Singing in the pines South of Flagstaff, Arizona 5/28/99.
Reserva Monteverde
Xalapa, Macacuitepl Park
Bosque Estatal de Guanica
This example of the same species was recorded 100 mi (60 KM) away on Mingus Mountain, Arizona, 6/6/99.
Lake Merced
La Mancha
One of the most common neotropical migrant warblers in Costa Rica is the Chestnut-sided Warbler (Dendroica pensylvanica). They were everywhere we went in November,1998. You generally hear only the calls of the migrant warblers there. This one was recorded on the grounds of "El Gavilan", where I like to stay when in the La Selva area.
Brussel Sprout Field
Machu Picchu
Los Haitises National Park
Yellow Warblers (Dendroica petechia) are Spring and Fall guests in these parts, showing up in October for their Southern vacations. This one flits around a Mesquite tree at Peck's Lake [Arizona], October 8, 1997.
Brussel Sprout Field
Ixhuacan de los Reyes
Montrose Point
The Spring Song of the Yellow Warbler is a typical Warbler's song. Warblers like to repeat the same train of short phrases over and over.
El Valle de Anton
San Jose Del Cabo - Estuary
Reserva Monteverde