
Description ( İngilizce )

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Diagnosis: A larger species of the Litoria bicolor complex. Vomerine teeth often (but not always) present. Separated from other species based on morphometric analysis and locality.Description: Adult males measure 25.7-31.5 mm SVL. Adult females measure 27.3-33.0 mm SVL. Snout projects and is rounded in lateral view, and angular when viewed from above. Eyes are large. Tympanum large and distinct, with uppermost margin obscured by shallow postorbital fold that ends before the axillary region. Vomerine teeth may or may not be present; if they are, they lie in two small patches between the choanae. Outer fingers are half webbed, while other fingers are only webbed at the base. All fingers and toes have discs. Finger discs are large than toe discs. All toes are fully webbed except for Toe IV, in which the terminal phalanx is free. Dorsal skin is finely granular, while ventral skin is more coarse. Skin around the throat is wrinkled (Menzies et al. 2008).In life, individuals from Alexishafen and Frieda River had a yellow green to bright green dorsum with a bronze dorsolateral stripe running from snout tip to midbody, and cream band underneath the bronze stripe that continues to the groin. Those from Seram were a dull brownish green with an indistinct pale dorsolateral stripe, and an additional specimen (locality not specified) was more brownish. The dorsolateral stripe runs from the snout tip to midbody, and separates dorsal and ventral coloration. Indistinct yellowish stripe extends from the eye to the groin. Bronze tympanum. Venter is white. Throat is yellow. Concealed surfaces of thighs are sparsely to moderately speckled with blue-black dots. Gold iris (Menzies et al. 2008).The tadpole has not been conclusively identified, but Menzies et al. (2008) mention that a distinctive tadpole from the Sentani area was described as Litoria bicolor by van Kampen (1906). The tadpole described by van Kampen (1906) has a tail with three dark transverse bands, and deep dorsal and ventral fins; the tail tip abruptly tapers to a terminal filament.The species' name is dervived from the Greek words


Van Kampen, P. N. (1906). ''Résultats de l’expédition scientifique Néerlandaise à la Nouvelle-Guinée en 1903, Amphibien.'' Nova Guinea, 5, 163-180.

Stephanie Ung

Distribution and Habitat ( İngilizce )

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Endemic to Papua New Guinea. Inhabits the lowlands of northern Papua New Guinea from Alexishafen to the east coast of Cenderawasih Bay (Siewa River), Seram Island and Manus Island. Referred specimens from Aitape are also included in L. eurynastes, as are specimens from the Sentani area. Aitape is 480 km beyond Alexishafen and Sentani is 220 km beyond Aitape (Menzies et al. 2008).
Stephanie Ung

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors ( İngilizce )

AmphibiaWeb articles tarafından sağlandı
All five populations of L. eurynastes made similar calls, with no obvious geographic distinction in note length or pulse rate. At Alexishafen, males called from tall grass in a coconut plantation near a small pond. They were only found calling in the rain. Longer calls (0.028-0.363 sec, with a pulse rate of 145-214 pulses/sec) sounded like "zeeep" and shorter calls (
Stephanie Ung