
Pheidole yeensis Forel

Diagnostic Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Plazi (legacy text)

Figs. 30a-g, 32g, 32h

Pheidole sulcaticeps r. yeensis Forel , 1902: 179, 195. Emery 1921: 94 (subspecies of sulcaticeps ). Syntype: 1 major, "Birmah (Bingham) Ye Valley CCI 14" [Myanmar], MHNG, examined, designated as the lectotype [Fig. 32g, 32h].

Pheidole yeensis Forel . Binghami 1903: 252 (raised to species), Eguchi, Bui et al. 2005: 90 (checklist). Pheidole sp. eg-102. Yamane et al. 2003: 57.

Other material examined: S. China: Guangxi: Qinglongshan N.R., Longzhou [J. Fellowes]; Hong Kong: Tai Lung Farm, Sheung Shui, New Territory [Eg99-HK-37]; Hainan: Lumuwan N.R., 210 m alt., Danzhou [J. Fellowes], Limushan N.R., 620 m alt., Qiongzhong [J. Fellowes]. N. Vietnam: Bac Kan: Ba Be N.P., 22°24- 25'N, 105°37-38'E, <260 m alt. [Eg04-VN-167]; Thai Nguyen: My Yen Commune Forest, edge of secondary forest, Na Hau Village [Eg01-VN-138, -139, -142, -144]; Bac Giang: W. Yen Tu N.P. (= Tay Yen Tu N.P.), 21°11'N, 106°43-44'E, 150 m alt. [B&E04-2-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8], W. Yen Tu N.P., 190 m alt. [Eg03- VN-045, -048], W. Yen Tu N.P., 400 m alt. [Eg04-VN-075]; Quang Ninh: Ky Thuong N.R., 21°11'N, 107°07'E, 220 m alt. [Eg03-VN-187]; Vinh Phuc: Tam Dao N.P., <900 m alt. [Eg99-VN-072, -074, -075, - 077]; Ha Tay (misspelled as "Ha Tai"): Ba Vi N.P., 21°03'N, 105°22'E, ca. 400-550 m alt. [VN01-SKY-75]; Ninh Binh: Cuc Phuong N.P., 20°14'N, 105°36'E [Eg01-VN-202; Eg11vi05-02; Eg12vi05-21], Cuc Phuong N.P., 370 m alt. [Eg01-VN-166]. M. Vietnam: Nghe An: Lung Khung, 640 m alt., Pu Hoat [T.V. Bui], Ban Om, 550 m alt., Pu Hoat [T.V. Bui]. S. Vietnam: Dong Nai: S. Cat Tien N.P., <160 m alt. [Eg04-VN-515]. Thailand: Nakhonratchashima: nr. Sakaerat Environmental Research Centre [Eg01-TH-519, -520, -521, -541, -542, -556].

Worker measurements & indices: Major (n=5). - HL 2.01-2.09 mm; HW 1.77-1.83 mm; CI 85-89; SL 0.94-0.99 mm; SI 53-55; FL 1.55-1.61 mm; FI 87-88.

Minor (n=5). - HL 0.73-0.93 mm; HW 0.58-0.77 mm; CI 79-83; SL 0.86-0.97 mm; SI 126-149; FL 0.97-1.23 mm; FI 160-170.

Worker description

Major. - Head in lateral view strongly impressed on vertex; frons rugose longitudinally, with interspaces weakly punctured; vertex and dorsal and dorsolaeral faces of vertexal lobe reticulate or rugoso-reticulate, with enclosures weakly punctured; frontal carina well developed, partly overhanging antennal scrobe; median longitudinal carina of clypeus absent, inconspicuous or weak; hypostoma without conspicuous median and submedian processes, but with conspicuous lateral processes; outer surface of mandible smooth excluding its basal area, bearing short appressed hairs; antenna with a 3-segmented club; maximal diameter of eye longer than antennal segment X. Promesonotal dome in dorsal view transversely rugoso-reticulate, with enclosures weakly punctured, in lateral view with a low or inconspicuous mound on its posterior slope; humerus very weakly produced laterad; the dome at the humeri a little narrower than or almost as broad as at the bottom. Petiole (a little) longer than postpetiole (excluding helcium); petiolar node in rear view weakly concave mediodorsally; postpetiole not massive. First gastral tergite longitudinally rugoso-punctate entirely.

Minor. - Dorsum of head and mesosoma sparsely bearing relatively thick standing hairs; frons and vertex smooth or shagreened; dorsolateral part of head often rugoso-punctate weakly; preoccipital carina conspicuous dorsally and laterally; median part of clypeus largely smooth; median longitudinal carina of clypeus absent, or present but weak; antenna with a 3-segmented club; scape extending far beyond posterolateral margin of head; maximal diameter of eye almost as long as or shorter than antennal segment X. Promesonotal dome smooth entirely, or almost smooth dorsally and weakly rugoso-punctate dorsolaterally (and laterally); the dome in lateral view with a low mound on its posterior slope; humerus of the dome in dorso-oblique view not produced; mesopleuron, metapleuron and lateral face of propodeum well punctured. Petiole (a little) longer than postpetiole (excluding helcium); postpetiole relatively large but not massive.

Recognition: This species is characterized among Indo-Chinese species by the combination of the following features: in the minor dorsum of head and mesosoma sparsely bearing relatively thick standing hairs; in the major head in lateral view strongly impressed on vertex; in the major hypostoma at most with inconspicuous median and submedian processes; in the major and minor promesonotal dome in lateral view with a low mound on its posterior slope; in the major first gastral tergite longitudinally rugoso-punctate entirely.

This species is similar to P. planifrons Santschi among Indo-Chinese species (see under P. planifrons ).

Distribution & bionomics: Known from the Indo-Chinese subregion. This species is more common in open lands, tillage and gardens than in woody habitats, and nests in the soil. In N. Vietnamese rural areas this species and P. parva are the most dominant Pheidole species. Prominent wall built with soil usually surrounds the nest entrance. Workers actively forage on the ground, and prey and/or scavenge on small invertebrates including other ground-foraging ants, such as Odontoponera denticulata .

not applicable
bibliografinen lainaus
Eguchi, K., 2008, A revision of Northern Vietnamese species of the ant genus Pheidole (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-118, vol. 1902
Eguchi, K.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Pheidole yeensis ( flaami )

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Pheidole yeensis is een mierensoort uit de onderfamilie van de Myrmicinae.[1][2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1902 door Forel.

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