Longitude (deg): -1.3. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: standard photograph or close-up. Photographic equipment used: Nikon Coolpix 950.
Longitude (deg): -1.3. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: standard photograph or close-up. Photographic equipment used: Nikon Coolpix 950.
Longitude (deg): -1.3. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: standard photograph or close-up. Photographic equipment used: Nikon Coolpix 950.
Longitude (deg): -1.3. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: standard photograph or close-up. Photographic equipment used: Nikon Coolpix 950.
Longitude (deg): -1.3. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: standard photograph or close-up. Photographic equipment used: Nikon Coolpix 950.
Longitude (deg): -1.3. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: standard photograph or close-up. Photographic equipment used: Nikon Coolpix 950.
Longitude (deg): -1.3. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: macro-photograph. Photographic equipment used: Pixera Pro tethered low-resolution digital camera with bellows and Olympus Zuiko 50mm macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.3. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: macro-photograph. Photographic equipment used: Pixera Pro tethered low-resolution digital camera with bellows and Olympus Zuiko 50mm macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.3. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Description: White spots on seeds appear as they dry and change as they are warmed by the lights. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Pixera Pro tethered low-resolution digital camera with bellows and Olympus Zuiko 50mm macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.3. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Pixera Pro tethered low-resolution digital camera with bellows and Olympus Zuiko 50mm macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.3. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Pixera Pro tethered low-resolution digital camera with bellows and Olympus Zuiko 50mm macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.3. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: macro-photograph. Image scaling: magnified. Photographic equipment used: Pixera Pro tethered low-resolution digital camera with bellows and Olympus Zuiko 50mm macro lens.
Longitude (deg): -1.3. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 20' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Plant. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Category: macro-photograph. Photographic equipment used: Pixera Pro tethered low-resolution digital camera with bellows and Olympus Zuiko 50mm macro lens.
March 12, 2010, Sabino Creek, Arizona
Top Camp, Queensland, Australia
Top Camp, Queensland, Australia
March 12, 2010, Sabino Creek, Arizona
Glendale, NY (April 25, 2016)
2010-04-06 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha (Braunsberg, 280 m AMSL).German name: Stngelumfass-Taubnessel
Celles, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
2010-04-06 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha (Braunsberg, 280 m AMSL).German name: Stngelumfass-Taubnessel
Montes de Torrero: Zaragoza.Distribucin: Planta plurirregional, holrtica, presente en prcticamente toda Europa. Se encuentra repartida igualmente por toda la Pennsula Ibrica,Hbitat: Forma parte de herbazales nitrfilos que se instalan en campos, rellanos, prados de siega, cunetas y ribazos de carretera, pie de cantiles, escombreras, alrededores de poblaciones, etc. Gusta de suelos profundos y hmedos, terrenos removidos..., aunque no desdea pedregales, suelos salobres o yesosos.Preferencia edfica: Indiferente. Se ha recolectado sobre margas, limos, arcillas, etc. Tambin sobre cuarcitas y conglomerados. Rango altitudinal: ( 75 ) 200- 1500 ( 2000 ) mFloracin: Abril - JulioExtractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca)