
Image of horseshoe worms

Image of horseshoe worms


Figure 5.Reconstructed three-dimensional images and transverse sections of the nephridium of Phoronis ijimai Oka, 1897, from NSMT-Te 886 (A, B, D) and NSMT-Te 884 (C). A Lateral view, showing the long nephridial papillae above the anus B dorsolateral view, showing the offset arrangement of the nephridia, with the curved ascending branch and large anal funnel extending toward the esophagus C transverse section through the nephridial papilla, showing the nephridiopore D transverse section through the ascending branch, showing the large anal funnel opening toward the esophagus, Abbreviations: ab ascending branch; af anal funnel; an anus; es esophagus; in intestine; lne left nephridium; np nephridial papilla; p nephridiopore; rne right nephridium. Planes C and D in panel A indicate the positions of the transverse sections in C and D.

Source Information

Masato Hirose, Ryuma Fukiage, Toru Katoh, Hiroshi Kajihara
bibliographic citation
Hirose M, Fukiage R, Katoh T, Kajihara H (2014) Description and molecular phylogeny of a new species of Phoronis (Phoronida) from Japan, with a redescription of topotypes of P. ijimai Oka, 1897 ZooKeys 398: 1–31
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