

provided by AmphibiaWeb articles
A medium-sized arboreal Leptopelis (males 28-43 mm, females 39-50 mm) from montane forests (1900-3100 m) on the Ethiopian plateau. Phase A often with a darker triangle on the back, never confluent with the interorbital bar. Ventrum white or cream. Males with pectoral glands.Colour in life. - Phase A: dorsum pale greenish-yellow, bright green or dark olive, typically without darker markings. Phase B cream, pale grey or greenish to dark red-brown above with a feeble to very pronounced pattern of darker blotches, spots and freckling. These markings, grey or green to dark brown or black, form a more or less conspicuous triangle or rectangular mass on the back, never confluent with the interorbital bar. Usually a series of irregular blotchesin the sacral region. Limbs with more or less well-defined transverse bars. Few to numerous cream to bright yellow spots may be irregularly scattered over dorsum. A distinct pale line nearly always present above vent and heel. Ventrum white or cream, usually lightly mottled with pale grey to heavily blotched or even completely suffused with dark purplish-brown.Voice. - The males call from low vegetation in the vicinity of streams, not always particularly close to water. They tend to select a vantage point 25-200 cm above the ground. The voice is a rather sharp "click" somewhat higher-pitched that that of L. gramineus. It is sometimes preceded by a low scream or creaking sound.This account was taken from "Treefrogs of Africa" by Arne Schiøtz with kind permission from Edition Chimaira (http://www.chimaira.de/) publishers, Frankfurt am Main.
Arne Schiøtz
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Distribution and Habitat

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Leptopelis ragazzii appears to be endemic to the central plateau of Ethiopia and rather strictly associated with montane forest
Arne Schiøtz
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors

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Development. - Largen once observed a pair in amplexus on the ground in long grass beside a small stream.
Arne Schiøtz
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AmphibiaWeb articles