Description: Anemone Actinauge richardi Item Type: Image Title: Actinauge richardi Copyright: SERPENT project Species: Actinauge richardi Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- Faroe-Shetland Channel -- BrugdanNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Faroe-Shetland Channel -- Brugdan Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 480 Countries: Faroe Islands Habitat: Benthic Rig: Stena Don Project Partners: Statoil, Oceaneering ROV: Magnum 070, Sea Owl 590 Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 14 December 2010
Description: Anemone Actinauge richardi with a Mysid sp. Item Type: Image Title: Actinauge richardi Copyright: SERPENT project Species: Actinauge richardi Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- Faroe-Shetland Channel -- BrugdanNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Faroe-Shetland Channel -- Brugdan Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 480 Countries: Faroe Islands Habitat: Benthic Rig: Stena Don Project Partners: Statoil, Oceaneering ROV: Magnum 070, Sea Owl 590 Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 14 December 2010
Description: Digital still collected as part of CODEMAP Item Type: Image Title: Actinauge richardi Copyright: CODEMAP Species: Actinauge richardi Site: Atlantic -- Rockall Bank Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 329 Latitude: 58 deg 05' 26" N Longitude: 14 deg 11' 50" W Habitat: Bank Rig: RRS James Cook ROV: SeaEye Lynx Deposited By: Ms Katleen Robert Deposited On: 03 October 2013
Description: Sebastes sp. redfish and plumose anemones on and around the subsea structure of the Thistle platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Redfish and plumose anemones in the North Sea Species: Metridium senile, Sebastes sp. Behaviour: Anemones attached to subsea structures, redfish swimming Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 165 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Thistle A Platform Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Description: Pollack and plumose anemones on the subsea structure of the Thistle platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Pollack and plumose anemones in the North Sea Species: Metridium senile, Pollachius pollachius Behaviour: Metridium attached to subsea structre. Pollack swimming around structure Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 165 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Thistle A Platform Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Description: Plumose anemones attached to the subsea structure of the Thistle platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Plumose anemones in the North Sea Species: Metridium senile, Urticina sp. Behaviour: Attached to riser Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 165 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Thistle A Platform Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Description: Plumose anemones attached to the subsea structure of the Thistle platform in the North Sea Item Type: Image Title: Plumose anemones in the North Sea Species: Metridium senile, Urticina sp. Behaviour: Attached to riser Site: Atlantic -- North SeaNorth Sea Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 165 Countries: UK -- North Sea Habitat: Temperate Rig: Thistle A Platform Project Partners: Rovtech, Lundin Petroleum, iicorr Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 24 May 2007
Description: Digital still collected as part of CODEMAP Item Type: Image Title: Phelliactis Copyright: CODEMAP Species: Phelliactis Site: Atlantic -- Celtic Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): -3175.5 Latitude: 48 deg 22' 01" N Longitude: 10 deg 02' 05" W Countries: UK -- Whittard Canyon Habitat: Submarine Canyon Rig: RRS James Cook ROV: ISIS Deposited By: Ms Katleen Robert Deposited On: 16 September 2013
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 11 seconds, Shot includes Arothron stellatus (Star puffer)
Stichodactyla mertensii is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Amphiprion chrysopterus (Orangefin anemonefish). Coral Sea, Duration 19 seconds
North Pacific Ocean, Duration 47 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 12 seconds
Cerbère Pyrénées-Orientales France
Sødringholm, Randers Fjord
Kattegatcentret Grenå
Limfjorden Ertebølle
Nordsømuseet Hirtshals
Ricardo González-Muñoz, Nuno Simões, José Luis Tello-Musi, Estefanía Rodríguez
Figure 8.Actinoporus elegans. A Fully expanded specimen in natural habitat B Partially contracted specimen in natural habitat C Oral view D Detail of double rows of tentacles E Lateral view F Cross section through proximal column, showing retractor and parietobasilar muscles G Longitudinal section through column margin showing marginal sphincter muscle H Longitudinal section through base showing basilar muscles I Longitudinal section through tentacles J–P Cnidae.– actinopharynx: J basitrich K microbasic p-mastigophore; column: L basitrich; filament: M basitrich N microbasic p-mastigophore; tentacle: O basitrich P spirocyst. Abbreviations.– bm: basilar muscle, e: epidermis, f: filament, fo: fosse, g: gastrodermis, lm: longitudinal muscle, m: mesoglea, od: oral disc, pd: pedal disc, pm: parietobasilar muscle, rm: retractor muscle, sp: sphincter, t: tentacle, vs: vesicles. Scale bars: A–C, E: 10 mm; D: 2 mm; F–I: 200 μm; J–P: 25 μm.
1999 California Academy of Sciences
plumrose anemone
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Description: This anemone belongs to the genus Actinernus. There are four valid species, living in deep seas all over the globe. Item Type: Image Title: Actinernus Copyright: SERPENT Species: Actinernus Behaviour: This example is seen drawing its tentacle through its mouth to feed. Site: Indian -- Indian Ocean -- East Africa -- Zafarani Depth (m): 2601 Countries: East Africa -- Tanzania Habitat: Benthic Rig: Ocean Rig Poseidon Project Partners: Statoil, Oceaneering ROV: Millenium 93 and 73 Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 21 March 2012
Description: Digital still collected as part of CODEMAP Item Type: Image Title: Phelliactis Copyright: CODEMAP Species: Phelliactis Site: Atlantic -- Rockall Bank Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 293 Latitude: 58 deg 04' 34" N Longitude: 14 deg 08' 39" W Habitat: Bank Rig: RRS James Cook ROV: SeaEye Lynx Deposited By: Ms Katleen Robert Deposited On: 08 October 2013
Stichodactyla mertensii is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Amphiprion chrysopterus (Orangefin anemonefish). Coral Sea, Duration 67 seconds