
Fork-toothed ookow on the East Applegate Trail (41960505141)

Image of ookow


Description: Wildflowers galore on the new East Applegate Trail in southwest Oregon, May 7, 2018. Photos: Maria Thi Mai, BLM The new trail system opened in 2017 and includes 5.6 miles available for hiking, biking, and horse riding. Visitors can experience five different ecoregions—oak, woodland, pine, chapparal, mixed woodland and meadow—while soaking up the views of surrounding public land, like Wood Rat Mountain and the Poorman and Bishop Creek drainages. There are 40-50 different wildflowers living in the area. Plants included in these photos: young poison oak; popcorn flowers; California poppy; lupine; sea blush; and fork-toothed ookow. Directions: From Jacksonville Oregon, go west on Applegate St, becoming Cady Road for 1.9 miles. Turn south on Sterling Creek Road. Go approximately 4 miles, turning west on BLM Road 38-2-29.1. The trail head is approximately 1/4 of a mile at the end of the road. Contact the BLM office in Medford for questions: 541-618-2200 or BLM_OR_MD_Mail@blm.gov. Date: 7 May 2018, 11:13. Source: Fork-toothed ookow on the East Applegate Trail. Author: Bureau of Land Management Oregon and Washington from Portland, America. Camera location42° 15′ 27″ N, 122° 59′ 37.59″ W View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 42.257500; -122.993775.

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BLMOregon|sourceurl=https://flickr.com/photos/50169152@N06/41960505141%7Carchive=https://web.archive.org/web/20190118165412/https://www.flickr.com/photos/50169152@N06/41960505141/%7Creviewdate=2018-05-13 23:43:31|reviewlicense=cc-by-2.0|reviewer=FlickreviewR 2
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