
Diagnostic Description ( İngilizce )

Plazi (legacy text) tarafından sağlandı

WORKER. Measurements: TL 2.2 - 3.1, HL 0.54 - 0.71, HW 0.48 - 0.65, SL 0.50 - 0.64, PW 0.35 - 0.46, WL 0.68 - 0.90 (30 measured). Indices: CI 89 - 95, SI 97 - 105, OI 24 - 27, EPI 64 - 74, DTI 124 - 134.

Frontal carina with 2 - 3 setae: in profile the posterior of these is located at about the level of the anterior margin of the eye and is the longest on the dorsum. Dorsum of head posterior to this with a pair of shorter setae at about the level of the posterior margin of the eye and sometimes with an additional short pair anterior to this, above the eye. Behind the level of the posterior margin of the eye the dorsum with 2 - 3 pairs of setae, of which the pair about two - thirds the distance to the posterior margin is the longest. Posterior margin itself rarely also with an additional, more laterally placed pair of short setae. All setal pits conspicuous in dorsal view. Anterior clypeal margin with a small, shallow median impression. With head in full-face view the sides shallowly convex and the posterior margin with a shallow median concavity. Eyes located well in front of midlength, EPI 64 - 74; outer margin of eye just fails to touch, or just touches, the outline of the side in full-face view. Number or setal pairs on mesosoma: pronotum 1 - 4 (usually 2 - 3, only rarely 1 or 4), pits very conspicuous; mesonotum 2 - 4 (usually 2, less commonly 3, uncommonly 4), these setae conspicuous and usually about as long as those on the pronotum, and with very conspicuous pits; propodeal dorsum 0; lateral margins of propodeal declivity 2 - 3 (rarely with 2 on one side and 3 on the other), with very obvious pits in dorsal view. In dorsal view the metathoracic spiracles are very close to, or actually abut, the metanotal groove (distance separating them is usually distinctly less than the diameter of the metathoracic spiracle). Dorsum of mesonotum evenly curved in profile, more steeply sloped posteriorly than anteriorly. Dorsum of propodeum meets the declivity in a blunt angle; length of dorsum less than depth of declivity to spiracle. Gastral tergites 1 - 4 each with setae distributed everywhere on the sclerites; maximum length of setae on first gastral tergite varying from slightly less than, to slightly greater than, the maximum diameter of the eye. Head, mesosoma, petiole and gaster yellow to brownish yellow, often with head and/or the gaster somewhat infuscated with respect to the mesosoma; legs yellow to brownish yellow throughout.

T. madecassus is closest related to innocens . The main characters that distinguish them are given in the key and under the latter species, but it can also be added that the mesosoma of madecassus tends to be somewhat shorter and stouter (DTI 124 - 134) than in innocens (DTI 133 - 143).

Probably the most common endemic species of Technomyrmex in Madagascar madecassus , like all its close relatives, has a fully developed set of worker - queen intercastes as well as alate queens. The species nests and forages in a wide range of habitats and has been found on the forest floor in leaf litter, in fallen twigs and branches and in rotten logs and tree stumps, as well as being caught in pitfall traps. It also forages extensively on vegetation and nests in twigs and branches on trees.


Madagascar: Prov. Antananarivo, Andranomay, SSE Anjozorobe (Fisher et al.); Antananarivo, P. Tsimbazaza (Bartolozzi); Prov. Antsiranana, Res. Spec. Ankarana, SW and SSW Anivorano-Nord (Fisher et al); Antsiranana, Montagne Fran�ais, SE Diego Suarez (Fisher et al.); Antsiranana, For. Andavakoera, ENE Ambilobe (Fisher et al.); Antsiranana, For. Bekaraoka, ENE Doraina (Fisher et al); Antsiranana, P.N. Montagne d'Ambre (R. Harin'Hala); Antsiranana, Res. Spec. Ambre, SW Sakaramy (Fisher et al.); Antsiranana, For. Binara, SW Daraina (Fisher et al.); Antsiranana, Res. Analamerana, Anivorano-Nord (B.L. Fisher); Antsiranana, Ampasindava, Ambilanivy, S Ambahila (Fisher et al.); Antsiranana, For. Ampondrabe, NNE Daraina (Fisher et al); Antsiranana, For. Orangea, Remena (B.L. Fisher); Antsiranana, Sakalava Beach (R. Harin'Hala); Antsiranana, For. Ambato, Ambanja (B.L. Fisher); Antsiranana, Ambondrobe, Vohemar (B.L. Fisher); Antsiranana, For. Anabohazo, WSW Maromandia (Fisher et al.); Antsiranana, Nosi Be, Res. Lokobe, ESE Hellville (Fisher et al.); Antsiranana, R.S. Manongarivo, SW Antanambao (B.L. Fisher); Prov. Fianarantsoa, For. Ananalava, W Ranohira (Fisher et al); Fianarantsoa, P.N. Ranomafana (R. Harin'Hala); Fianarantsoa, P.N. Isalo, Sahanafa Riv., N Ranohira (Fisher et al); P.N. Isalo, N Ranohira (Fisher et al.); nr Isalo P.N. (M. Irwin et al); nr Isalo P.N. (R. Harin'Hala); Prov. Mahajanga, For. Tsimembo, NNW Soatana (Fisher et al); Mahajanga, P.N. Tsingy de Bemaraha, ESE Antsalova (Fisher et al); Tsingy de Bemaraha, E & ENE Bekopaka (Fisher et al); Mahajanga, P.N. Ankarafantsika, Ankoririka (E. Rabeson et al); P.N. Ankarafantsika, Ampijoroa (Fisher et al); P.N. Ampijoroa (Rin'Ha & Irwin); Mahajanga, P.N. Baie de Baly, NNW Soalala (Fisher et al); Mahajanga, P.N. Namoroka, NW and WNW Vilanandro (Fisher et al); Mahajanga, For. Ambohimanga, Mampikony (B.L. Fisher); Mahajanga, Res. Bemarivo, SW Besalampy (Fisher et al.); Mahajanga, Mahavavy Riv., SE Mitsinjo (Fisher et al); Prov. Toamasina, Mahavelona (A. Pauly); Toamasina, Manakambahiny, Farihy, Alaotra (A. Pauly); Toamasina, Andasibe P.N. (R. Harin'Hala); Prov. Toliara, Mahafaly Plateau, ENE Itampolo (Fisher et al.); Toliara, Res. Berenty, For. Bealoka, NNW Amboasary (Fisher et al); Res. Berenty, For. Malaza, NW Amboasary (Fisher at al.); Toliara, Res. Beza Mahafaly (P.S. Ward); Toliara, Res. Beza Mahafaly, E Betioky (B.L. Fisher); Toliara, P.N. Tsimanampetsotsa, Mitoho (Fisher et al.); P.N. Tsimanampetsotsa, SE Efoetse (Fisher et al.); P.N. Tsimanampetsotsa, Bemanateza (Fisher et al.); Toliara, For. Mite, WNW Tongobory (Fisher et al.); Toliara, Kirindy Mite, SE Belo sur Mer (Fisher et al.); Toliara, s. Isoky - Vohimena For. (B.L. Fisher); Toliara, Kirindy, ENE Marofandilia (Fisher et al.); Toliara, P.N. Kirindy Mite, SE Belo sur Mer (Fisher et al); Toliara, Res. Cap. Sainte Marie, W Marovato (Fisher et al); Toliara, Vohibasia For., NE Sakaraha (B.L. Fisher); Toliara, For. Beroboka, SE Ankidranoka (Fisher et at); Toliara, P.N. Andohahela, ENE Tsimelahy (Fisher et al.); Andohahela N.P., Tsimelahy (M. Irwin et al.); P.N. Andohahela, Manantalinjo (Fisher et al.); 6 km. SSW Eminiminy, Res. Andohahela (P.S. Ward); 1 km. E Mahamavo, Res. Andohahela (P.S. Ward); Toliara, Zomitse P.N. (R. Harin'Hala); P.N. Zombitse, E Sakaraha (B.L. Fisher & Fisher et al.); Toliara, Res. Ambohijanahary, NW Ambaravaranala (Fisher et al.); Toliara, Antafoky (M.G.F.); Toliara, Sept Lacs (M.G.F.); Toliara, Manderano (M.G.F.); Toliara, Ranobe (M.G.F.); Toliara, Manombo (M.G.F.); Toliara, Tsinjoriaky, E. Tsifota (Fisher et al.); Toliara, Tsimembo, NNW Soatana (Fisher et al); Toliara, For. Petriky, W Tolagnaro (B.L. Fisher); 48 km ENE Morondava (DM. Olson). Comoro Is: Moheli (Voeltzkow).

bibliyografik atıf
Bolton, B., 2007, Taxonomy of the dolichoderine ant genus Technomyrmex Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) based on the worker caste., Contributions of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 1-149, vol. 35(1)
Bolton, B.

Diagnostic Description ( İngilizce )

Plazi (legacy text) tarafından sağlandı

[[ worker ]] L. 2,7 mm. Groesser und schlanker als T. albipes . Fuehlerschaft ungefaehr um 1 / 4 seiner Laenge den Hinterhauptsrand ueberragend. Alle Geisselglieder viel laenger als dick. Clypeus breit ausgerandet. Pro-mesonotum schwach gewoelbt. Basalflaeche des Metanotum sehr kurz, nur 1 / 3 so lang wie die abschuessige; aber die letztere, wie bei albipes , scharf schief gestutzt. Kopf laenger als breit, mit deutlichem Hinterrand.

Das ganze Insekt (auch das Metanotum) schwach, aber ueberall gleichmaessig glaenzend; ziemlich seicht genetzt und mit einer feinen, gelblichen Pubescenz ungefaehr wie bei albipes bedeckt; die Skulptur ist aber viel schwaecher als bei letzter Art. Koerper sehr zerstreut abstehend behaart; Schaft und Schienen ohne Borstenhaare.

Schmutzig gelblich; Kopf roetlich gelbbraun; Abdomen braeunlichgelb.

Nossi-Be (Dr. Voeltzkow). Jedenfalls nahe luteus Emery, aber groesser; Chitin fester, nicht matt. Metanotum anders.

bibliyografik atıf
Forel, A., 1897, Ameisen aus Nossi-Be, Majunga, Juan de Nova (Madagaskar), den Aldabra-Inseln und Sansibar. Gesammelt von Herrn Dr. A. Voeltzkow aus Berlin., Abhandlungen herausgegeben von der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, pp. 185-208, vol. 21
Forel, A.