
Importer le journal pour Animal Diversity Web

  • Started: January 22, 2021 17:13
  • Completed: 17:18:14
  • Failed: No.
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 17:17:25 (warns) Skipping reindexing. You should reindex soon.
  • 17:17:14 (warns) MULTIPLE matching names for VernacularPreference.find(52048) (vervet monkey), using first.
  • 17:17:13 (warns) MULTIPLE matching names for VernacularPreference.find(32740) (numbat), using first.
  • 17:16:58 (warns) MISSING http://content.eol.org/data/adwdda/publish_image_info.tsv [404] (10 bytes); skipping
  • 17:16:51 (warns) INCORRECT NUMBER OF ROWS DURING IMPORT OF articles: got 43242, expected 60392 (from /app/tmp/adwdda_articles.tsv)
  • 17:16:30 (warns) MISSING http://content.eol.org/data/adwdda/publish_identifiers.tsv [404] (10 bytes); skipping
  • 17:16:25 (warns) All existing content has been destroyed for the resource.