AmphibiaWeb articles tarafından sağlandı
A medium-sized (Males 22–27 mm, females 25–29 mm) high-altitude Afrixalus from Cameroun with a rather diffuse pattern. Head relatively smaller than in A. laevis. By day the dorsum is often entirely white with some brown chromatophores on the upper surfaces of the limbs. No dark pattern on dorsum. Hidden parts of limbs and toes orange yellow. By night dorsum with numerous brown chromatophores or completely brown. Canthus rostralis always brown. Voice: A rather quiet, high-pitched buzzing with a frequency-intensity maximum at about 2500–3000 cps.This account was taken from "Treefrogs of Africa" by Arne Schiøtz with kind permission from Edition Chimaira ( publishers, Frankfurt am Main.
Distribution and Habitat
AmphibiaWeb articles tarafından sağlandı
Found at forest edges and gallery forest on the periphery of the Cameroon Range, with the exception of Mt. Cameroun. Connected with flowing water.