
Kigelia africana compose

Image of sausage tree


Description: English: Kigelia africana poster, upper left: tree, upper right: fruit hanging from the tree, bottom left: flower, bottom right: fruit cut open and seeds. Date: 24 July 2014, 00:00:35. Source: Photographs: File:Lamiaceae - Kigelia africana-1.jpg (upper left), File:Kigelia-Africana-Fruit.JPG (upper right), File:Kigelia africana MS 10010.jpg (bottom left), File:Kigelia africana - dried fruit & seeds.jpg (bottom right). Author: Photographs: Ettore Balocchi (upper left), Bjørn Christian Tørrissen (upper right), Marco Schmidt (bottom left), Genet (bottom right). Montage by RoRo.

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