
Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Javania borealis, sp. nov

?Javania cailleti.—Wells, 1983:238 [in part: Alb-2816].

Javania n. sp.—Cairns, 1989a:76.

?Javania sp. A.—Cairns, 1991a:21, pl. 8: figs. g,h.

DESCRIPTION.—Corallum massive and trochoid, the thecal walls growing upward at a constant angle (not flared). Holotype 36.4 × 27.8 mm in calicular diameter and 34.4 mm in height, firmly attached through a robust stereome-reinforced pedicel 10.6 mm in diameter. A broken cross section of a pedicel of a paratype revealed 11 concentric layers of solid stereome. Calice elliptical; calicular edge slightly serrate, each S1–4 rising to a small triangular apex around calicular perimeter. Costae glisteny white. Theca and septa thin and fragile, easily broken, both about 0.2 mm thick.

Septa hexamerally arranged in 5 complete cycles (96 septa) according to the formula: S1–2>S3>S4>>S5. All septa have slightly sinuous inner edges and faces sparsely covered with low, pointed granules. Upper, inner edges of opposing S1–2 almost meet in center of fossa, and fuse into a rudimentary columella deeper in fossa. S3 about 80% width of S1–2 and nonexsert, their lower inner edges also fused with the S1–2 even deeper within fossa. S4 about half width of S3; S5 rudimentary, only about one-fourth width of S4. Fossa elongate and quite deep, defined by inner edges of S1–2.
bibliografinen lainaus
Cairns, Stephen D. 1994. "Scleractinia of the temperate North Pacific." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. i-150. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.557.i

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Javania borealis sp. nov

ACCOUNT.—See Part 1.

Rhizotrochus Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848a

DIAGNOSIS.—Corallum ceratoid to turbinate or compressed. Transverse division absent; pedicel small and not reinforced with stereome. Thecal spines absent; however, 2–20 slender hollow rootlets anchor corallum base, the rootlets tending to be concentrically arranged in cycles. Three to six cycles of nonexsert septa, the lower cycle septa being highly concave near calicular edge. Pali absent; columella rudimentary.

TYPE SPECIES.—Rhizotrochus typus Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848a, by monotypy.

Rhizotrochus typusMilne Edwards and Haime, 1848

Rhizotrochus typus Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848a:282, pl. 8: fig. 16.—Cairns, 1989a:79–81, pl. 41: figs. f–j [synonymy].

Rhizotrochus niinoi Yabe and Eguchi, 1942b: 136–137, 154–155, pl. 12: fig. 4a,b [new synonym].

Monomyces niinoi.—Eguchi, 1965:292, 2 figs: 1968:C48-49.—Kikuchi, 1968:8, pl. 5: fig. 9.

Monomyces typica.—Eguchi, 1968:C49.

Flabellum transversale.—Nishimura and Suzuki, 1971:11, pl. 4: fig.1.

Monomyces uchiuraensis Eguchi, 1972:160, pl. 1: figs. 1–7; 1973:83–84, pl. 1: figs. 1,2.
bibliografinen lainaus
Cairns, Stephen D. 1994. "Scleractinia of the temperate North Pacific." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. i-150. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.557.i