
Image of Ommatoiulus kefi Akkari & Enghoff

Image of Ommatoiulus kefi Akkari & Enghoff


Figures 14–18.Ommatoiulus kefi sp. n. holotype, gonopod structures. 14 Left promerite, posterior view 15 Left posterior gonopod, posterior view 16 Right posterior gonopod, anterior view 17 Right posterior gonopod, mesal view 18 Right posterior gonopod, mesal view. Abbreviations: al apical lobe of the promerite, al1 apical folded lamella of the solenomerite, Co coxite, ds distal process of the solenomerite, F fovea, g seminal groove, lb lateral lobe, m1, m2 apical processes of the mesomerite, M mesal ridge, me median lobe, Ms mesomerite, n notch of the solenomerite, pr triangular process of the solenomerite, Px paracoxite, S solenomerite, T telopodite. Scale bar: 0.1 mm

Source Information

Nesrine Akkari, David Koon-Bong Cheung, Henrik Enghoff, Pavel Stoev
bibliographic citation
Akkari N, Cheung D, Enghoff H, Stoev P (2013) Revolving SEM images visualising 3D taxonomic characters: application to six species of the millipede genus Ommatoiulus Latzel, 1884, with description of seven new species and an interactive key to the Tunisian members of the genus (Diplopoda, Julida, Julidae) ZooKeys 328: 5–45
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