Comprehensive Description
provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Neostylopyga rhombifolia (StoU) (Plate VI, figure 15.)
1S13. [Blatta] rlioDibifolia StoU. Natuur. Afbeeld. Beschr. Spoken etc., Kakker-
lakken, p. 5, register p. 14, pi. Illd, fig. 13. [Apparently an immature female;
no locality given.]
Stoll's figure shows plainly the distinctive color pattern of the species. The established synonyms are Periplaneta histrio Saussiire, Periplaneta decorata Brunner and Polyzosteria heterospila Walker.
This is a large roach, shining brownish black in general coloration, beautifully marbled with yellowish-buff (pi. T, fig. 15). The color pattern and brief lateral tegminal pads readily distinguish the insect from any other species found in the regions under consideration.
Characters of Male. — (Moschi, Kilimanjaro, East Africa. ^"^) Size moderately large, form stout. Head much as in Periplaneta americana, but with ocellar areas forming a slightly less obtuse angulation with the interocellar area, ocellar spots very weakl>indicated. Pronotum weakly convex, yet showing extensive but weak lateral and meso-caudal flattening; margin above head straight, transverse, thence con-ex divergent to latero-caudal angles, which are rectangulate and sharply rounded; caudal margins of pronotum, mesonotum and metanotum, straight, transverse. Tegmina small, lateral pads, extending to slightly beyond caudal margin of mesonotum; surface shining, minutely punctulate, with humeral trunk alone distinct; costal and sutural margins subparallel, each showing a faint convexity, distal margin rounded with apex nearer the costal margin. Wings absent. Dorsal surface of abdomen unspecialized, latero-caudal angles of segments briefly acuteangulate produced caudad, the degree of production slightly increasing caudad. Supra-anal plate chitinous only in very narrow proximal portion, remaining produced portion formed by a delicate whitish integument with free margin convex except mesad, where a deep acute-angulate emargination, with straight, convergent sides, extends fully half the distance to the base of the delicate portion.-" Subgenital plate small, free margin briefly convex, transverse to base of styles, between these broadly convexo-truncate. Styles symmetrical, very elongate, slender, cylindrical processes, slightly longer than length of subgenital plate, set in sockets on free margin of the plate at lateral bases of the slightly produced mesal portion. Limbs elongate and slender. Cephalic femora with ventro-cephalic margins armed with a row of heavy and moderately elongate spines, terminating distad in three
2"^ The exotic series before us, of some forty specimens, shows a very decided preponderance of females. Though several immature males are included, this is the only adult of the sex available.
-" The texture and form of this delicate integument shows a general similarity to that found in males of Periplaneta americana, though in that species both production and emargination are much more decided.
longer spines, in strongly increasing length ratio, few spines on ventro-caudal margin; median and caudal femora furnished with a single, long, genicular spine and with ventral margins supplied with heavy, elongate spines. Arolia present.
Characters of Female. — (Nogales, Arizona.) Agrees with male except in following features. Size large, form stouter. Head and pronotum in consequence proportionately broader. Supra-anal plate strongly tectate, with a medio-longitudinal ridge; lateral margins straight, convergent to deep median angulate-emargination, with straight sides, distal apices of plate acute. Subgenital plate as typical for the Blattinae.
Measurements in {millimeters)
f Width of Length of
tegmen eaudal tibia
3-3 8.7
3-4 9-2
Other exotic females before us are 20 to 27 mm. in length.
The complex color pattern is shown by the figure here given. The dark brownish black color is tinged with claret brown on the tegmina, mesal portion of dorsal surface of abdomen and on the limbs. The extensive dark mesal portion of the ventral surface of the abdomen is a rich claret brown.
This insect is generally distributed throughout the warmer regions of the earth; it is probably domiciliary, with habits very similar to those of Periplaneta americana.
In the United States the species has apparently gained a foothold only at Nogales, Arizona, on the Mexican boundary. It has probably been long established in western Mexico and has been recorded from there by Saussure, from Acapulco by Brunner, while a good series from tropical western North America is now before us.-^*^
Specimens Examined: i; i female.
Nogales, Arizona, VI, 14, 1903, (E. J. Oslar), i 9, [U. S. N. M.j.
"8 Sierra el Tosti, Lower California, Mexico, X, 1893, 2 9 , [Hebard Cln.]. San Jose del Cabo, I.. Cal., Mex., 8 9, l juv. a", i juv. 9, [Mebard Cln. and A. M. Escuinapa, Sinaloa, Mex., (J. H. Batty), i small juv. d", [A. M. N. H.].
- bibliographic citation
- Hebard, M. 1917. The Blattidae of North America. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 2. Philadelphia, USA
Neostylopyga rhombifolia: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia EN
Neostylopyga rhombifolia, the harlequin roach, is a species of cockroach in the family Blattidae. It is found in North America, Oceania, and Southern Asia.
Harlequin roach, Neostylopyga rhombifolia
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