Achromatium (a-chrome-ace-ee-um) is one of the non-photosynthetic sulphur bacteria. It is a heterotrophic bacterium which relies on a supply of organic matter to assist the degradation of reduced sulphur to elemental sulphur - which is then deposited as slightly pink granules inside the cell. Large (for a bacterium). Differential interference contrast.
This picture compares Achromatium (a-chrome-ace-ee-um) (right) - a heterotrophic sulphur bacterium, from the red or purple sulphur bacterium, Chromatium. Differential interference contrast.
Beggiatoa (beg-ee-a-toe-a) is a colourless sulphur bacterium which occurs as filaments of various widths. Beggiatoa is found in sediments above the reduced zone. It oxidizes hydrogen sulphide, producing elemental sulphur which is deposited within the bacterial cell as sulphur granules and give this filament its opaque appearance. Very long. These cells can glide, a good trait for organisms which live in a habitat the characteristics of which are changing depending on whether there is or is not overlying water or if or if not there is sunlight. Phase contrast.
Beggiatoa (beg-ee-a-toe-a), commonly seen on the surface of very rich sediments - such as those of salt marshes. The bacteria metabolise reduced hydrogen sulphide and produce granules of sulphur as a by product. They can be seen as refractile elements within the cells which make up this filament. Phase contrast.
Beggiatoa (beg-ee-a-toe-a), commonly seen on the surface of very rich sediments - such as those of salt marshes. The bacteria metabolise reduced hydrogen sulphide and produce granules of sulphur as a by product. They can be seen within the cells which make up this filament. Differential interference contrast.
Beggiatoa (beg-ee-a-toe-a) is a colourless sulphur bacterium which occurs as filaments of various widths. Beggiatoa is found in sediments above the reduced zone. It oxidizes hydrogen sulphide, producing elemental sulphur which is deposited within the bacterial cell as sulphur granules and give this filament its opaque appearance. Layers of Beggiatoa are often seen on the surface of muds or other places where there is a lot of decaying organic matter (around dead dogs is a good place) and looks like white tissue paper lying over the sediment. These cells can glide, a good trait for organisms which live in a habitat the characteristics of which are changing depending on whether there is or is not overlying water or if or if not there is sunlight. Phase contrast.
Beggiatoa (beg-ee-a-toe-a) is a colourless sulphur bacterium which occurs as filaments of various widths. Beggiatoa is found in sediments above the reduced zone. It oxidizes hydrogen sulphide, producing elemental sulphur which is deposited within the bacterial cell as sulphur granules. In this delicate filament, the individual sulphur grains can be seen as pink refractile inclusions. Phase contrast.
Beggiatoa (beg-ee-a-toe-a) is a colourless sulphur bacterium which occurs as filaments of various widths. Beggiatoa is found in sediments above the reduced zone. It oxidizes hydrogen sulphide, producing elemental sulphur which is deposited within the bacterial cell as sulphur granules visible inside this filament . May be very long. These cells can glide, a good trait for organisms which live in a habitat the characteristics of which are changing depending on whether there is or is not overlying water or if or if not there is sunlight. They don t usually make these cute spirals. Differential interference contrast.
Thiovulum (thigh-owe-vul-um) is a colourless sulphur bacteria, with deposits of sulphur granules around a central vacuole. Differential interference contrast.
Gallionella (gally-on-elle-a) one of the iron bacteria, the bacteria attach to surfaces and grow producing a mucus sheath which acquires metal salts as it ages. The bacteria live in a fine tube in the centre of the filament. Phase contrast.
Accumulated accretions of iron bacteria found as epibionts on the leaves of the moss Hygrohypnum. Phase contrast.
Gallionella, iron bacterium. The bacterium creates a filament which adheres to surfaces. Many filaments may form aggregates. The mucus secretions become brown, thicker and more brittle with age.
Gallionella, iron bacterium. The bacterium creates a filament which adheres to surfaces. Many filaments may form aggregates. The mucus secretions become brown, thicker and more brittle with age. Growing cells are to the left.
Iron impregnated capsules of Gallionella.
This image is of a thick brittle film of iron bacteria that formed over the surface of some water taken from the margins of the lake. The bacteria produce tubes of extracellular mucoid material that absorbs metal ions and becomes brown as it ages.