Family: FabaceaeCommony known as Palasa or Flame of the forest..It yeilds red KINO gum. The flowers yeild a orrange red dye.Distribution: Occassional in dry deciduous forests. Found in India, Sri lanka, S.E.Asia, Malaysia.Photographed at Velugonda hills of Eastren ghats, Andhra Pradesh.Description:Deciduous trees 5-8mts tall,conspicuous in flower, Leaves 3 foliate, Leaflets 9-15x8-12cm, obovoid- rhomboid, entire, obtuse or base cuneate, serecious below, Flowers 4-5cm long, orrange scarlet in 20-30cm long dense racemes. Flowers showy, densly fascicled in racemes. Bracts and bracteoles narrow, caducous.Calyx 5, broadly companulate, the 2 upper connate.Corolla5, standard ovate-acute,recurved, equal to or shorter than the keel, wings falcate, adnate to the keel, Stamens 10, didelphous, anthers all are equal, ovary sessile, 2 ovuled, style incurved long, Pods oblong, flat, dense, velvetty brown hairy.Reference: Flora of Nellore district by B.Suryanarayana & A.S.Rao.Flora of presidency of Madras by J.S Gamble, ENVIS