
Corvus jamaicensis2

Image of Jamaican Crow


Description: English: A plate from "Illustrations of the birds of Jamaica"; Imprint: London, 1849. Corvus jamaicensis; ID: SIL33-140-02. Date: 1849. Source: http://www.sil.si.edu/imagegalaxy/imageGalaxy_MoreImages.cfm?book_id=SIL-033-140. Author: Philip Henry Gosse (1810–1888) . . Alternative names: Gosse; P. H. Gosse. Description: English botanist, naturalist, ornithologist and zoologist. Date of birth/death: 6 April 1810 23 August 1888 . Location of birth/death: Worcester Torquay. Authority control: : Q443062 VIAF: 61855332 ISNI: 0000 0000 8077 5340 ULAN: 500072317 LCCN: n50034724 NLA: 35136473 Botanist: Gosse Open Library: OL114557A Oxford Dict.: 11114 GND: 117550167 SUDOC: 070734941 BNF: 15508592h NLI: 000240899 Koninklijke: 071074074 WorldCat. creator QS:P170,Q443062.

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