Type locality: Oneida and Vilas counties, Wisconsin; around Atlantic City, New Jersey; Mount Desert Island, Maine; Hyattsville near Washington, District of Columbia, U.S.A.
Reported for N. America and Europe.
Acid ponds, bogs; pH ~ 6.8.
Body elongate, slender, nearly cylindrical; cuticle very flexible, outline fairly constant; almost opaque. Head c. 1/4 total length. Rostrum very small. Corona small, strongly oblique. Trunk without lateral sulci. Toes short, c. 1/6 total length, gradually tapering to acute, very slightly dorsally recurved tip. Two large, close-set, round eyespots. Retrocerebral sac small. Salivary glands absent. Gastric glands very small, rounded. Pedal glands small, pyriform.
Trophi small, slender. Rami broadly lyrate, terminating in a single, pointed, incurved tooth; inner margins with numerous, very close-set fine teeth (6/8, 10/12), having appearance of striated lamella; alulae absent. Fulcrum short, c. 1/2 ramus length. Unci single-toothed, tooth c. 1/3 shaft length, apophyse(s) present. Manubria slightly less incus length, nearly straight, clubbed anteriorly.
Length 200-245 µm, toe 30-35 µm; trophi 25-30 µm.