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El Salitre, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
El Salitre, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
El Salitre, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
El Salitre, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
El Salitre, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
2013-01-12 Vienna, district III., Arsenal (near Schweizergarten), cultivars - Excursion Fischer (198 msm Quadrant 7864/1).German name: Spanische Tanne (Pinsapo-Tanne)
2013-01-12 Vienna, district III., Arsenal (near Schweizergarten), cultivars - Excursion Fischer (198 msm Quadrant 7864/1).German name: Spanische Tanne (Pinsapo-Tanne)This fir native to Spain is rare in its homeland, and (rather seldom) cultivated for its exotic appearance (short needles for a fir tree, and looking quite different from 'ordinary' firs; also nice flowers and cones).
2011-12-10 Upper Austria, district Rohrbach - Ameisberg region (715 msm Quadrant 7448/2).German name: Weiss-Tanne
Pian del Cansiglio - Tambre (BL)
2010-11-14 Lower Austria, district Sankt Plten Land, bordering on district Baden (beech-fir-forest, 760 m AMSL).Due to game bite, fir trees are at a huge disadvantage in many Austrian forests where game population is higher than could be sustained by natural resources (it is kept high on purpose by foresters and hunters) - because even though deer also likes buds of beeches they love fir.For this reason young firs often have to struggle to grow to sizeable heights, and after them beeches are the ones which are second-worst off, while spruce is avoided by deer so long as more delicate buds are available.I've counted 6 years on this one at least, possibly even 7 years: so this tree is 6-7 years old - 8 years rather (see note by Sciadopitys) - , and could easily be half a metre tall, or taller depending on weather/climate and soil, while as it is it measures only about 10 centimetres. What more, this tree of course never will grow to have an 'ordinary' fir stem but always will remain a cripple, however tall it ever will grow - but see remark by Sciadopitys: it might still grow to normal size and shape. German name: Weiss-Tanne (Abies alba)Other species shown in the photo: some (green) leaves of Cyclamen purpurascens, and then the shed leaves of Fagus sylvatica which is the dominant tree species thereabouts.
2011-12-25 Upper Austria, district Rohrbach - Ameisberg region (740 msm Quadrant 7448/2).Fir usually will grow straight up like a needle if undisturbed; this one here though grew at angles - due to a twin (which also, most certainly, arced to the sky rather than growing straight); this here is the stump of the twin which must have been cut several years ago, by the weathered look of it.
Pian del Cansiglio - Tambre (BL)
Valle de Benasque: Pirineo aragons (Espaa)Familia: PINACEAEDistribucin: Endmica de las montaas del C Europa, Pirineos, desde Navarra hasta Lrida, y Montseny, en Barcelona; en Aragn se distribuye desde el extremo N de Zaragoza, en Salvatierra de Esca, hasta el lmite oriental del Pirineo de Huesca, repartindose sobre todo por el Prepirineo y alcanzando a menudo el Alto Pirineo.Hbitat: Se instala en lugares hmedos y umbrosos, muchas veces en laderas de fuerte pendiente y frecuentemente en compaa del pino albar y del haya, pero a diferencia de sta, prefiere lugares con suelos profundos, frescos y bien drenados porque soporta mal tanto el encharcamiento como la desecacin edfica prolongada; en el Pirineo aragons se extiende por las laderas septentrionales del piso montano y rara vez asciende al subalpino, como hace con frecuencia en Lrida.Aunque por lo comn aparece en bosques mixtos con las especies mencionadas, pueden contemplarse bosques casi puros, salpicando todo el sistema montaoso (Paco Ezpel en Ans, Cotatuero en Ordesa, Sierra Ferrera, etc). Su ombrofilia se acenta hacia el S y en San Juan de la Pea y Sierra de Guara, busca ya el fondo de los barrancos ms protegidos de la influencia mediterrnea.Preferencia edfica: Indiferente. Vive tanto en granitos y esquistos como en calizas, margas y conglomerados calizos del cretcico.Rango altitudinal: ( 740 ) 900- 1940 ( 2020 ) mFloracin: Abril - MayoFructificacin: Septiembre - OctubreForma Biolgica: Macrofanerfito perennifolioExtractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca)
Valle de Benasque: Pirineo aragons (Espaa)Familia: PINACEAEDistribucin: Endmica de las montaas del C Europa, Pirineos, desde Navarra hasta Lrida, y Montseny, en Barcelona; en Aragn se distribuye desde el extremo N de Zaragoza, en Salvatierra de Esca, hasta el lmite oriental del Pirineo de Huesca, repartindose sobre todo por el Prepirineo y alcanzando a menudo el Alto Pirineo.Hbitat: Se instala en lugares hmedos y umbrosos, muchas veces en laderas de fuerte pendiente y frecuentemente en compaa del pino albar y del haya, pero a diferencia de sta, prefiere lugares con suelos profundos, frescos y bien drenados porque soporta mal tanto el encharcamiento como la desecacin edfica prolongada; en el Pirineo aragons se extiende por las laderas septentrionales del piso montano y rara vez asciende al subalpino, como hace con frecuencia en Lrida.Aunque por lo comn aparece en bosques mixtos con las especies mencionadas, pueden contemplarse bosques casi puros, salpicando todo el sistema montaoso (Paco Ezpel en Ans, Cotatuero en Ordesa, Sierra Ferrera, etc). Su ombrofilia se acenta hacia el S y en San Juan de la Pea y Sierra de Guara, busca ya el fondo de los barrancos ms protegidos de la influencia mediterrnea.Preferencia edfica: Indiferente. Vive tanto en granitos y esquistos como en calizas, margas y conglomerados calizos del cretcico.Rango altitudinal: ( 740 ) 900- 1940 ( 2020 ) mFloracin: Abril - MayoFructificacin: Septiembre - OctubreForma Biolgica: Macrofanerfito perennifolioExtractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca)
Borgo Valsugana, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
Pian del Cansiglio - Tambre (BL)
Oberkappel, Obersterreich, sterreich
2010-12-24 Upper Austria, district Rohrbach (750 m AMSL).German name: Weiss-Tanne.
2011-12-25 Upper Austria, district Rohrbach - Ameisberg region (710 msm Quadrant 7448/2).This one also
is shown in this photo here (although hardly recognisable among the young growth).In this still quite unnatural monoculture forest there's little undergrowth, and what undergrowth there is mainly consists of
Vaccinium myrtillus.
2011-04-16 Lower Austria, district Wien-Umgebung (mixed forest; 495 msm Quadrant 7862/1).German name: Weiss-Tanne
See also this photo.This twig interestingly shows the space/time between flowering periods of fir trees: as is commonly known, many trees only flower every other year in huge numbers (and in-between only a very few flower); this is a strategy to avoid all their seeds being eaten by animals, as there are a couple or so of years between those mass flowerings animals feeding on seeds cannot adopt to the mass production, and cannot increase their size uncontrollably (which would mean that most of the seeds would be eaten).Those years of abundance of flowers (and thus, seeds) also are known under the German name Mastjahre = 'feasting years' or 'mast years' something like it in English: there's bound to be a native English term for it but I don't know it.Now, what is so really interesting about this shot is that you can actually count how many years were between flowering, and further it is obvious that in the first year after a flowering year the tree only grow very little, evidently because it was exhausted from last year's flower and seed production; after that came a year of normal growth
without flowering, and then yet another year of normal growth
with flowering.Many thanks to Elisabeth Gruber for this explanation about male flowers, I never gave them much thought before.
2010-12-24 Upper Austria, district Rohrbach (750 m AMSL).Leaves (needles).German name: Weiss-Tanne.