminiferus male (holotype): 317 habitus dorsal 318 habitus lateral 319 genitalia lateral 320 Pseudomicrodon smiti male (holotype), genitalia lateral 321–324 Ptilobactrum neavei male (holotype): 321 habitus dorsal 322 habitus lateral 323 head frontal 324 wing.