Species: Syzygium guineense (Willd.) DC. subsp. barotsense F. White Date: 2004-11-29 Location: Zambezi NP, Victoria Falls Habitat:
Figure 31.Scanning Electron Micrographs of Kunzea linearis. (A–E all AK 287954) Branchlet indumentum F–H Seeds (AK 206336). Scale bars: (A, C, F) 1 mm; (B, D, E, G, H) 100 μm.
Species: Syzygium guineense (Willd.) DC. subsp. barotsense F. White Date: 2004-11-29 Location: Zambezi NP, Victoria Falls Habitat:
Figure 32.Kunzea linearis. A Kunzea linearis sprawling form developed on windswept ultramafic rocks, North Island, North Cape Scientific Reserve, Surville Cliffs, (photo: P. J. de Lange) B Coastal shrubland developed on steep turbidite cliffs, North Island, Auckland, Waitemata Harbour, Kendal’s Bay (photo: P. J. de Lange) C–D Decumbent shrub form developed on ultramafic soils North Island, North Cape Scientific Reserve, Surville Cliffs, (photo: P. J. de Lange) E Adult plant exhibiting the erect growth habit usually seen throughout range, North Island, Te Aupouri Peninsula, Te Kao, (photo: P. J. de Lange) F Adult tree showing ascending, plumose branching pattern; North Island, Auckland City, Western Springs (photo: P. J. de Lange) G–J Bark showing the characteristic tessellated pattern and lunate flakes typical of this species, North Island, Auckland, Waitemata Harbour, Kendal’s Bay (photo: P. J. de Lange) K Spiciform botrya of Kunzea linearis showing buds with the distinctive erect calyx lobes, North Island, Karikari Peninsula, Lake Ohia (photo: J. E. Braggins) L Flowering spiciform botrya of Kunzea linearis, note position of petals and presence of active vegetative growth at inflorescence apex, North Island, Karikari Peninsula, Lake Ohia (photo: J. E. Braggins).
Species: Syzygium guineense (Willd.) DC. subsp. huillense (Hiern) F. White Date: 2004-12-04 Location: Cleveland Dam Habitat: Open sandy woodland nr lake
Figure 33.Distribution of Kunzea linearis.
Species: Syzygium guineense (Willd.) DC. subsp. huillense (Hiern) F. White Date: 2004-12-04 Location: Cleveland Dam Habitat: Open sandy woodland nr lake
Figure 34.Holotype of Kunzea amathicola de Lange et Toelken (P. J. de Lange 4954, AK 286081).
Species: Syzygium guineense (Willd.) DC. subsp. huillense (Hiern) F. White Date: 2005-01-12 Location: Haka Game Park Habitat:
Figure 35.Distinguishing features of Kunzea amathicola. A Flowering branchlet (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) B Fruiting branchlet (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) C flower (top view) (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) D Flower and hypanthium (side view) (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) E Flower cross section showing anther, style and ovules (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) F Style and stigma (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) G Stamens (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) H Dehisced fruit (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour). Scale bars: (A, B) 10 mm; (C–H) 1 mm.
Species: Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston Date: 2005-10-17 Location: Tiger Kloof, Mutare Habitat: Dense exotic scrub, woodland and forest
Figure 36.Distinguishing features of Kunzea amathicola continued (see Fig. 35). I Juvenile foliage (AK 289328) J Adult foliage (AK 289679) K Vegetative bud and branchlet indumentum (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) L Adaxial leaf surface (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) M Abaxial leaf surface (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) N Adaxial leaf apex (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) O Leaf margin indumentum (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) P Leaf variation: (P1) North Island, Hokianga (AK 282676), (P2) North Island, Kaipara (AK 289669), (P3) North Island, Te Toto Gorge (AK 284417), (P4) North Island, Hokio (AK 286079), (P5) North Island, Hokio—last two leaves from a juvenile reversion shoot (AK 289679), (P6) South Island, Farewell Spit (AK 289243), (P7) South Island, Wharariki (AK 286081). Scale bars: (I, J, P) 10 mm; (K, N, L, M) 1 mm; (O) 0.5 mm.
Species: Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston Date: 2008-01-07 Location: 5, Hervey Close, Belvedere Habitat: Planted in garden
Figure 37.Scanning Electron Micrographs of Kunzea amathicola. (A–E all AK 286079) Branchlet indumentum F–H seeds (AK 289669). Scale bars: (A, C, D, F) 1 mm; (B, E, G–I) 100 μm.
Species: Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston Date: 2008-05-17 Location: 5, Hervey Close, Belvedere Habitat: Planted in garden.
Figure 38.Kunzea amathicola. A Kunzea amathicola forming dominant vegetation on impoverished ‘badlands’ that developed after coal mining operations, South Island, north-west Nelson, Puponga, track to Pillar Light (photo: P. J. de Lange) B Decumbent, permanently juvenile shrubs of Kunzea amathicola growing on hard clays overlying calcareous mudstones on a small islet, South Island, north-west Nelson, Wharariki Beach (photo: M. D. Wilcox) C Adult tree of Kunzea amathicola in full flower, South Island, north-west Nelson, at base of Farewell Spit (photo: G. M. Crowcroft) D–E Bark of Kunzea amathicola, South Island, north-west Nelson, Kaihoka Lakes (photo: P. J. de Lange) F–G Flowering adult Kunzea amathicola branches of holotype at type locality, South Island, north-west Nelson, Puponga Farm Park, Wharariki Beach Road (photo: P. J. de Lange) H Juvenile flowering branches of Kunzea amathicola, on a small islet, South Island, north-west Nelson, Wharariki Beach (photo: M. D. Wilcox) J Kunzea amathicola foliage, North Island, Kaipara Harbour, near Kaukapakapa (photo: P. J. de Lange).
Species: Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston Date: 2010-12-18 Location: Haslemere Lane, Umwinsidale Habitat: Planted in garden
Figure 39.Distribution of Kunzea amathicola.
Species: Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston Date: 2010-12-18 Location: Haslemere Lane, Umwinsidale Habitat: Planted in garden
James W. Byng, F. B. Vincent Florens, Cláudia Baider
Figure 1.Vegetative characters. A and B bark C close-up of branchlet D lower leaf surface E upper leaf surface F petioles G leaf venation. (A and G Byng 83; B–F Byng 84).
Species: Eucalyptus grandis Maiden Date: 0000-00-00 Location: Habitat:
James W. Byng, F. B. Vincent Florens, Cláudia Baider
Figure 2.Floral and fruit characters. A and B Sole recorded images of flowering event C Close-up of dried inflorescence D Close-up of two fruits. (A–C D’Argent & Pynee MAU 25014; D D’Argent & K. Pynee MAU 26448; A and B courtesy of Kersley Pynee). Scale bar = 1 cm.
Species: Callistemon viminalis (Salisb. ex Gaertn.) Don ex Loudon Date: 2004-09-27 Location: Lake Chivero Habitat: Near edge of lake
Neil Snow, Martin Callmander, Peter B. Phillipson
Figure 1.Holotype specimen of Eugenia andapae (MO).