Habit image. Strong, M. T. 5343. South Quay Sandhills Preserve. Off of South Quay Road (SR189) at end of Wyanoke Trail (SR747). Longleaf Pine/Turkey Oak woods, 0.7 km N of North Carolina State Line and 0.8 km NE of Blackwater River, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Strong, M. T. & Kelloff, C. L. 5733; habit image.
Strong, M. T. & Kelloff, C. L. 5733; acorn image.
Strong, M. T. & Kelloff, C. L. 5734; acorn image.
Habit image. Strong, M. T. 5300. Blackwater Ecological Preserve, south gate off SR603, just E of Blackwater River., GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Fruit image. Strong, M. T. 5300. Blackwater Ecological Preserve, south gate off SR603, just E of Blackwater River., GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Habit image. Strong, M. T. 5343. South Quay Sandhills Preserve. Off of South Quay Road (SR189) at end of Wyanoke Trail (SR747). Longleaf Pine/Turkey Oak woods, 0.7 km N of North Carolina State Line and 0.8 km NE of Blackwater River, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Leaves image. Strong, M. T. 5300. Blackwater Ecological Preserve, south gate off SR603, just E of Blackwater River., GGI Gardens Project 2016.