
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Memoirs of the American Entomological Society tarafından sağlandı
Coryphaeschna perrensi PI. XLV, figs. 593, 602; Map 7
Material studied. — Panama: Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, "taken from vegetation sticking from the water of a small rain pond about 100 feet above lake level (Gatun Lake) on the northwest part of the island, June 22, 1950," by Robert B. Cumming 1 S exuvia, coll. Univ. Florida.
8 . Total length ca. 52 mm. Head shape in dorsal view, including eyes, behind the clypeus (nasus), very similar to fig. 569, plate XLIV, but the mandibles much more prominent laterad, strongly convex and beset with recumbent denticles inclined forward, each denticle .06 ± mm. long. Similar denticles are on the rounded hind lateral angles of the head. Antennal segments seven. Head 6.79 mm. long, 8.68 mm. wide, hind margin 4.91 mm., straight as far as each rounded lateral angle. Distal mental margin (fig. 602, PI. XLV) with a median (ligular) cleft .37 mm. wide at the margin and ca. .25 mm. deep, proximal half of the cleft reaching farther proximad than the level of the base of the palp; each half of the margin angulate at a spine ca. .25 mm. long, set at an angle of ca. 70° with the mid-longitudinal axis and hence divergent forward from each other. Labial palp : fixed hook truncated at apex at a right angle with a long acutely pointed spine-like tooth at the meso-posterior angle (fig. 602).
The two divisions of the prothoracic supracoxal process subequal in height (.52 mm.) and in width at base (.41 mm.) but the anterior division a little more acute at tip. Front margin of the hind wing-pad 11.12 mm. long, venation faint. Femora annulate, faded, tarsi 3-segmented.
Abdomen : maximum width 10.48 mm. at segment 6, spiracles on 2-8, lateral spines on 5-9, very short (.38 mm.) on 5. Anal appendages: mid-dorsal 4.91 mm. long, truncated almost at 90° at apex, a small tooth .08 mm. long at each lateral angle, male part less than half as long as the mid-dorsal ; laterals ("cercoids") 3.68 mm., inferiors ("cerci") in ventral view 5.89 mm. Abdominal markings : two pairs of dorsal puncta on 2-8, one pair of dorso-laterals and one pair of laterals on 2-8, one pair of anterior median spots on 4-9, other abdominal markings faded.
Ecology. — For a note on the ecology of the Barro Colorado Island exuvia see under C. perrensi adult page 175 antca.
bibliyografik atıf
Calvert, P.P. 1956. The Neotropical Species of the Subgenus Aeschna Sensu Selysii 1883 (Odonata). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 15. Philadelphia, USA

Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Memoirs of the American Entomological Society tarafından sağlandı
Coryphaeschna perrensi Tables 2, 5, 9, 12, 13, 19; PI. XXX; Map 7
1887. Aeschna perrensi McLachlan, Ent. Mo. Mag. 24: 76. 1 1905. Aeshna perrensi Calvert, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Neur. : 182, 188, tab. viii, figs. 26, 27 (apps. S). 2
1907. Aeschna perrensi Foerster, Ent. Wochenbl. (Insekten-Borse) 24 (37) : 163. 3
1908. Aeschna perrensi Martin, Colls. Zool. Selys-Longch. fasc. 18: 74, fig. 73 (apps. S). 4
1913. Coryphaeschna perrensi Ris, Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg. 22: 86. 5
1923. Coryphaeschna perrensi Navas, Arxius Inst. Cien. Barcelona 7: 181. 6
1924. Coryphaeschna perrensi Navas, Estudios, Buenos Aires, Mayo de 1922, p. 358. 7
1930. Coryphaeschna perrensi Navas, Rev. Soc. Ent. Argent. 1930 (13) : 125. 8
1933. Aeschna perrensi Navas, Rev. Acad. Cien. Madrid 29: 54. 9
Material studied. — Mexico : Atoyac in Vera Cruz, H. H. Smith, April 1 S May 1 $ coll. Godman, Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. Panama: Canal Zone, Theodor Zschokke, 1 $ coll. Needham; Gatun 1 $ USNM; Gatun River, 1 mile up from TIH bridge 8/27/50 1 S ; Summit Gardens 9/1/50 1 2 ; BC lake in front
of lab. 7/23/50 1 S , the last three males by Robert B. Cumming in his coll. ; Ft. Kobbe, sunny opening in jungle stream, Jan. 9, 1938, Raymond Q. Bliss 1 8 coll. PPC. Peru: Balsapuerto, G. G. Klug, Mar. 1936, May 1935, 2 S coll. Cowley. Brazil : Minas Geraes 1 S with label "Aeschna rufina " in Hagen's hand MCZ ; Lagoa Santa, Minas Geraes 2-47 Santos Berla Machado 1 6 coll. Dias dos Santos; [Rio] 1 S with two labels, both in de Selys' hand " P. Br." and "Ae. erythroneura " MCZ ; Ypiranga [probably in the State of Parana], A. Hempel, 17 March 1898 1 $ coll. Needham; Nova Teutonia, Santa Catharina, 20 Feb., 1935. F. Plaumann 1 S coll. P.P.C. ; Rio Grande do Sul, H. H. Smith 1 9 MCZ. Paraguay: Sapucay, 9-3-03 1 S, 12-2-03 1 S W. T. Foster coll. ANSP. Total 16 3, 1 2.
Distribution. — Vera Cruz, Mexico, to Balsapuerto in Peru, to Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil and Goya, 1 Corrientes, Argentina; 19° N. Lat. to 29° S. Lat, 43° to 97° West Long.
Altitudinal Range. — Sea level to 400 m. (1315 ft. at Atoyac *) or higher ?
Seasonal Range. — All months except October and November are represented at one or another locality above cited, but there is no long series of dates for the same place. The nearest approach to such a series is for the Canal Zone, Panama, namely Jan., July, Aug. and Sept. The rainy season in the Canal Zone is from April to December (Balboa Heights) or to January (Colon) ; the rainiest month at Balboa Heights is October, at Colon November ; the driest month at Balboa Heights or Colon February or March. f In the Canal Zone, therefore, C. perrensi is a rainy season species. Balsapuerto, Peru, and Ypiranga, Brazil, lying east of the Andes at elevations below 1000 m. (3280 ft.) are apparently similar in rainfall to Iquitos, Brazil, where the driest month (August) has a precipitation of 4.61 inches, " so that there is no dry season " ; % perrensi here also is a rainy season species. In southeastern Brazil Lagoa Santa and Nova Teutonia presumably resemble Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo in having November or December to March the rainier months ; perrensi is a wet season species here.
* Gannett, H., A List of Altitudes in Mexico and Central and South America, Month. Bull. Internat. Bur. Amer. Repubs. Sept., 1904, Wash., D. C, p. 9.
t Reed, W. W., The Climates of the World, Yearbook of Agriculture 1941, U. S. Dept. Agric. Wash., p. 673, cf. p. 1224.
% Kendrew, W. G., The Climates of the Continents, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 4th edit., 1953, p. 495. If Sapucay is like Asuncion, October to May * are rainier months and perrensi occurs at the end of the dry season (September) and in the wet (December). At Atoyac, in Vera Cruz, perrensi appears in the dry season, if we may use the rainfall figures for the city of Vera Cruz.f
$ . Generally red in color without green markings on thorax and abdomen, except that the Rio male has traces of MD on 3-8, of PD on 3-5 ; no brown on the red frons, no superior T-spot, vertex reddish, not black, posteriorly dark brown to black, third femora reddish throughout except for the two inferior rows of black-tipped spinules. Posterior half of dorsum of abd. seg. 1 elevated as a rounded transverse tubercle to a height of .41-.74 mm. above the anterior part of the segment, this elevation corresponding to .09-. 16 of the height of the anterior half of the segment; no ventral piliferous tubercle (or this very low, Fort Kobbe) on seg. 1 but a ventral group of small spinules represents this tubercle of Aeshna. Of ten males tabulated, 5 have three teeth on the hind margin of the auricles of seg. 2 on both sides, 2 have four teeth on both sides, 1 has four teeth on one side and three on the other, one has two teeth on one side and three on the other; the percentages of the numbers of teeth are 3 teeth 65%, 4 teeth 25%, 2 teeth 10%. Where four teeth occur and in one case where three teeth exist, the lateralmost tooth is much smaller than the others. A mid-dorsal longitudinal carinaon segs. 3-9, more feeble on 9 in some. Dorsum of 10 with a pair of subcircular or elliptical pits near the anterior margin and near the mid-dorsal line and a low tubercle near each pit; some fine longitidinal striolations in the mid-dorsal region of the posterior half or more of the segment's length; more regular fine transverse striolations on the posterior half of the dorsum.
Details of the genitalia of seg. 2 were measured in the Lagoa Santa male and in one male from Sapucay (12-2-03) as follows, the first figure in each case being that of the Lagoa Santa example : total ventral length of the spine of the anterior lamina 1.55 mm., 1.23 mm., length of the free distal part .57 mm., .49 mm. ; hamular process .82 mm., .80 mm., long, maximum width of the two hamular processes together .57 mm., .57 mm. ; spines of the lamina projecting markedly ventrad in profile view (Ft. Kobbe, Ypiranga, Nova Teutonia and one Sapucay 9-3-03), their dark tips reaching caudad not as far as the level of the hind margins of the hamular processes and without a basal tuft of hairs. Genital lobe with very minute spinules (± .013 mm. long). Glans penis notched at apex, no median projection, no cornua.
* Reed, W. W., 1941, op. cit., pp. 674, 675. Hann's precipitation figures for Blumenau, in the eastern part of Sta. Catharina are somewhat different, Meteor. Ztsch. XXVIII: 324, 1911.
fKendrew, W. G., 1953, op. cit., p. 527.
Superior appendages longer than abd. segs. 9 + 10, shorter than 8 -f9, in dorsal view with the lateral margin barely convex, almost straight, mesal margin concave in the basal seventh to third, convex for the remainder of its length to the rounded apex which may be slightly angular at its lateral angle, a superior, submedian, longitudinal carina; in profile view upper (= lateral margin of the dorsal view) margin almost straight, not sinuate, lower margin concave in the basal third, convex for the remainder of its length to the somewhat rounded apex. Maximum width of each superior appendage (five males measured) .94-1.06 mm. at .56-.66 of appendage length. In 1905 2 p. 188 I stated: " One of the Mexican (Atoyac) specimens has a small subbasal inferior tubercle on the superior appendages, in the other (the one we have figured) this tubercle is rudimentary ; in most of the SouthAmerican material before me this tubercle is entirely absent, but a rudiment is present in three of the Paraguayan males, placed a trifle more posteriorly than in the Mexican examples." The two Atoyac males are not available for reexamination. All ten of the present males show this tubercle, although it is very small in some; it is best seen in an oblique-lateral view.
Inferior appendage reaching to the level of .52-. 62 of the length of the superiors, in dorsal or ventral view triangular.
bibliyografik atıf
Calvert, P.P. 1956. The Neotropical Species of the Subgenus Aeschna Sensu Selysii 1883 (Odonata). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 15. Philadelphia, USA