
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

provided by AnAge articles
Maximum longevity: 33.2 years (captivity) Observations: One specimen lived for 33.2 years in captivity (Brouwer et al. 1994).
Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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Threskiornis molucca ( Asturian )

provided by wikipedia AST

Threskiornis molucca ye una especie d'ave pelecaniforme de la familia Threskiornithidae[1][2] qu'habita principalmente n'Australia.


Conócense dos subespecies de Threskiornis molucca:[1][2]


  1. 1,0 1,1 Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood. 2010. The Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.5. Cornell University Press. Downloadable from Cornell Lab of Ornithology
  2. 2,0 2,1 Peterson, A. P. 2010. Birds of the World -- current valid scientific avian names. Consultáu en xineru de 2011.
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Threskiornis molucca: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

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Threskiornis molucca

Threskiornis molucca ye una especie d'ave pelecaniforme de la familia Threskiornithidae qu'habita principalmente n'Australia.

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Ibiz gwenn Aostralia ( Breton )

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lang="br" dir="ltr">

An ibiz gwenn Aostralia(Daveoù a vank) a zo ur spesad evned, Threskiornis molucca an anv skiantel anezhañ.

Anvet e voe Ibis molucca (kentanv) da gentañ-penn (e 1829) gant ar skiantour gall Georges Cuvier (1769-1832).

Doareoù pennañ

Threskiornis molucca,
pintet war skourr ur wezenn.


Bevañ a ra diwar zivellkeineg-dour (pe douar) bihan (grilhed-dour, meskl) ha dilerc'hioù a bep seurt war-lerc'h Mab-Den.

Annez hag isspesadoù

Ar spesad a gaver an daou isspesad anezhañ[1] :

Liammoù diavaez

Notennoù ha daveennoù

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Ibiz gwenn Aostralia: Brief Summary ( Breton )

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lang="br" dir="ltr">

An ibiz gwenn Aostralia(Daveoù a vank) a zo ur spesad evned, Threskiornis molucca an anv skiantel anezhañ.

Anvet e voe Ibis molucca (kentanv) da gentañ-penn (e 1829) gant ar skiantour gall Georges Cuvier (1769-1832).

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Ibis blanc australià ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

L'ibis blanc australià[1] (Threskiornis molucca) és un ocell de la família dels tresquiornítids (Threskiornithidae) que va ser considerat conespecífic amb l'ibis sagrat.[2]


  • Fa 65-75 cm de llarg amb un coll llarg de més de 16 cm. Essent el mascle, amb un pes d'1,7 kg una mica major que la femella que fa 1,4 – 1,9 kg. [6]
  • Plomatge de color general blanc. Unes plomes negres sobre la cua.
  • Coll i cap nus amb la pell negra. Bec llarg corbat, negre. Potes negres.

Hàbitat i distribució

Habita pastures, pantans, camps negats i zones amb arbres a l'illa Seram, Waigeo, Salawati, Nova Guinea, i la gran part d'Austràlia, fora de l'àrid interior. Pot arribar fins a Tasmània i Nova Zelanda.


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Ibis blanc australià Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
  1. L'ibis blanc australià a CERCATERM Rev. 21/11/2011 (català)
  2. L'ibis blanc australià a AVIBASE Rev. 21/11/2011 (català)

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Ibis blanc australià: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

L'ibis blanc australià (Threskiornis molucca) és un ocell de la família dels tresquiornítids (Threskiornithidae) que va ser considerat conespecífic amb l'ibis sagrat.

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Ibis gwyn Awstralia ( Welsh )

provided by wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Ibis gwyn Awstralia (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: ibisiaid gwyn Awstralia) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Threskiornis molucca; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Australian white ibis. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Ibisiaid (Lladin: Threskiornithidae) sydd yn urdd y Ciconiformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn T. molucca, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2] Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yn Awstralia.


Mae'r ibis gwyn Awstralia yn perthyn i deulu'r Ibisiaid (Lladin: Threskiornithidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Ibis coch Eudocimus ruber Ibis cribog Madagasgar Lophotibis cristata
Lophotibis cristata -Bronx Zoo-8.jpg
Ibis cysegredig Threskiornis aethiopicus
Threskiornis aethiopicus -Mida Creek mud flats, Kenya-8.jpg
Ibis du Plegadis falcinellus
Plegadis falcinellus Syracuse.jpg
Ibis hadada Bostrychia hagedash
Hadeda Ibis Portrait.jpg
Ibis moel Geronticus calvus
Ibis moel y Gogledd Geronticus eremita
Geronticus eremita.jpg
Ibis penddu Threskiornis melanocephalus
Black-headed Ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus) in Tirunelveli.jpg
Llwybig Platalea leucorodia
Eurasian Spoonbill.jpg
Llwybig gwridog Platalea ajaja
Prague 07-2016 Zoo img07 Platalea ajaja.jpg
Llwybig pigfelyn Platalea flavipes
Yellow-billed Spoonbill at Perth Zoo.jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
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Ibis gwyn Awstralia: Brief Summary ( Welsh )

provided by wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Ibis gwyn Awstralia (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: ibisiaid gwyn Awstralia) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Threskiornis molucca; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Australian white ibis. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Ibisiaid (Lladin: Threskiornithidae) sydd yn urdd y Ciconiformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn T. molucca, sef enw'r rhywogaeth. Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yn Awstralia.

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Australsk ibis ( Danish )

provided by wikipedia DA

Australsk ibis (latin: Threskiornis molucca) er en storkefugl, der lever i Australien, på Ny Guinea og Salomonøerne.


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Australsk ibis: Brief Summary ( Danish )

provided by wikipedia DA

Australsk ibis (latin: Threskiornis molucca) er en storkefugl, der lever i Australien, på Ny Guinea og Salomonøerne.

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Molukkenibis ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE
Molukkenibis im Flug
Jungvögel des Molukkenibisses
Molukkenibis am Gewässerrand

Der Molukkenibis (Threskiornis molucca) gehört zu den Ibissen und galt einst als Unterart des Heiligen Ibis. Er lebt in Australien und der südostasiatischen Inselwelt.

Die Bestandssituation des Molukkenibisses wurde 2016 in der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der IUCN als nicht gefährdet (least concern) beschrieben.[1]



Der Molukkenibis ähnelt sehr dem Heiligen Ibis. Er erreicht eine Körperlänge von 65 bis 75 Zentimeter und hat eine Flügelspannweite von 112 bis 124 Zentimeter. Männchen wiegen 1,7 bis 2,5 Kilogramm und Weibchen 1,4 bis 1,9 Kilogramm. Der Größenunterschied ist der einzige Sexualdimorphismus, allerdings überlappen sich die Körpergrößen der beiden Geschlechter, so dass Größe kein sicheres Unterscheidungsmerkmal ist.[2]

Der Molukkenibis ist weitgehend weiß, mit Ausnahme einiger schwarzer Federn an den Flügeln. Der Kopf ist schwarz und federlos.

Andere in Australien vorkommende Ibisse sind überwiegend dunkel gefiedert. Allerdings ähnelt das Flugbild des Stachelibisses dem des Molukkenibisses. Bei schlechten Sichtverhältnissen, wenn vor allem der Schnabel nicht deutlich sichtbar ist, kann der Molukkenibis mit verschiedenen Löfflerarten verwechselt werden.

Verbreitungsgebiet und Lebensraum

Der Molukkenibis ist im Norden und Osten sowie einer kleinen Region im Südwesten Australiens, Tasmanien, dem südlichen Neuguinea, den Molukken, den Kleinen Sundainseln und den Salomonen beheimatet. In Neuseeland sind sie gelegentlich Irrgäste.[3]

Der Lebensraum des Molukkenibisses sind Feuchtgebiete im Binnenland, Grasland sowie geschützte Küstenabschnitte. Er sucht bevorzugt im Flachwasser und schlammigen Uferabschnitten nach Nahrung, findet diese jedoch auch in feuchterem Grasland. Die Bandbreite an Feuchtgebieten, die dem Molukkenibis geeignete Lebensräume bieten, sind sehr groß. So ist er an Fließgewässern, Billabongs, Teichen, auf Überschwemmungsflächen und an größeren Seen zu finden. Feuchtes Grasland oder Agrarflächen werden von ihm überwiegend genutzt, wenn diese ein reichhaltiges Nahrungsangebot an Wirbellosen aufweisen. Salzgewässer werden von ihm gleichfalls genutzt, dabei bevorzugt er Flussmündungen, Mangrovensümpfe, Salzpfannen und Salzmarschen und Lagunen. Er nutzt auch menschlichen Siedlungsraum und kommt in Gärten, auf Sportplätzen und entlang von Straßen vor.[4]

Ausgewachsene Molukkenibisse sind im Südosten Australiens Standvögel, im Südwesten Australiens dagegen Teilzieher. Jungvögel ziehen jedoch weit umher. Über die Wanderbewegungen der Populationen weiter im Inland und Norden Australiens ist dagegen nichts bekannt. Auf Grund der weitgehend gleichbleibenden Populationen, die beispielsweise aus dem australischen Bundesstaat Victoria berichtet wird, lässt sich schließen, dass Wanderbewegungen wenig ausgeprägt sind.[5]


Der Molukkenibis brütet in Kolonien auf Bäumen, in Büschen oder am Boden. Die Kolonien können sehr groß sein und bis zu 20.000 Paare umfassen.[6] Die Nester können dabei in so größer Nähe zueinander gebaut sein, dass sie sich berühren und Nistplattformen bilden, die von mehreren Paaren genutzt werden. Auf einem Quadratmeter hat man bereits bis zu fünf Nester gezählt.[7] Molukkenibisse sind allerdings durchaus territorial und verteidigen ihr Nest und die unmittelbare Nestumgebung. Sie sind dabei gegenüber Nestnachbaren toleranter als gegenüber Eindringlingen.[8]

Grundsätzlich sind Molukkenibis seriell monogam, jedoch lassen sich viele Kopulationen außerhalb der regulären Paarbeziehung feststellen. Meist verpaaren sich dabei Vögel benachbarter Nester, die meisten Kopulationen finden allerdings nach der Zeit statt, in der die Weibchen empfangsbereit sind. Paarungen zwischen Molukkenibissen, die noch nicht brüten, sind verhältnismäßig selten.[9]

Die Dauer der Paarbeziehung ist individuell unterschiedlich. Bei einigen Vögeln endet sie sofort nach der Kopulation, andere Paare bleiben zusammen, bis sie eine Brut großgezogen haben, andere Paare bleiben über mehrere Bruten einer Saison oder gar bis zu einer Dauer von drei Jahren zusammen. Bei ihrer ersten Brut sind Molukkenibisse in der Regel drei Jahre alt. Bei Paaren, die zusammenbleiben, brüten beide Elternvögel und versorgen gemeinsam die Jungvögel für eine Zeitdauer von vier Wochen.[10]

Der Zeitpunkt der Fortpflanzungszeit ist abhängig von lokalen Gegebenheiten. In einigen Regionen brüten Molukkenibisse nicht jährlich.[11] Es werden 3 bis 4 Eier gelegt, größere Gelege sind in der Regel darauf zurückzuführen, dass zwei Weibchen Eier in ein Nest gelegt haben.[12] Das Legeintervall zwischen den einzelnen Eiern beträgt 48 Stunden, die Eiablage findet in der Regel nachts statt.[13] Die Brut dauert etwa 21 Tage. Frisch geschlüpfte Jungvögel wiegen durchschnittlich 46,1 Gramm. Während der ersten Lebenstage sind ihre Augen noch geschlossen. Die Schnabelbasis ist während der ersten zwei Lebenswochen rosafarben und wird dann zunehmend dunkler. Im Alter von drei Wochen beginnen die Jungvögel in einigen Regionen sogenannte Kindergarten (Crèches) zu bilden. Sie werden ab diesem Zeitpunkt auch nicht mehr gehudert, sind aktiv und klettern auf dem Nest herum, werden aber noch von den Elternvögeln gefüttert. In der Regel verlassen sie spätestens am 30. Lebenstag das Nest. Nach ihrem Ausfliegen halten sie sich noch in der Nähe des Nestes auf. Durchschnittlich 21 Tage nach dem Ausfliegen verlassen sie auch die Kolonie. Einige Jungvögel halten sich jedoch noch über Monate in der Nähe der Kolonie auf und werden dann gelegentlich von ihren Elternvögeln auch noch gefüttert.[14]

Der Bruterfolg variiert nach Standort und Jahr. In Healesville wurden 1983/84 und 1986/86 aus 100 Nestern nur 85 Jungvögel flügge. Im Zeitraum 1983/84 waren es dagegen 97 Jungvögel je 100 Nester. Bei 51 Prozent der Nester wurden keine Jungvögel flügge, in den übrigen Nestern dagegen überwiegend zwei Jungvögel. Die Nachstellung durch Prädatoren waren dabei nicht die wichtigste Todesursache, sehr häufig verhungerten die Jungvögel. Eine Überflutung oder Zusammenbruch der Nester spielte ebenfalls eine erhebliche Rolle.[15]


Molukkenibis bei der Nahrungssuche

Der Molukkenibis ernährt sich von Reptilien, Fischen, Krebstieren, großen Insekten, Schnecken, kleine Säugetiere und gelegentlich auch Aas. Die Zusammensetzung der Nahrung ist überwiegend vom jeweiligen Lebensraum bestimmt. Sie verteidigen kein Nahrungsterritorium. Antagonistisches Verhalten innerhalb von nahrungssuchenden Trupps ist vermutlich ausschließlich ein Kampf um Beute, da Molukkenibisse sich Nahrung auch gegenseitig stehlen.[16]

Während der Nahrungssuche gehen sie langsam, sie untersuchen dabei mit ihrem langen Schnabel den Boden oder picken Nahrung vom Boden oder der Wasseroberfläche auf. Ein Pickverhalten ist vor allem auf Grasland zu beobachten. Größere Beute wird mit der Schnabelspitze zerkleinert und dann schnell gefressen. Muscheln werden gelegentlich zu Felsen oder Baumstämmen getragen, mit dem Fuß festgehalten und durch Schläge mit dem Schnabel geöffnet.[17]



  • P. J. Higgins (Hrsg.): Handbook of Australian, New Zealand & Antarctic Birds, Band 1, Ratites to Ducks, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1990, ISBN 0-19-553068-3


  1. Threskiornis moluccus in der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der IUCN 2016. Eingestellt von: BirdLife International, 2016. Abgerufen am 10. Oktober 2017.
  2. Higgins, S. 1078
  3. Higgins, S. 1079
  4. Higgins, S. 1078 und S. 1079
  5. Higgins, S. 1081
  6. Higgins, S. 1080
  7. Higgins, S. 1082
  8. Higgins, S. 1083
  9. Higgins, S. 1082
  10. Higgins, S. 1082
  11. Higgins, S. 1084
  12. Higgins, S. 1085
  13. Higgins, S. 1085
  14. Higgins, S. 1085
  15. Higgins, S. 1085
  16. Higgins, S. 1082 und S. 1083
  17. Higgins, S. 1082
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Molukkenibis: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE
 src= Molukkenibis im Flug  src= Jungvögel des Molukkenibisses  src= Molukkenibis am Gewässerrand

Der Molukkenibis (Threskiornis molucca) gehört zu den Ibissen und galt einst als Unterart des Heiligen Ibis. Er lebt in Australien und der südostasiatischen Inselwelt.

Die Bestandssituation des Molukkenibisses wurde 2016 in der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der IUCN als nicht gefährdet (least concern) beschrieben.

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Australian white ibis

provided by wikipedia EN

The Australian white ibis (Threskiornis molucca) is a wading bird of the ibis family, Threskiornithidae. It is widespread across much of Australia. It has a predominantly white plumage with a bare, black head, long downcurved bill and black legs. While it is closely related to the African sacred ibis, the Australian white ibis is a native Australian bird – contrary to urban myth, it is not a feral species introduced to Australia by people, and it does not come from Egypt.[2]

Historically rare in urban areas, the Australian white ibis has established in urban areas of the east coast in increasing numbers since the late 1970s; it is now commonly seen in Wollongong, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide (where it mostly is in Mawson Lakes wetlands), Darwin, the Gold Coast, Brisbane and Townsville. In recent years, the bird has also become increasingly common in Perth, Western Australia, and surrounding towns in south-western Australia.[3] Populations have disappeared from natural breeding areas such as the Macquarie Marshes in northern New South Wales. Management plans have been introduced to control problematic urban populations in Sydney.[4][5]

Due to its increasing presence in the urban environment and its habit of rummaging in garbage, the species has acquired a variety of colloquial names such as "tip turkey"[6] and "bin chicken",[7] and in recent years has become an icon of Australia's popular culture, regarded with glee by some and passionate revulsion by others.[8][9]


It was initially described by Georges Cuvier in 1829 as Ibis molucca. It is considered part of a superspecies complex with the sacred ibis (T. aethiopicus) of Africa, and the black-headed ibis (T. melanocephalus) of Asia. Its status in the complex has vacillated over the years. Many older guidebooks referred to the bird as a species, T. molucca, until a comprehensive review of plumage patterns by Holyoak in 1970. Holyoak noted the three species' similarities and that the Australian taxon resembled T. aethiopicus in adult plumage and T. melanocephalus in juvenile plumage. He proposed that they all be considered part of a single species, T. aethiopicus. This was generally accepted by the scientific community until Lowe and Richards's assessment of plumage in 1991.[10] They again recommended the recognition of molucca at species level. This was followed by a chromosome study, which highlighted each of the three species having a different karyotype.[11] The Australian white ibis has been considered a full species by most authorities since then.[12]


Two subspecies are recognised:


The feathered head and neck of a juvenile
In flight, red skin visible under wings

The Australian white ibis is a fairly large ibis species, around 65–75 cm (26–30 in) long and has a bald black head and neck and a long black downcurved beak, measuring over 16.7 cm (6.6 in) in the male, and under in the female. There is some sexual dimorphism in size, as the slightly heavier male weighs 1.7–2.5 kg (3.7–5.5 lb) compared to the 1.4–1.9 kg (3.1–4.2 lb) female.[16] As a comparison, the American white ibis generally attains 1 kg (2.2 lb) in weight.[17] The body plumage is white, although it may become brown-stained. Inner secondary plumes are displayed as lacy black "tail" feathers. The upper tail becomes yellow when the bird is breeding. The legs and feet are dark and red skin is visible on the underside of the wing. Immature birds have shorter bills.[18] The head and neck are feathered in juveniles.

The call is a long croak.[18]

The Australian white ibis reaches sexual maturity in three years,[16] and can reach twenty-eight years of age.[6]


Adult at Coolart Wetlands, Mornington Peninsula, Australia

The Australian white ibis is widespread in eastern, northern and south-western Australia. It occurs in marshy wetlands, often near open grasslands and has become common in Australian east-coast city parks and rubbish dumps in the urban areas of Wollongong, Sydney, Perth, the Gold Coast, Brisbane and Townsville. Historically, it was rare in urban areas – the first visits were noted after drought drove birds eastwards in the late 1970s, and there were no breeding records in Sydney until the 1980s.[19]

The Macquarie Marshes in north-western New South Wales used to be one of the main breeding areas of the bird, with 11,000 nests reported in 1998. However, since 2000, none have been reported breeding there.[6] The species is absent from Tasmania.[20]

Australian white Ibises gather on rain soaked grass in Werrington, Sydney – 2022

Urban population

The species has been able to colonise urban areas by reducing its fear response when in close proximity to humans, and by significantly widening its suite of food items to include human refuse – strategies that other closely-related species such as the straw-necked ibis and the spoonbills have not replicated.[2]

Questions surrounding the origins of recent highly urbanised and closely human-habituated populations of the species are complicated by the establishment of free flying exhibit flocks of formerly captive birds at a number of zoos and wildlife parks, including Sydney's Taronga Zoo, which first acquired birds for this purpose around 1971.[19][2] A 1973 ABC TV report noted Taronga's by then well-established "liberty flock" was breeding locally, unlike natural populations, which at that time were only known to fleetingly visit the urban area and not breed there.[21]

The resident Taronga flock nested in exotic Canary Island date palms, and was notably very closely habituated to people; approaching them at close quarters, feeding from rubbish bins and scavenging food from outdoor dining areas. These previously undocumented behaviours became closely associated with the urban Sydney flocks that emerged from around 1980 onwards, directly across the harbour in the Royal Botanic Gardens and the Sydney CBD, and further afield in the Centennial Parklands.[16][2]

The relationship between birds originating from the Taronga flock and any influx of inland birds into Sydney is poorly known, but it is speculated that human-habituated flocks originating from the zoo may have encouraged some visiting flocks to stay in Sydney, with the two populations likely merging to some degree.[19] Resident Sydney birds may have influenced newcomers fleeing from inland drought to adapt to new food sources in the city and to accept close proximity to humans.[2]

Other free-flying exhibit populations were similarly established at Healesville Sanctuary in Victoria and at Tidbinbilla in the ACT, both of which mirrored the Taronga example by appearing to serve as population nucleation points.[19] Healesville birds also seeded a free-flying population at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary in Queensland.[2]

The urban population further increased after a further period of inland drought in 1998.[6] The first big colony set up in the Sydney suburb of Bankstown and started to cause anxiety in the local community. It is estimated the colony was the largest outside the Macquarie Marshes, their natural breeding wetland in inland NSW.[6]


Perching on a wheelie bin in Potts Point, Sydney

There has been debate in recent years over whether to consider them a pest or a possibly endangered species. Birds in tourist areas of Sydney, such as Darling Harbour, the Royal Botanic Gardens, and Centennial Park, have been a problem due to their strong smell. Populations in the latter two areas have been culled.[22]

The birds have also come to be regarded as a problem species in Victoria as a result of their scavenging activities, scattering rubbish from tips and bins in the process. They are even known to snatch sandwiches from picnickers. Such behaviour, together with their propensity to build nests in "inappropriate" places, and competition with captive animals, led to surplus birds being relocated from Healesville Sanctuary to Sale. However, the birds returned in a few days.[23]

They are a protected species in Queensland[24], New South Wales[25] and Victoria.[26]


Nesting at Coolart Wetlands, Mornington Peninsula, Australia
Juveniles on nests


The Australian white ibis' range of food includes both terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates and human scraps. The most favoured foods are crayfish and mussels, which the bird obtains by digging with its long bill. Ibises have also been observed to eat cane toads by "flicking" them about to make them secrete their defensive toxin, then washing the toad in a nearby water source before consuming it. Researchers called this a learned behaviour "observed in multiple different regions". Although scientists do not think that the toxin affects most birds, they believe birds avoid it because of its "awful" taste.[27]


Breeding season varies with the location within Australia, generally August to November in the south, and February to May, after the wet season, in the north. The nest is a shallow dish-shaped platform of sticks, grasses or reeds, located in trees, generally near a body of water such as a river, swamp or lake. Ibises commonly nest near other waterbirds such as egrets, herons, spoonbills or cormorants. Two to three dull white eggs are laid measuring 65 mm × 44 mm.[28] The clutch is then incubated for 21–23 days. Hatchlings are altricial, that is, they are naked and helpless at birth, and take 48 days to fledge.[16] The mating patterns were extensively studied by Lowe, Beilharz and Evans on a wild population at Healesville Sanctuary, where they found that some birds were selecting the same nesting partner within and between years whilst others changed partners regularly. There were also many between-pair copulations.[29]

In the Solomon Islands

The ibis is fairly common and is seen in groups of up to 30 birds along roads, on beaches and in the forest. It also visits villages where it forages with the domestic chickens. It feeds on the ground on invertebrates. When breeding, it nests in small colonies in forest trees and on islands in Lake Tegano.[13]

In culture

Graffiti art depicting an Australian white ibis in inner western Sydney

The ibis has become a popular symbol of Australian identity, and has been depicted on television, in art, and in online memes.[30][31] In March 2021, the Macquarie Dictionary blog chose "bin chicken" as an Australian word of the week, and wrote that it was potentially "competing with the kangaroo for the position of most iconic Australian animal".[32]

In December 2017, the ibis placed second in Guardian Australia's inaugural Bird of the Year poll, a nationwide competition for Australia’s favourite native bird. The ibis led the poll for much of the voting, but lost to the magpie by 843 votes (19,926 votes to 19,083).[33][34]

In April 2022, Queensland sports minister Stirling Hinchliffe suggested the ibis as a potential mascot for the 2032 Olympic Games which are scheduled to be held in Brisbane.[35]


  1. ^ BirdLife International (2016). "Threskiornis moluccus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T22697519A93618773. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22697519A93618773.en.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Denby, Matthew (31 October 2020). "Secrets of the Ibis: The surprising real reason 'bin chickens' took Sydney by storm". The Sydney Sentinel. Retrieved 31 October 2020.
  3. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 March 2016. Retrieved 11 February 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  4. ^ Australian White Ibis City of Canterbury Bankstown. Retrieved 22 December 2016.
  5. ^ Management Plan for Australian White Ibis in the Bankstown Local Government Area, 2012 Retrieved 22 December 2016.
  6. ^ a b c d e "Ibis invasion". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 15 November 2007. Archived from the original on 16 November 2007. Retrieved 22 November 2007.
  7. ^ ‘Bin chicken’ set to be Australia’s 2017 bird of the year news.com.au 22 November 2017. Retrieved 7 September 2018.
  8. ^ Allatson, P and Connor, A. The rise of the ibis: How the 'bin chicken' became a totem for modern Australia ABC News, 7 September 2018. Retrieved 7 September 2018.
  9. ^ Stevens, Rick (9 April 2018). "Bin chickens: the grotesque glory of the urban ibis – in pictures". The Guardian. Retrieved 3 January 2022.
  10. ^ a b Lowe KW, Richards GC (1991). "Morphological Variation in the Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus Superspecies Complex". Emu. 91 (1): 41–45. doi:10.1071/MU9910041. Retrieved 14 June 2008.
  11. ^ de Boer LE, van Brink JM (1982). "Cytotaxonomy of the Ciconiiformes (Aves), with karyotypes of eight species new to cytology". Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 34 (1–2): 19–34. doi:10.1159/000131791. PMID 7151490.
  12. ^ Christidis L, Boles WE (2008). Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds. Canberra: CSIRO Publishing. p. 113. ISBN 978-0-643-06511-6.
  13. ^ a b "Bird Life". Welcome to Lake Tegano. Tegano-lake.com. 2009. Retrieved 23 December 2011.
  14. ^ "Australian White Ibis (Threskiornis molucca)". HBW 1, p. 493. Lynx Editions – Internet Bird Collection. Retrieved 21 December 2011.
  15. ^ Lowe, Kim W. & Richards, Geraldine C. (1991). "Morphological Variation in the Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus Superspecies Cornplex". Emu. 91 (1): 41–45. doi:10.1071/MU9910041.
  16. ^ a b c d Legoe C, Ross G, eds. (April 2007). "Wild about ibis: living with urban wildlife" (PDF). Department of Environment and Climate Change, New South Wales – website. Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW. Archived (PDF) from the original on 27 July 2008. Retrieved 15 June 2008.
  17. ^ Hancock & Kushan, Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills of the World. Princeton University Press (1992), ISBN 978-0-12-322730-0
  18. ^ a b Simpson K, Day N, Trusler P (1993). Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. Ringwood, Victoria: Viking O'Neil. p. 54. ISBN 978-0-670-90478-5.
  19. ^ a b c d "Is Taronga Zoo responsible for Sydney's prolific bin chicken population?". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 7 August 2018. Retrieved 6 October 2020.
  20. ^ "Bird profiles". BirdLife Australia.
  21. ^ Weekend Magazine: Ibis (1973), retrieved 6 October 2020
  22. ^ "Ibises–cull them or cuddle them?". The Sydney Morning Herald. 5 October 2006. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 5 November 2006.
  23. ^ Temby, Ian (June 2003). "Problems caused by the Australian White Ibis" (PDF). State of Victoria Department of Sustainability and Environment. Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 August 2008. Retrieved 29 June 2008.
  24. ^ "Australian White Ibis". www.brisbane.qld.gov.au.
  25. ^ "Australian White Ibis". www.cbcity.nsw.gov.au.
  26. ^ "Australian White Ibis Factsheet" (PDF). Victoria Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.
  27. ^ Forbes, Tom (23 November 2022). "Ibis use 'stress and wash' technique to eat poisonous cane toads". ABC. Retrieved 25 November 2022.
  28. ^ Beruldsen, Gordon (2003). Australian Birds: Their Nests and Eggs. Kenmore Hills, Qld: self. p. 177. ISBN 978-0-646-42798-0.
  29. ^ Lowe, Kim Waldock (1984). The feeding and breeding biology of the sacred ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus in southern Victoria (PhD). University of Melbourne.
  30. ^ Goulis, Leah. "'What's a bin chicken?' US Bluey fans are confused by Australian slang". Kidspot. News.com.au. Retrieved 17 January 2023.
  31. ^ Allatson, Paul; Connor, Andrea (6 September 2018). "How the 'bin chicken' became a totem for modern Australia". ABC News. Retrieved 7 September 2018.
  32. ^ "All hail the bin chicken". Macquarie Dictionary Blog. Macquarie Dictionary. Retrieved 17 January 2023.
  33. ^ Langford, Sam (21 November 2017). "Bin Chickens Are Leading in Australia's Bird of the Year Vote, And It's Time To Have Your Say". Junkee. Retrieved 17 January 2023.
  34. ^ Wahlquist, Calla (10 December 2017). "Magpie edges out white ibis and kookaburra as Australian bird of the year". The Guardian. Retrieved 17 January 2023.
  35. ^ McKay, Jack (4 April 2022). ""Stirling Hinchliffe suggests ibis should be contender for 2032 Games mascot"". The Courier-Mail. Retrieved 24 July 2022.

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Australian white ibis: Brief Summary

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The Australian white ibis (Threskiornis molucca) is a wading bird of the ibis family, Threskiornithidae. It is widespread across much of Australia. It has a predominantly white plumage with a bare, black head, long downcurved bill and black legs. While it is closely related to the African sacred ibis, the Australian white ibis is a native Australian bird – contrary to urban myth, it is not a feral species introduced to Australia by people, and it does not come from Egypt.

Historically rare in urban areas, the Australian white ibis has established in urban areas of the east coast in increasing numbers since the late 1970s; it is now commonly seen in Wollongong, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide (where it mostly is in Mawson Lakes wetlands), Darwin, the Gold Coast, Brisbane and Townsville. In recent years, the bird has also become increasingly common in Perth, Western Australia, and surrounding towns in south-western Australia. Populations have disappeared from natural breeding areas such as the Macquarie Marshes in northern New South Wales. Management plans have been introduced to control problematic urban populations in Sydney.

Due to its increasing presence in the urban environment and its habit of rummaging in garbage, the species has acquired a variety of colloquial names such as "tip turkey" and "bin chicken", and in recent years has become an icon of Australia's popular culture, regarded with glee by some and passionate revulsion by others.

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Aŭstralia blanka ibiso ( Esperanto )

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La Aŭstralia blanka ibiso (Threskiornis molucca), estas vadbirdo de la familio de ibisoj nome Treskiornitedoj. Ĝi estas disvastigata tra multe de Aŭstralio. Ĝi havas ĉefe blankan plumaron kun nuda (senpluma), nigra kapo, longa subenkurba beko kaj nigraj kruroj.

Historie rara en urbaj areoj, la Aŭstralia blanka ibiso enmigris al urbajn areojn de la orienta marbordo en pliiĝantaj nombroj ekde fino de 1970-aj jaroj; ĝi estas nune komune vidata en Wollongong, Sidnejo, la Ora Marbordo, Brisbano kaj Townsville. Pluas polemiko ĉu konsideri ĝin plago aŭ vundebla specio. Populacioj malaperis el naturaj reproduktaj areoj kiaj la Marĉoj Macquarie en nordokcidenta Novsudkimrio. Spite tion, la specio estis selektoforpelita en partoj de Sidnejo pro sia fiodoro kaj foje ĝena naturo. Ties frata specio (plej simila kaj proksime parenca) estas la Afrika blanka ibiso.


Ĝi estis dekomence priskribita de Georges Cuvier en 1829 kiel Ibis molucca. Ĝi estis konsiderata parto de superspecia komplekso kun la Afrika blanka ibiso (T. aethiopicus) de Afriko, kaj la Nigrakapa ibiso (T. melanocephalus) de Azio. Ties statuso en la komplekso dubiĝis laŭ la jaroj. Multaj pli malnovaj gvidlibroj aludis al la birdo kiel specio T. molucca, ĝis kompleta revizio de plumarbildoj fare de Holyoak en 1970. Holyoak notis la similecon inter la tri specioj kaj ke la aŭstralia taksono similis al T. aethiopicus en plenkreskula plumaro kaj al T. melanocephalus en junula plumaro. Li proponis, ke ĉiuj estu konsiderata parto de ununura specio T. aethiopicus. Tio estis ĝenerale akceptata de la scienca komunumo ĝis la plumarstudo de Lowe kaj Richards en 1991.[1] Ili denove rekomendis la agnoskon de molucca je specia nivelo. Tio estis subtenata de studo pri kromosomoj kiu klarigis, ke ĉiu el la tri specioj havas diferencan kariotipon.[2] La Aŭstralia blanka ibiso estis de tiam konsiderata plena specio de plej fakuloj.[3]


Oni agnoskis du subspeciojn nome:


La plumecaj kapo kaj kolo de junulo.
Dumfluge, la ruĝa haŭto videbla subflugile.

La Aŭstralia blanka ibiso estas ĉirkaŭ 65–75 cm longa kaj havas tre nigrajn senplumajn kapon kaj kolon (la tutan kolon, ankaŭ malantaŭe, malkiel ĉe la Dornakola ibiso kiu havas blankan subnukon) kaj longan nigran subenkurban bekon, kiu estas ĉirkaŭ 16.7 cm ĉe masklo, kaj malpli ĉe la ino. Estas iome da seksa dimorfismo laŭ grando, ĉar la iome pli fortika masklo pezas 1.7–2.5 kg kompare kun la 1.4–1.9 kg de la ino.[4] La korpa plumaro estas blanka kvankam ĝi povas iĝi brunecmakula. Internaj duarangaj plumoj montriĝas kiel puntecaj nigraj 'vostoplumoj'. La supra vosto iĝas flava kiam la birdo estas reproduktulo. La kruroj kaj piedoj estas malhelaj kaj videblas ruĝa haŭtaĵo subflugilo. Nematuruloj havas pli mallongajn bekojn.[5] La kapo kaj kolo estas kunplumaj ĉe junuloj.

La Aŭstralia blanka ibiso kutime elsendas malagrablan fiodoron. Tiu ne estas priskribita kiel putriĝinta, sed kiel strnaga odoro ege malinda kaj distinga.

La alvoko estas longa grakado.[5]

La Aŭstralia blanka ibiso atingas seksan maturecon en 3 jaroj,[4] kaj povas atingi 28 jarojn de aĝo.[6]

Disvastiĝo kaj vivejo

Plenkreskulo ĉe Humidejoj Coolart, Mornington Duoninsulo, Aŭstralio

Tiu aŭstralazia specio estas disvastigata en orienta, norda kaj sudokcidenta Aŭstralio. Ili loĝas en marĉaj humidejoj, ofte ĉe malfermaj herbejoj kaj iĝis komuna en orientaŭstraliaj marbordaj urbaj parkoj kaj rubejoj de urbaj areoj de Wollongong, Sidnejo, Perto, la Ora Marbordo, Brisbano kaj Townsville. Historie ĝi estis rara en urbaj areoj; la unua ŝanĝo estis notita post sekego kondukis birdojn orienten fine de la 1970-aj jaroj. La urba populacio plie pliiĝis post periodo de sekego en 1998.[6]

Estis ĵusa polemiko ĉu konsideri ilin kiel plago aŭ eble kiel endanĝerita specio. Birdoj en turismaj areoj de Sidnejo kiaj la Haveno Darling, la Reĝaj Botanikaj Ĝardenoj aŭ la Parko Centennial havis problemojn pro ties forta fiodoro. Populacioj el la du laste menciitaj areoj estis selekte forpelitaj.[7] Tiuj birdoj estis konsiderataj kiel problema specio ankaŭ en Viktorio kiel rezulto de ties kadavromanĝa agado, disigante rubon el rubujoj kaj rubejoj dume. Oni scias, ke ili povas preni sandviĉojn el kampomanĝuloj. Tia kutimaro, kune kun ties emo konstrui nestojn en "netaŭgaj" lokoj, kaj konkurenco kun hejmkaptivaj animaloj, kondukis al elpelo de plusaj birdoj el Rifuĝejo Healesville al Sale. Tamen la birdoj revenis post kelkaj tagoj.[8]

La Marĉoj Macquarie en nordokcidenta Novsudkimrio estis unu el ĉefaj areoj por reproduktado, sed neniu reproduktado estis registrita ekde 2000, el 11000 paroj en 1998.[6]


Nestumado ĉe humidejoj Coolart, Mornington Duoninsulo, Aŭstralio
Junuloj enneste


Tiu ibiso manĝas variajn fiŝojn, ranojn kaj aliajn akvobestetojnm kaj ankaŭ insektojn kaj rubaĵojn.


La reprodukta sezono varias laŭ la lokoj ene de Aŭstralio, ĝenerale aŭgusto al novembro sude, kaj februaro al majo, post la humida sezono, norde. La nesto estas neprofunda telerforma platformo el bastonetoj, herbo aŭ kareksoj, situa en arboj kaj ĝenerale ĉe akvejo kia rivero, marĉo aŭ lago. Ibisoj komune nestumas ĉe aliaj akvobirdoj kiaj egretardeoj, ardeoj, plataleoj aŭ kormoranoj. La ino demetas 2 al 3 blankecajn ovojn grandajn 65 mm × 44 mm.[9] La ovaro estas poste kovata dum 21–23 tagoj. Idoj estas nefrumaturaj, tio estas, ili estas nudaj (senplumaj) kaj helponecesaj naske, kaj nur post 48 tagoj elnestiĝas.[4]


  1. 1,0 1,1 Lowe KW, Richards GC (1991). “(abstract) Morphological Variation in the Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus Superspecies Complex”, Emu 91 (1), p. 41–45. doi:10.1071/MU9910041. Alirita 2008-06-14..
  2. de Boer LE, van Brink JM (1982). “(abstract) Cytotaxonomy of the Ciconiiformes (Aves), with karyotypes of eight species new to cytology”, Cytogenet Cell Genet. 34 (1–2), p. 19–34. Alirita 2008-06-14..
  3. Christidis L, Boles WE. (2008) Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds. Canberra: CSIRO Publishing. ISBN 978-0-643-06511-6.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 Legoe C, Ross G (eds.) (April 2007)Wild about ibis: living with urban wildlife (PDF). Department of Environment and Climate Change, New South Wales - website. Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW. Arkivita el la originalo je 27a Julio 2008. Alirita 2008-06-15.
  5. 5,0 5,1 Simpson K, Day N, Trusler P. (1993) Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. Ringwood, Victoria: Viking O'Neil. ISBN 0-670-90478-3.
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 Ibis invasion. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Arkivita el la originalo je 16a Novembro 2007. Alirita 22a Novembro 2007.
  7. Ibises–cull them or cuddle them?. The Sydney Morning Herald. Alirita 5a Novembro 2006.
  8. Temby, IProblems caused by the Australian White Ibis. Department of Primary Industries (Victoria). Arkivita el la originalo je 6a Aŭgusto 2008. Alirita 29a Junio 2008.
  9. Beruldsen, Gordon. (2003) Australian Birds: Their Nests and Eggs. Kenmore Hills, Qld: self. ISBN 0-646-42798-9.

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Aŭstralia blanka ibiso: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

provided by wikipedia EO

La Aŭstralia blanka ibiso (Threskiornis molucca), estas vadbirdo de la familio de ibisoj nome Treskiornitedoj. Ĝi estas disvastigata tra multe de Aŭstralio. Ĝi havas ĉefe blankan plumaron kun nuda (senpluma), nigra kapo, longa subenkurba beko kaj nigraj kruroj.

Historie rara en urbaj areoj, la Aŭstralia blanka ibiso enmigris al urbajn areojn de la orienta marbordo en pliiĝantaj nombroj ekde fino de 1970-aj jaroj; ĝi estas nune komune vidata en Wollongong, Sidnejo, la Ora Marbordo, Brisbano kaj Townsville. Pluas polemiko ĉu konsideri ĝin plago aŭ vundebla specio. Populacioj malaperis el naturaj reproduktaj areoj kiaj la Marĉoj Macquarie en nordokcidenta Novsudkimrio. Spite tion, la specio estis selektoforpelita en partoj de Sidnejo pro sia fiodoro kaj foje ĝena naturo. Ties frata specio (plej simila kaj proksime parenca) estas la Afrika blanka ibiso.

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Threskiornis molucca ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

El ibis blanco australiano (Threskiornis molucca) es una especie de ave pelecaniforme de la familia Threskiornithidae[1][2]​ que habita principalmente en Australia.


Se conocen dos subespecies de Threskiornis molucca:[1][2]


  1. a b Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood. 2010. The Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.5. Cornell University Press. Downloadable from Cornell Lab of Ornithology
  2. a b Peterson, A. P. 2010. Birds of the World -- current valid scientific avian names. Consultado en enero de 2011.
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Threskiornis molucca: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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El ibis blanco australiano (Threskiornis molucca) es una especie de ave pelecaniforme de la familia Threskiornithidae​​ que habita principalmente en Australia.

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Threskiornis moluccus ( Basque )

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Threskiornis moluccus edo Australiako ibis zuria Threskiornis generoko ibis espezie bat da. Hegaztien barruko Threskiornithidae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Threskiornis moluccus: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Threskiornis moluccus edo Australiako ibis zuria Threskiornis generoko ibis espezie bat da. Hegaztien barruko Threskiornithidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Ibis à cou noir ( French )

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Threskiornis moluccus

L'Ibis à cou noir ou Ibis blanc d'Australie (Threskiornis moluccus) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Threskiornithidae.


Il mesure 70 cm de haut et a un plumage entièrement blanc sauf à l'extrémité de la queue où il a quelques plumes noires. La tête et le cou sont déplumés et noirs.

Distribution et habitat

Ibis à cou noir dans un marais de Bunbury, Australie de l'Ouest (Australie).

Il est répandu dans tout le Nord et l'Est de l'Australie et au Sud-Ouest de l'Australie. On ne le trouve pas en Tasmanie. Il vit dans toutes les régions qui ne sont pas désertiques. Il vit dans les marais, les prairies et à proximité des villes dans les décharges. On le retrouve également dans les parcs municipaux (à Sydney, par exemple).


Il se nourrit de petits invertébrés aquatiques (écrevisses, moules,..) ou terrestres et de détritus humains.


Ibis à cou noir sur une branche d'arbre.

Il niche dans les arbres.

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Ibis à cou noir: Brief Summary ( French )

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Threskiornis moluccus

L'Ibis à cou noir ou Ibis blanc d'Australie (Threskiornis moluccus) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Threskiornithidae.

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Ibis australia ( Indonesian )

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Ibis australia (Threskiornis moluccus) adalah spesies burung ibis dalam famili Threskiornithidae.

Penyebaran dan subspesies

Terdiri dari dua subspesies, dengan daerah persebaran:[1]

  1. T. m. molucca (Cuvier, 1829), tersebar di Australia melalui Papua ke Maluku selatan dan Sunda Kecil timur.
  2. T. m. pygmaeus (Mayr, 1931), tersebar di Pulau Rennell dan Pulau Bellona (Kepulauan Solomon).

Tempat hidup dan kebiasaan

Menghuni habitat perairan air tawar dan asin, bendungan, sawah, sampai taman kota. Burung penetap yang terpencar-pencar. Memakan ikan, katak, serangga dan sampah.[1]


  1. ^ a b "Ibis australia". Kutilang Indonesia. Diakses tanggal 31 Maret 2014.
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Ibis australia: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Ibis australia (Threskiornis moluccus) adalah spesies burung ibis dalam famili Threskiornithidae.

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Threskiornis molucca ( Italian )

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L'ibis bianco australiano (Threskiornis molucca Cuvier, 1829) è un uccello trampoliere della famiglia degli ibis, i Threskiornithidae, conosciuto anche come "uccello pastore". È diffuso in Australia orientale e sud-occidentale.

Questo ibis vive in aree paludose, spesso vicino alle praterie aperte, ed è divenuto comune nei parchi cittadini e nelle discariche di rifiuti.

Questo ibis si nutre di pesci, rane e di altre creature acquatiche, ma anche di insetti e rifiuti.

Questa specie ha la testa glabra e il collo di colore nero e un lungo becco nero ricurvo. Il piumaggio del corpo è bianco, con alcune piume nere vicino alla coda. Le zampe sono scure e sotto le ali è visibile la pelle, di colore rosso. I giovani hanno la testa e il collo ricoperti di piume.


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Threskiornis molucca: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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L'ibis bianco australiano (Threskiornis molucca Cuvier, 1829) è un uccello trampoliere della famiglia degli ibis, i Threskiornithidae, conosciuto anche come "uccello pastore". È diffuso in Australia orientale e sud-occidentale.

Questo ibis vive in aree paludose, spesso vicino alle praterie aperte, ed è divenuto comune nei parchi cittadini e nelle discariche di rifiuti.

Questo ibis si nutre di pesci, rane e di altre creature acquatiche, ma anche di insetti e rifiuti.

Questa specie ha la testa glabra e il collo di colore nero e un lungo becco nero ricurvo. Il piumaggio del corpo è bianco, con alcune piume nere vicino alla coda. Le zampe sono scure e sotto le ali è visibile la pelle, di colore rosso. I giovani hanno la testa e il collo ricoperti di piume.

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Australinis baltasis ibis ( Lithuanian )

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Binomas Threskiornis molucca

Australinis baltasis ibis arba australinis ibis [2](lot. Threskiornis molucca, angl. Australian White Ibis, vok. Molukkenibis) – ibinių (Threskiornithidae) šeimos paukštis.

Yra du porūšiai:

  • Threskiornis molucca molucca (Cuvier, 1829), aptinkamas Malezijos rytuose ir Australijoje.
  • Threskiornis molucca pymaeus (Mayr, 1931), nykštukinė forma, aptinkama Saliamono salose.


Smulkesnis už baltąjį gandrą. Kūno ilgis 63–76 cm, atstumas tarp sparnugalių 110–125 cm. Patinas sveria 1700 – 2 500 g, o patelė – 1 400 – 1 900 g. Galva ir kaklas pliki, juodos spalvos. Snapas ilgas, masyvus, įlenktas į apačią. Patinų snapas ilgesnis. Vyrauja balta plunksnų danga. Sparnų pirmųjų plasnojamųjų plunksnų galiukai juodi, antrosios plasnojamosios plunksnos juodos. Plikos odos plotas po sparnais rožinis arba raudonas. Uodega ir kojos juodos spalvos.

Jauniklių kaklas apaugęs plunksnomis.


Biotopaspelkės, lagūnos, lankos ir salpos. Taip pat pastebimas miesto parkuose ir soduose.

Minta vėžiais ir dvigeldžiais. Moliuskus atidaro baksnodamas juos snapu.

Peri didelėse, mišriose kolonijose. Dėtyje 1 – 4 kiaušiniai. Inkubacija trunka 3 savaites.




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Australinis baltasis ibis: Brief Summary ( Lithuanian )

provided by wikipedia LT

Australinis baltasis ibis arba australinis ibis (lot. Threskiornis molucca, angl. Australian White Ibis, vok. Molukkenibis) – ibinių (Threskiornithidae) šeimos paukštis.

Yra du porūšiai:

Threskiornis molucca molucca (Cuvier, 1829), aptinkamas Malezijos rytuose ir Australijoje. Threskiornis molucca pymaeus (Mayr, 1931), nykštukinė forma, aptinkama Saliamono salose.
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Australische witte ibis ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De Australische witte ibis (Threskiornis molucca) is een steltloper uit de ibisfamilie Threskiornithidae. De soort is als aparte soort afgesplitst van de heilige ibis.[2]


De Australische witte ibis is 68,5 tot 76 cm lang. Hij heeft een zwarte kop en nek en een lange naar beneden krommende snavel. De lichaamsveren zijn wit met enkele zwarte veren bij de staart. De strohalsibis, die vaak in hetzelfde gebied voorkomt, heeft glanzend zwarte vleugels en een zwarte rug.[3]

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze ibis komt als broedvogel voor in het oosten en zuidwesten van Australië en op Ceram (Zuid-Molukken, Indonesië). Verder als dwaalgast op Nieuw-Guinea en in Nieuw-Zeeland.

Het leefgebied is drasland, weilanden en getijdemoerassen maar ook op plekken waar je deze waadvogels niet zou verwachten zoals licht bebost gebied, agrarisch gebied, recreatiegebieden, vuilstortplaatsen en stadsparken met gazons.[3]

De soort telt 2 ondersoorten:


In de traditionele broedgebieden langs de rivieren in het binnenland gaat het minder goed met de Australische witte ibis. De vogel heeft zijn verspreidingsgebied verlegd naar verstedelijkte gebieden. Daar vormt de vogel plaatselijk problemen omdat ze gaan broeden in stadsparken en recreatiegebieden en foerageren in de stad en in dierentuinen. Het zijn uitgesproken alleseters die te vinden zijn op vuilstortplaatsen en op gazons in parken. In de steden zijn klachten over geluidshinder bij broedkolonies, stank en vervuiling van zitbanken, paden en standbeelden in parken. Verder vormen ze een gevaar voor de luchtvaart. Bovendien kunnen ze optreden als ziekteverspreiders door het overdragen van Salmonellabacteriën.[4]

Australische witte ibis in het Victoriapark in Sydney in gezelschap van stadsduiven en meeuwen.

De Australische witte ibis staat op de lijst van Marine Species van de Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act en is een beschermde diersoort. De Australische regering propageert daarom dier- en milieuvriendelijke maatregelen om de hinder van deze ibissen tegen de gaan.[4]

De Australische witte ibis heeft een enorm groot verspreidingsgebied en daardoor alleen al is de kans op de status kwetsbaar (voor uitsterven) uiterst gering. De grootte van de populatie is niet gekwantificeerd en blijft stabiel. Om deze redenen staat deze ibis als niet bedreigd op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN.[1]

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. a b (en) Australische witte ibis op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. (en) F. Gill, M. Wright D. & Donsker (2013) - IOC World Bird Names (version 3.3)
  3. a b (en) Pizzey, G & R. Doyle, 1980. A field guide to the birds of Australia. Collins, Sydney.
  4. a b (en) Pest note on the Australian white ibis[dode link]
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Australische witte ibis: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De Australische witte ibis (Threskiornis molucca) is een steltloper uit de ibisfamilie Threskiornithidae. De soort is als aparte soort afgesplitst van de heilige ibis.

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Ibis czarnopióry ( Polish )

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Ibis czarnopióry (Threskiornis molucca) — gatunek dużego ptaka z rodziny ibisów (Threskiornithidae). Zamieszkuje Australię, Nową Gwineę, Małe Wyspy Sundajskie i Moluki.

Ma białe upierzenie oraz nagą czarną głowę, czarny dziób zakrzywiony do dołu i czarne nogi. Długość ciała — ok. 77 cm.

Zamieszkuje miejsca w pobliżu wody - laguny, bagna, rozlewiska i zarośla mangrowe.

Odżywia się mięczakami, owadami, skorupiakami i małymi kręgowcami. Rozmnaża się w wielkich koloniach po 20 000 par ptaków.


  1. Threskiornis molucca, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Australian White Ibis (Threskiornis molucca) (ang.). IBC The Internet Bird Collection. [dostęp 9 grudnia 2010].
  3. Threskiornis molucca. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
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Ibis czarnopióry: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Ibis czarnopióry (Threskiornis molucca) — gatunek dużego ptaka z rodziny ibisów (Threskiornithidae). Zamieszkuje Australię, Nową Gwineę, Małe Wyspy Sundajskie i Moluki.

Ma białe upierzenie oraz nagą czarną głowę, czarny dziób zakrzywiony do dołu i czarne nogi. Długość ciała — ok. 77 cm.

Zamieszkuje miejsca w pobliżu wody - laguny, bagna, rozlewiska i zarośla mangrowe.

Odżywia się mięczakami, owadami, skorupiakami i małymi kręgowcami. Rozmnaża się w wielkich koloniach po 20 000 par ptaków.

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Íbis-branco-australiano ( Portuguese )

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O íbis-branco-australiano (Threskiornis molucca) é uma espécie de ave ciconiformes pertencente à família Threskiornithidae. Pode ser encontrado por toda a Austrália. Tem plumagem predominantemente branca, com uma cabeça preta pelada, bico longo e curvado para baixo, e pernas pretas. De certa forma são primos do Urubu brasileiro.

Historicamente raro em áreas urbanas, o íbis-branco-australiano tem emigrado para áreas urbanas da costa leste da Austrália desde a década de 1970; é agora comumente visto em Wollongong, Sydney, Gold Coast, Brisbane e Townsville.


  1. «Storks, ibis & herons». IOC World Bird List v 6.4 (em inglês). Consultado em 23 de dezembro de 2016
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Íbis-branco-australiano: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

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O íbis-branco-australiano (Threskiornis molucca) é uma espécie de ave ciconiformes pertencente à família Threskiornithidae. Pode ser encontrado por toda a Austrália. Tem plumagem predominantemente branca, com uma cabeça preta pelada, bico longo e curvado para baixo, e pernas pretas. De certa forma são primos do Urubu brasileiro.

Historicamente raro em áreas urbanas, o íbis-branco-australiano tem emigrado para áreas urbanas da costa leste da Austrália desde a década de 1970; é agora comumente visto em Wollongong, Sydney, Gold Coast, Brisbane e Townsville.

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Australisk ibis ( Swedish )

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Australisk ibis[2] (Threskiornis molucca) är en fågel i familjen ibisar inom ordningen pelikanfåglar.[3]

Utbredning och systematik

Australisk ibis delas in i två underarter:[3]

Status och hot

Arten har ett stort utbredningsområde och en stor population med stabil utveckling.[1] Utifrån dessa kriterier kategoriserar IUCN arten som livskraftig (LC).[1]



  1. ^ [a b c] Birdlife International 2011 Threskiornis moluccus Från: IUCN 2015. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2016-02-01.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2016) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter Arkiverad 18 oktober 2014 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., läst 2016-02-10
  3. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2017) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 2017 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2017-08-11

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Australisk ibis: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

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Australisk ibis (Threskiornis molucca) är en fågel i familjen ibisar inom ordningen pelikanfåglar.

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Threskiornis moluccus ( Turkish )

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Binominal adı Threskiornis moluccus
Cuvier, 1829 Sinonimler

* Threskiornis molucca

Dış bağlantılar Commons-logo.svg Wikimedia Commons'ta Threskiornis moluccus ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur. Wikispecies-logo.svg Wikispecies'te Threskiornis moluccus ile ilgili detaylı taksonomi bilgileri bulunur.

Threskiornis moluccus, Threskiornithidae familyasında yer alan bir aynak türüdür. Avustralya'nın tamamına yakınında bulunur. Tüylerinin çoğu beyaz renklidir, tüysüz başı ve ayakları siyah renklidir, uzun gagası aşağıya doğru kıvrıktır.

Tarihsel olarak kentsel alanlarda nadiren görünen bu aynak türü 1970'lerden itibaren giderek artan sayılarda Avustralya'nın doğu kıyısındaki kentsel alanlara göç etmiştir ve günümüzde Wollongong, Sidney, Gold Coast, Brisbane ve Townsville'de yaygın olarak görülür. Yararlı tür mü zararlı tür mü olduğu konusunda tartışmalar devam etmektedir. Yeni Güney Galler'in kuzeybatısındaki Macquarie Bataklıkları gibi doğal üreme alanlarındaki popülasyonlar ortadan kaybolmuştur. Buna rağmen Sydney'nin bazı bölümlerinde bu aynaklar kokuları ve rahatsız edici doğaları nedeniyle itlaf edilmektedir. Kardeş türü kutsal aynaktır.


İlk olarak Georges Cuvier tarafından 1829 yılında Ibis molucca olarak tanımlanmıştır. Afrika'nın kutsal aynağı (T. aethiopicus) ve Asya'nın Threskiornis melanocephalus aynağı ile üst tür kompleksinin bir parçasını oluşturduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu tür kompleksi içindeki yeri yıllar boyunca değişmiştir. Birçok eski rehber kitapta Holyoak tarafından 1970 yılında kapsamlı bir tüy renk ve şekilleri çalışması yapılana kadar T. molucca olarak söz edilmekteydi. Holyoak üç türün benzerliklerini göstermiş ve Avustralya taksonunun erişkin tüyleri ile T. aethiopicus türüne, genç kuş tüyleri ile de T. melanocephalus türüne benzediğini göstermiştir. Bu üç türün T. aethiopicus adı altında tek bir tür olarak sınıflandırılması gerektiğini önermiştir. Bu öneri bilimsel çevrelerce 1991 yılında Lowe ve Richards'ın tüy renklerini tekrar değerlendirilmesine kadar kabul görmüştür.[1] Bu çalışma sonucunda T. molucca'nın tekrar ayrı bir tür olarak tanınmasını önermişlerdir. Bunun ardından gelen kromozom araştırması her üç türün de ayrı karyotipe sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.[2] Bu çalışmalardan sonra T. moluccus birçok otorite tarafından ayrı bir tür olarak sınıflandırılmaktadır.[3]

Alt türler

İki alt türü tanınmaktadır:

Fiziksel özellikleri

Genç kuşların tüylü baş ve boyunları.
Uçarken kanat altında kırmızı deri görülür.

T. moluccus 65 ila 75 cm. arasındaki boyu ile oldukça büyük bir aynak türüdür. Tüysüz başı ve boynu siyah renklidir. Uzun ve aşağıya doğru kıvrılan gagasının uzunluğu erkeklerde 16,7 cm.'nin üzerinde, dişiler de ise bu uzunluğun altındadır. Boyutsal olarak kısmen bir eşeysel dimorfizm görülür; erkekler 1,7 ila 2,5 kg. arasında, dişiler ise 1,4 ila 1,9 kg. arasında ağırlığa sahiptir.[4] Karşılaştırılacak olursa ak aynak nadiren 1 kg. ağırlığa ulaşır.[5] Gövde tüyleri beyaz renklidir ancak kahverengi tonlar görülebilir. Kanat içi ikincil tüyler ve kuyruk tüyleri siyahtır. Kuyruğun ist kısmı kuş üreme dönemindeyken sarılaşır. Bacaklar ve ayaklar koyu renklidir ve kanatların altında kırmızı renkli deri görülür. Erişkin olmayan kuşların gagaları daha kısadır.[6] Genç kuşlarda baş ve boyun tüylüdür.

Bu kuştan genellikle kötü bir koku yayılır. Koku çürüme kokusu olarak tanımlanamasa da rahatsız edici bir kokudur.

Sesi uzun süren karga sesine benzer.[6]

Cinsel olgunluğa üç yaşında ulaşır[4] ve 28 yıl kadar yaşayabilir.[7]

Dağılımı ve yaşam alanı

Avustralya'nın doğusu, kuzeyi ve güneybatısında yaygın olarak bulunur. Bataklık su havzalarında açık otlaklarda yaşar ve Avustralya'nın doğu kıyısı şehirlerinde parklarda ve Wollongong, Sidney, Perth, Gold Coast, Brisbane ve Townsville gibi şehirlerin çöplüklerinde de bulunurlar. Tarihsel olarak kentsel alanlarda nadir görünen bu kuş ilk olarak 1970'lerin sonunda kuraklık sonrası şehirlere doğru göç etmeye başlamıştır. 1998 yılındaki kuraklık sonrası şehir popülasyonları daha da artmıştır.[7]

Yakın geçmişte bu türü soyu tehdit altında bir tür olarak mı zararlı bir tür olarak mı sınıflandırmak hakkında tartışmalar yapılmıştır. Turistik alanlardaki kuşlar kötü kokuları nedeniyle sorun teşkil etmektedirler. Bu nedenle itlaf edilmektedirler.[8] Ayrıca leşçilik özellikleri ve çöp kutularından çöpleri etrafa yaymaları nedeniyle de sorunlu bir tür olarak görülmektedirler. Parklarda piknik yapanların sandviçlerini bile aşırdıkları görülmektedir. Bu tarz davranışları ve uygun olmayan yerlerde yuvalanmaları ve esaret altındaki hayvanlarla rekabet içinde olmaları nedeniyle Victoria'da çok sayıda kuşun yeri değiştirilmiş ancak bu kuşlar birkaç gün sonra tekrar aynı yere geri dönmüştür.[9]

Yeni Güney Galler'in kuzeybatısında bulunan Macquarie Bataklıkları ana üreme bölgelerinden biriydi, ancak 1998 yılında orada 11.000 çift kuş üremekteyken 2000 yılından beri hiçbir kuşun üremediği bildirilmiştir.[7]



Kara ve suda yaşayan omurgasızlar ile insanların atıklarıyla beslenirler. En çok tercih ettikleri besinler kerevit ve midyelerdir.


Üreme mevsimi bölgeden bölgeye değişiklik gösterir. Avustralya'nın güneyinde ağustos ile kasım ayları arasında, kuzeyde ise yağmurlu dönemden sonra şubat ile mayıs ayları arasındadır. Yuva, çalı çırpı, ot ve sazlıklardan ibaret, akarsu, göl ya da bataklık kıyısındaki ağaçlara yapılmış sığ kase şeklinde platformlardan oluşur. Diğer su kuşlarıyla birlikte yuva yaparlar. Dişi kuş 65 mm. x 44 mm. boyutlarında iki ila üç adet soluk beyaz yumurta yumurtlar.[10] Kuluçka süresi 21 ila 23 gündür. Tüysüz ve beslenme için yardıma ihtiyaç duyarak yumurtadan çıkan yavrular 48 günde palazlanırlar.[4]


  1. ^ a b Lowe KW, Richards GC (1991). (abstract) "Morphological Variation in the Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus Superspecies Complex" |url= değerini kontrol edin (yardım). Emu. 91 (1), s. 41–45. doi:10.1071/MU9910041.
  2. ^ de Boer LE, van Brink JM (1982). (abstract) "Cytotaxonomy of the Ciconiiformes (Aves), with karyotypes of eight species new to cytology" |url= değerini kontrol edin (yardım). Cytogenet Cell Genet. 34 (1–2), s. 19–34. PMID 7151490.
  3. ^ Christidis L, Boles WE (2008). Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds. Canberra: CSIRO Publishing. s. 113. ISBN 978-0-643-06511-6.
  4. ^ a b c Legoe C, Ross G (eds.) (Nisan 2007). "Wild about ibis: living with urban wildlife" (PDF). Department of Environment and Climate Change, New South Wales - website. Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW. 27 July 2008 tarihinde kaynağından Arşivlendi (PDF).
  5. ^ Hancock & Kushan, Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills of the World. Princeton University Press (1992), ISBN 978-0-12-322730-0
  6. ^ a b Simpson K, Day N, Trusler P (1993). Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. Ringwood, Victoria: Viking O'Neil. s. 54. ISBN 0-670-90478-3.KB1 bakım: Birden fazla ad: yazar listesi (link)
  7. ^ a b c "Ibis invasion". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 16 November 2007 tarihinde kaynağından Arşivlendi.
  8. ^ "Ibises–cull them or cuddle them?". The Sydney Morning Herald. 5 Ekim 2006.
  9. ^ Temby, I. "Problems caused by the Australian white ibis". Department of Primary Industries (Victoria). 6 August 2008 tarihinde kaynağından Arşivlendi.[ölü/kırık bağlantı]
  10. ^ Beruldsen, Gordon (2003). Australian Birds: Their Nests and Eggs. Kenmore Hills, Qld: self. s. 177. ISBN 0-646-42798-9.
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Threskiornis moluccus: Brief Summary ( Turkish )

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Threskiornis moluccus, Threskiornithidae familyasında yer alan bir aynak türüdür. Avustralya'nın tamamına yakınında bulunur. Tüylerinin çoğu beyaz renklidir, tüysüz başı ve ayakları siyah renklidir, uzun gagası aşağıya doğru kıvrıktır.

Tarihsel olarak kentsel alanlarda nadiren görünen bu aynak türü 1970'lerden itibaren giderek artan sayılarda Avustralya'nın doğu kıyısındaki kentsel alanlara göç etmiştir ve günümüzde Wollongong, Sidney, Gold Coast, Brisbane ve Townsville'de yaygın olarak görülür. Yararlı tür mü zararlı tür mü olduğu konusunda tartışmalar devam etmektedir. Yeni Güney Galler'in kuzeybatısındaki Macquarie Bataklıkları gibi doğal üreme alanlarındaki popülasyonlar ortadan kaybolmuştur. Buna rağmen Sydney'nin bazı bölümlerinde bu aynaklar kokuları ve rahatsız edici doğaları nedeniyle itlaf edilmektedir. Kardeş türü kutsal aynaktır.

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Ібіс молуцький ( Ukrainian )

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Threskiornis molucca дуже схожий на Threskiornis aethiopicus. Довжина його тіла від 65 до 75 см, а розмах крил від 112 до 124 см. Вага від 1,4 кг до 2,5 кг. Оперення в основному біле, за винятком декількох чорного пір'я на крилах. Голова чорна, без пір'я. Самець і самка схожі.


Threskiornis molucca мешкає на півночі і сході Австралії, південній Новій Гвінеї та Індонезії. Птахи живуть частіше поблизу водойм.


Threskiornis molucca гніздиться у колоніях на деревах, у кущах або на землі. У кладці від 3 до 4 яєць. Висиджування триває приблизно 21 день. Пташенята залишають гніздо через 5—6 тижнів.


Цей птах живитися рептиліями, рибами, ракоподібними, великими комахами, равликами і при нагоді також падлом.



  1. BirdLife International (2012). Threskiornis moluccus: інформація на сайті МСОП (англ.) 5 May 2014
  2. Фесенко Г. В. Вітчизняна номенклатура птахів світу. — Кривий Ріг : ДІОНАТ, 2018. — 580 с. — ISBN 978-617-7553-34-1.


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Cò quăm trắng Úc ( Vietnamese )

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Cò quăm trắng Úc (danh pháp khoa học: Threskiornis moluccus) là một loài chim trong họ Cò quăm (Threskiornithidae). Phạm vi phân bố của chúng rộng khắp nước Úc. Chúng có một bộ lông trắng với đầu trụi lông, màu đen, mỏ dài cong xuống và chân đen. Loài họ hàng của nó là cò quăm trắng châu Phi.

Từng hiếm gặp ở vùng đô thị, nhưng cò quăm trắng Úc đã di cư ngày một đông đến vùng bờ đông Úc từ thập niên 1970; nay nó phổ biến tại Wollongong, Sydney, Melbourne, và Gold Coast, BrisbaneTownsville. Chúng đã biến mất khỏi vùng sinh sản tự nhiên như đầm lầy Macquarie tại tây bắc New South Wales. Một số dự án đã được đề xuất để kiểm soát quần thể cò tại Sydney.[2][3]

Chú thích

  1. ^ Threskiornis moluccus. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2013.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. 2012. Truy cập ngày 5 tháng 5 năm 2014.
  2. ^ Australian White Ibis City of Canterbury Bankstown. Retrieved 22 December 2016.
  3. ^ Management Plan for Australian White Ibis in the Bankstown Local Government Area, 2012 Retrieved 22 December 2016.

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 src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Cò quăm trắng Úc  src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Cò quăm trắng Úc

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Cò quăm trắng Úc: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Cò quăm trắng Úc (danh pháp khoa học: Threskiornis moluccus) là một loài chim trong họ Cò quăm (Threskiornithidae). Phạm vi phân bố của chúng rộng khắp nước Úc. Chúng có một bộ lông trắng với đầu trụi lông, màu đen, mỏ dài cong xuống và chân đen. Loài họ hàng của nó là cò quăm trắng châu Phi.

Từng hiếm gặp ở vùng đô thị, nhưng cò quăm trắng Úc đã di cư ngày một đông đến vùng bờ đông Úc từ thập niên 1970; nay nó phổ biến tại Wollongong, Sydney, Melbourne, và Gold Coast, BrisbaneTownsville. Chúng đã biến mất khỏi vùng sinh sản tự nhiên như đầm lầy Macquarie tại tây bắc New South Wales. Một số dự án đã được đề xuất để kiểm soát quần thể cò tại Sydney.

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Молуккский ибис ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Класс: Птицы
Подкласс: Настоящие птицы
Инфракласс: Новонёбные
Семейство: Ибисовые
Подсемейство: Ибисовые
Вид: Молуккский ибис
Международное научное название

Threskiornis moluccus (Cuvier, 1829)

  • Threskiornis molucca (Cuvier, 1829)
Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 174945NCBI 585472EOL 36571488FW 369470

Молуккский ибис[1] (лат. Threskiornis molucca) — птица из семейства ибисовых.


Молуккский ибис очень похож на священного ибиса. Длина его тела от 65 до 75 см, а размах крыльев от 112 до 124 см. Оперение в основном белое, за исключением нескольких чёрных перьев на крыльях. Голова чёрная, без перьев. Самец и самка похожи.


Молуккский ибис обитает на севере и востоке Австралии, в восточной Африке, южной Новой Гвинее и Индонезии. Птицы живут чаще вблизи водоёмов.


Молуккский ибис гнездится в колониях на деревьях, в кустах или на земле. Гнездо находится на земле, в кустарнике или на деревьях. В кладке от 3 до 4 яиц. Высиживание продолжается примерно 21 день. Птенцы покидают гнездо через 5—6 недель.


Молуккский ибис питается рептилиями, рыбами, ракообразными, большими насекомыми, улитками и при случае также падалью.


  1. Бёме Р. Л., Флинт В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Птицы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский / Под общ. ред. акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., «РУССО», 1994. — С. 28. — 2030 экз.ISBN 5-200-00643-0.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Молуккский ибис: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Молуккский ибис (лат. Threskiornis molucca) — птица из семейства ибисовых.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

澳洲白鹮 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Threskiornis moluccus
喬治·居維葉, 1829
澳洲白䴉Australian white ibis(Threskiornis mollica)
Australian white ibis in tree
澳洲白䴉Australian White Ibis (Threskiornis molucca), 澳大利亞西澳大利亞州伯斯


澳洲白䴉(Threskiornis molucca)俗稱赤鷺(Australian white ibis) 澳洲白鹮是一種在澳大利亞普遍可以到的鳥類,在公園港灣畔等地點出沒。 近年來因為飲食習慣不佳,而被澳大利亞人稱為『垃圾鳥』。





澳洲白鹮: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
 src= 澳洲白䴉Australian white ibis(Threskiornis mollica)  src= Australian white ibis in tree  src= 澳洲白䴉Australian White Ibis (Threskiornis molucca), 澳大利亞西澳大利亞州伯斯  src= Ibis

オーストラリアクロトキ ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語
オーストラリアクロトキ Australia Cairns 04.jpg 保全状況評価 LEAST CONCERN
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 LC.svg 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 鳥綱 Aves : ペリカン目 Pelecaniformes : トキ科 Threskiornithidae 亜科 : トキ亜科 Threskiornithinae : クロトキ属 Threskiornis : オーストラリアクロトキ
T. molucca 学名 Threskiornis molucca
(Cuvier, 1829) 英名 Australian White Ibis

オーストラリアクロトキ (学名:Threskiornis molucca )は、ペリカン目トキ科に属する鳥類の一種。アカアシクロトキとも呼ばれる。






本種に置いて一般に認められているのは以下の2亜種である。かつてはニューギニアとモルッカの個体群だけを本種とし、オーストラリアの個体群はT. stricipennis として別種としていたが、最近の研究によりこれらは同じ者であり、別亜種でさえないとされるようになった。また、本種は同属のアフリカクロトキの亜種として扱われることがある。

  • T. m. molucca (Cuvier, 1829) :本種の基亜種。オーストラリア大陸、ニューギニア島南部、モルッカ諸島、小スンダ列島に生息。
  • T. m. pygmaeus Mayr, 1931 :ソロモン諸島のレンネル島とベロナ島に生息。身体が小さく、特に嘴は短い。






トキ上科 Threskiornithoidea


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、オーストラリアクロトキに関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにオーストラリアクロトキに関する情報があります。


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wikipedia 日本語

オーストラリアクロトキ: Brief Summary ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語

オーストラリアクロトキ (学名:Threskiornis molucca )は、ペリカン目トキ科に属する鳥類の一種。アカアシクロトキとも呼ばれる。

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wikipedia 日本語