Associated Forest Cover
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Green ash is an integral part of the forest cover type
Sugarberry-American Elm-Green Ash (Society of American Foresters
Type 93) and is an associated species in the following types
16 Aspen
26 Sugar Maple-Basswood
42 Bur Oak
52 White Oak-Black Oak-Northern Red Oak
62 Silver Maple-American Elm
63 Cottonwood
65 Pin Oak-Sweetgum
87 Sweetgum-Yellow-Poplar
88 Willow Oak-Water Oak-Diamondleaf (Laurel) Oak
89 Live Oak
91 Swamp Chestnut Oak-Cherrybark Oak
92 Sweetgum-Willow Oak
94 Sycamore-Sweetgum-American Elm
95 Black Willow
96 Overcup Oak-Water Hickory
101 Baldcypress
102 Baldcypress-Tupelo
103 Water Tupelo-Swamp Tupelo
Species most commonly associated with green ash are boxelder (Acer
negundo), red maple (A. rubrum), pecan (Carya
illinoensis), sugarberry (Celtis laevigata), sweetgum
(Liquidambar styraciflua), American sycamore (Platanus
occidentalis), eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides),
quaking aspen (P. tremuloides), black willow (Salix
nigra), willow oak (Quercus phellos), and American
elm (Ulmus americana).
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Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
The climate within the range of green ash is subhumid to humid,
with the following ranges: Annual precipitation from 380 to 1520
mm (15 to 60 in), warm season precipitation from 250 to 890 mm
(10 to 35 in); average January temperature of -18° to 13°
C (0° to 55° F); average July temperature of 18°
to 27° C (65° to 80° F); snowfall from 0 to 254 cm
(0 to 100 in); average length of frost-free season 120 to 280
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Damaging Agents
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Many insects feed at least occasionally
on green ash. One of the most serious is the oystershell scale
(Lepidosaphes u1mi), which is distributed throughout the
Northeast and can cause serious damage among seedlings and small
trees. The carpenterworm (Prionoxystus robiniae) bores
into the heartwood of large branches and trunks, permitting the
entrance of fungi. The brownheaded ash sawfly (Tomostethus
multicinctus) and the blackheaded ash sawfly (Tethida
barda) occasionally cause serious damage to shade trees. The
ash borer (Podosesia syringae) damages the stems of trees
of all sizes, causing lumber degrade in timber-sized trees and
contributing to decline and mortality in shelterbelt plantings
Several diseases are of general importance. The fungus Mycosphaerella
fraxinicola creates a leaf spot which may cause premature
defoliation of young trees. Anthracnose (Gloeosporium aridum)
also causes premature defoliation. A rust caused by Puccinia
peridermiopora results in distortion of petioles and small
twigs. Several rots cause minor damage in green ash. In Texas and
Oklahoma, green ash has shown intermediate susceptibility to a
root rot caused by Phymatotrichum omnivorum (25).
Young trees are subject to damage from deer browsing, and rabbits
may sever the stems.
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Flowering and Fruiting
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Green ash is dioecious. The small,
usually inconspicuous flowers appear in the spring, with or just
before the leaves, in terminal or axillary clusters (4). Flowers
are generally borne over the entire outer part of the live crown.
Usually, flowering starts when trees are 8 to 10 cm (3 to 4 in)
d.b.h. and 6 to 8 in (20 to 25 ft) tall. A high percentage of the
male and female trees bear flowers annually, and many female
trees bear fruit each year.
Flowers may appear as early as March or April in Florida and from
late April to early May in the northern part of its range (25).
Male flowers require 1 to 2 weeks to pass from the enlarged
winter condition to completion of pollen shedding. Individual
trees shed pollen over an interval of 3 to 4 days. Within a
stand, range among individual trees in onset of pollen shedding
is only 2 to 3 days. The pollen is disseminated by wind and is
dispersed relatively short distances, most of it falling within
61 to 91 in (200 to 300 ft) of the source.
Flower bud enlargement starts a few days later on female trees
than on male (25). The stigmas of the female flowers are
receptive as soon as they emerge from the bud and remain
receptive for about a week. Receptivity appears to end just
before the stigmas start to wither. The female flowers and young
fruit are very sensitive to late spring frosts.
Within a month after pollination, the samaras developing from
fertilized flowers reach mature size. Ash fruits are elongated,
winged, single-seeded samaras borne in clusters. Unpollinated
flowers or flowers pollinated by an incompatible ash species drop
off within the first month. Growth and ripening of embryos lag
behind growth of samaras and are not completed until late
September or early October.
Physiological maturity of green ash seeds can be related to a
fully elongated embryo that fills the entire embryonic cavity.
When ripe, the embryo should be about 10 min (0.4 in) long and
slightly less than I mm (0.04 in) in diameter. Mature embryos
have firm, white tissues that break crisply. Physical
characteristics indicating seed maturity can be utilized by
workers in the field during seed collections (3). Color change in
the samaras, from green to yellow or brown, is not complete until
after the embryo is fully grown. Samples picked in mid-October in
central Mississippi gave excellent germination though samaras
were still slightly green. While samaras are still green, they
may contain as much as 50-percent moisture, and care must be
taken to prevent seed lots from overheating. A little heat damage
at this stage may significantly reduce seed quality, especially
if long-term storage is contemplated. In seed collections,
especially bulk collections, complete change of samaras to a
brown color probably is a safer index to maturity than size of
the embryo.
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Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Population Differences
Green ash is composed of three or more geographic ecotypes. The
trees belonging to these ecotypes are easily distinguishable when
growing under uniform conditions in a nursery but not when
growing naturally. For that reason, they have not been given
Latin varietal or subspecific names.
Three different ecotypes were evident in the Great Plains (25).
The population from the arid, northwestern part of the green ash
range was more drought resistant than that from the more moist
central Great Plains. As compared with the Coastal Plain ecotype,
the Northern States ecotype grew more slowly, had greener
petioles, was more winter hardy, and was less subject to leaf
damage by fall frosts. These ecotypes may or may not be identical
with those from the Eastern United States.
Attempts have been made to artificially cross green ash with other
ash species. Only the cross of green ash with velvet ash (Fraxinus
velutina) was consistently successful, yielded viable seed,
and produced identifiable hybrids that grew as fast as the
eastern parent. The other crosses yielded no identifiable
The pumpkin ash (Fraxinus profunda) is a rare hexaploid
(2n = 138 chromosomes) species of the Coastal Plain and
Mississippi Valley (25). Its leaves, twigs, flowers, and fruit
are larger than those of green ash or white ash but qualitatively
similar to one or the other of these two species. The patterns of
morphological variation and geographic distribution taken
together are strong evidence for the view that pumpkin ash is a
true-breeding polyploid derivative of a cross between a diploid
green ash and tetraploid white ash.
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Growth and Yield
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
In shelterbelts in the Great Plains,
green ash averaged 0.4 m (1.3 ft) per year height growth for the
first 6.5 years (25). Opengrown trees planted on a fertile soil
in Pennsylvania grew 14 to 17 m (45 to 55 ft) tall and 20 to 30
cm (8 to 12 in) in d.b.h in 21 years.
In most areas in the northern part of its range, green ash reaches
heights of 15 to 18 m (50 to 60 ft) and breast-high diameters of
46 to 61 cm (18 to 24 in). On good sites in the southern part of
its range, trees attain a height up to 37 m (120 ft) and a d.b.h.
of 61 to 76 cm (24 to 30 in) (20). Diameter growth of dominant
crop trees in well-stocked, managed stands is about 6 to 8 cm
(2.5 to 3.0 in) in 10 years (5).
Little data exist on growth rates and volumes of trees grown under
natural stand conditions. Probably the best information available
is contained in results of research conducted in Georgia (6).
Four sites included in the study ranged from well-drained sandy
loams on levees or terraces to poorly drained, wet, silty flats.
Green ash was the dominant species in these stands, comprising
about 80 percent of the total stand basal area. Stand ages ranged
from 27 to 65 years. Average stand heights for green ash
sawtimber ranged from 24 m (78 ft) in the 27-year-old stand to 35
m (116 ft) in the 65-year-old stand.
Volume growth ranged from 2.7 to 4.6 m³/ha (39 to 65 ft³/acre)
per year. Growth was related to stand age with better growth
rates occurring in the younger stands. Merchantable sawtimber
volume ranged from 104.4 m³/ha (1,491 ft³/acre) in the
27-year-old stand to 175.8 m³/ha (2,511 ft³/acre) in
the 65-yearold stand. In addition to sawtimber, pulpwood volumes
from tops and small trees ranged from 144.8 m³/ha (23
cords/acre) in the younger stand to 245.6 m³/ha (39
cords/acre) in the older stand.
Green ash on most sites in the southern part of its range is
characterized by a clear, straight bole for about half the total
height (6). Above this point the stem often forks or crooks and
has large branches that degrade the lumber. Merchantable height
for saw logs averages about two 5-m (16-ft) logs. Merchantable
height for pulpwood to a 10-cm (4-in) top may extend to 12 m (40
ft) in younger stands. Its pioneer nature and ability to grow
rapidly in relatively pure, even-aged stands indicate green ash
is well suited for plantation management. Studies in Mississippi
and Arkansas have shown that green ash grows about 1.2 to 1.5 m
(4 to 5 ft) in height and 13 mm. (0.5 in) in d.b.h. the first 5
to 10 years under plantation management (fig. 4).
Natural stands appear to support sufficient volume to allow
commercial thinnings at 25 to 30 years (6). To ensure reasonable
volume production and reduce epicormic branching in the residual
stand, basal area should not be reduced below 23.0 to 27.6 m²/ha
(100 to 120 ft²/acre). This should be represented by about
250 to 300 trees/ha (100 to 120 trees/acre).
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Reaction to Competition
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Green ash varies from intolerant
to moderately tolerant to shade in the northern part of its
range. It comes in early in succession on alluvial soils, either
as a pioneer species or following cottonwood, quaking aspen, or
black willow (25). It is less able to maintain its position in
the crown canopy than some of its more rapidly growing associates
such as red maple and American elm.
In the southern part of its range, green ash would be considered
tolerant when young and moderately tolerant as it grows older.
Studies have shown that advanced reproduction of green ash can be
maintained in the understory for more than 15 years (12). Green
ash may not grow more than 15 cm (6 in) in height yearly, with
12- to 15-year-old trees being 4 to 5 in (12 to 15 ft) tall and
2.5 cm (1 in) in diameter. However, these trees respond well to
release and outgrow many of their competitors (13). Other studies
of green ash in plantations, where various levels of cultural
treatments were applied, showed that green ash could tolerate
competition from weeds and vines better than any of the 6 to 10
other species tested (17). Overall, green ash may most accurately
be classed as tolerant of shade.
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Rooting Habit
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Root systems were studied in North Dakota
on a Fargo clay soil, with a 0.3-m (1-ft) layer of black surface
soil overlaying a light-colored, calcareous, clayey soil with no
hardpan (25). The soil was poorly drained and wet in the spring;
later in the growing season the water table was at a depth of
about 5 in (15 ft) or more. Roots had extended laterally for 15
in (48 ft) and 1.1 in (3.6 ft) downward; they were about equally
distributed in the upper 0.9 in (3 ft) of soil. Excavations of
other root systems have shown green ash roots to penetrate about
1 in (3.2 ft) deep in sandy and clay soils and 1.4 in (4.5 ft)
deep along the edges of sloughs. In the southern part of its
range, green ash has a root system that is typically
saucer-shaped with no distinct taproot; roots penetrate to depths
of 0.9 to 1.2 in (3 to 4 ft). The extensive root system of this
species makes it relatively windfirm.
Green ash seedlings, and probably older trees, have certain
rooting habits or adaptations that enable them to withstand
flooding (1,16,21). Young green ash (8) has been shown to have
the ability under flooded conditions to regenerate new secondary
roots from the primary root, develop adventitious water roots on
the submerged stem, accelerate anaerobic respiration rate in the
absence of oxygen, and oxidize its rhizospheres. These root
adaptations enable it to withstand flooding regimes of several
months during the dormant and early growing season that would
kill other species (9,10,25). Specific gravity has been shown to
be related to flooding in some hardwoods (19).
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Seed Production and Dissemination
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Green ash seeds start
to fall as soon as they ripen and continue to fall into the
winter (25). Most seeds are dispersed by wind within short
distances of the parent tree. Some dispersal by water also may
occur, but the importance of water as a long-distance dispersal
agent is unknown.
Seed clusters can be collected from trees by hand or with pruners
and seed hooks. Fully dried samaras also may be shaken or whipped
from limbs of standing trees onto plastic sheets spread under the
trees. Fruit should be spread in shallow layers for complete
drying, especially when collected early. Dried clusters may be
broken apart by hand, by flailing in sacks, or by processing
through a macerator. Seeds should be dried to 7- to 10-percent
moisture content for storage. No loss in viability for 7 years
was found when green ash seeds were stored in sealed containers
at 5° C (41° F) with a seed moisture content of 7 to 10
The epigeal germination may occur in the spring following
seedfall, or seeds may lie dormant in the litter for several
years before germinating. Dormancy is apparently due to both
internal factors and to seedcoat effects (3,4). For the nursery,
dormancy may be overcome by cold, moist stratification in a
suitable medium, or simply storing in containers of water. Both
methods should be used at temperatures of 2° to 4° C
(35° to 40° F) for 90 to 120 days. Seeds may be sown in
fall and allowed to stratify in the nursery bed.
Seeds should be sown in nursery beds at approximately 80 to 100/m
(25 to 30/ft) of row with rows 15 to 30 cm (6 to 12 in) apart
(25) and covered with burlap or greenhouse shade cloth until
germination starts. Seedbed densities of 110 to 130/m² 10 to
12/ft² ) are recommended for green ash to produce
high-quality seedlings.
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Seedling Development
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Under good nursery conditions in the
northern part of its range, seedlings grow about 30 cm (12 in) in
height the first year and another 46 cm (18 in) the second year.
In the southern part of the green ash range, nurseries can
produce seedlings 0.8 to 0.9 m (2.5 to 3.0 ft) tall the first
growing season.
Uninjured nursery seedlings usually develop no side branches
during the first year. On vigorous seedlings, the uppermost one
or two pairs of lateral buds develop into branches during the
second year.
Apical dominance usually is strong enough in vigorous, uninjured
open-grown trees so that they often have a single, straight stem
until they are 5 m (15 ft) or more tall. If this dominance is
lost by the removal of a terminal bud, the uppermost lateral
branch quickly takes over and reasserts dominance over the lower
branches (25). In slow-growing shaded specimens, the tendency for
quick assertion of apical dominance following deer nipping or
other damage to a terminal bud is much less pronounced. As a
consequence, understory seedlings frequently have poor form.
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Special Uses
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Green ash wood, because of its strength, hardness, high shock
resistance, and excellent bending qualities, is used in specialty
items such as tool handles and baseball bats but is not as
desirable as white ash. It is also being widely used in
revegetation of spoil banks created from strip mining (25). Green
ash is very popular as a shade tree in residential areas because
of its good form, adaptability to a wide range of sites, and
relative freedom from insects and diseases. Seeds are used for
food by a number of game and nongame animals and birds.
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Vegetative Reproduction
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Stumps of sapling and pole-size
green ash sprout readily. Studies in Mississippi have shown ash,
as sprouts, to be one of the dominant species in bottom-land
clearings (11,13). Dominants among the ash sprouts were 3.8 cm
(1.5 in) d.b.h. and 5 m (15 ft) tall after five growing seasons.
Cuttings made from 1-0 seedlings or 1-year-old sprouts root easily
under greenhouse and field conditions (25). Cuttings may be
planted horizontally under the soil or vertically with good
results(14,15). However, no practical way to root cuttings from
older trees has yet been found. Green ash can be successfully
bench-grafted or field-grafted (2,18). Understocks; can be stored
by severely root-pruning young seedlings and heeling them in by
groups of 50 to 100. Most of the seedlings remain alive but grow
so little that they supply an assortment of small understocks
whenever needed.
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Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Green ash extends from Cape Breton Island and Nova Scotia west to
southeastern Alberta; south through central Montana, northeastern
Wyoming, to southeastern Texas; and east to northwestern Florida
and Georgia.
-The native range of green ash.
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Brief Summary
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Oleaceae -- Olive family
Harvey E. Kennedy, Jr.
Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), also called red ash,
swamp ash, and water ash, is the most widely distributed of all
the American ashes. Naturally a moist bottom land or stream bank
tree, it is hardy to climatic extremes and has been widely
planted in the Plains States and Canada. The commercial supply is
mostly in the South. Green ash is similar in property to white
ash and they are marketed together as white ash. The large seed
crops provide food to many kinds of wildlife. Due to its good
form and resistance to insects and disease, it is a very popular
ornamental tree.
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