
Image of Giardia

Image of Giardia


Under a moderately-high magnification of 2500X, this digitally-colorized scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of an untreated water specimen extracted from a wild stream mainly used to control flooding during inclement weather, revealed the presence of unidentified organisms, which included bacteria, protozoa, and algae. In this particular view, a microorganism is featured, the exterior of which is covered by numerous projections imparting an appearance of a sea urchin. This microscopic pin cushion was teathered to its surroundings by a biofilm within which many bacteria, and amoeboid protozoa could be seen enmeshed as well. See PHIL 11781 for a greater magnification of this organism’s exterior.
Created: 2009

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Janice Haney Carr
Public Health Image Library