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Deeveya medix Kornicker ex Kornicker, Yager & Williams 1990

Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology tarafından sağlandı
Deeveya medix Kornicker

ETYMOLOGY.—From the Latin medix (curator).

MATERIAL.—Sagittarius Cave, Sweeting's Cay, Grand Bahama Island, Little Bahama Bank (all specimens in alcohol): 25 Jul 1984: USNM 193592, 1 adult male (holotype); USNM 193603, 1 adult ?female. 14 Dec 1984: USNM 193604A, 1 adult ?female; USNM 193604B, 1 adult female; USNM 193604C, 1 adult. 8 Jun 1987: USNM 193600, 1 adult female; USNM 193601, 1 adult. 12 Sep 1987: USNM 193602A,B, 2 adult males, USNM 193602C, 1 adult. 17 Dec 1987: USNM 193599, 8 specimens (crushed). All except holotype are paratypes.

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from Sagittarius Cave, Sweeting's Cay, Grand Bahama Island, Little Bahama Bank (type locality).

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT MALE (Figures 22f, 27a–o, 28a–k).—Carapace oval in lateral view except for straight dorsal margin and slightly concave anterior margin (Figure 27a). Right valve with small tubercle on dorsal margin near posterior end. Shell strongly calcified, brittle.

Ornamentation (Figure 27b,p): Carapace when viewed in transmitted light with large disks appearing bright (Figure 27b,p); disks not represented by depressions on valve surface, which appears smooth; reticulations within shell walls easily visible on some specimens (Figure 27p; sex and age unknown) but not on others (Figure 27b); minute bright boss on valve surface between disks bosses appearing as projections along anterior and anteroventral shell edge. (Ornamentation also shown for USNM 193601, an adult of undetermined sex (Figure 29f)).

Bristles: Valve margins and lateral surface with few undivided bristles (Figure 27b). Setal bristle at tip of dorsal tubercle of right valve.

Infold (Figure 27d): Broad infold along anterior, ventral, and posterior margins, narrowest opposite anterior concavity, widest at anteroventral corner. Narrow list present near inner margin of anterior infold but closer to outer margin along ventral infold; anteroventral and ventral list scalloped along inner edge. Selvage along outer margin of infold with narrow lamellar prolongation with smooth outer edge.

Glands: Glandular opening on tip of dorsal tubercle of right valve.

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments (Figure 27a,c): 12 individual attachments arranged in ellipse with long axis oblique to dorsal margin. Indistinct crescent shaped scar just anterior and ventral to central adductor muscle attachments.

Carapace Size: USNM 193592, length 1.73 mm, height including tubercle of right valve, 1.22 mm, height excluding tubercle 1.18 mm; USNM 193602A, length 1.67 mm, height including tubercle 1.19 mm; USNM 193602B, length 1.67 mm, height including tubercle 1.20 mm.

First Antenna (Figures 22f, 27d,f): Elongate with 8 joints. 1st joint with terminal ventral spinulose lobe overlapping proximal ventral corner of 2nd joint. 2nd joint with dorsal midbristle bearing short marginal spines. 3rd joint elongate (width of distal margin 31% length of dorsal margin), with distal ventral bristle. 4th joint short with short, slender, dorsal, terminal bristle. 5th joint shorter than 4th, with long, ventral, terminal, filament-like bristle. 6th joint slightly shorter than 5th, bare. 7th joint about same length as 4th, with short, distal, lateral a-bristle near dorsal margin, 1 long medial b-bristle and 1 long lateral c-bristle on short terminal ventral pedestal (both b- and c-bristles with widely spaced minute lateral spines and a terminal papilla, and reaching past tip of bristle of 5th joint); b-bristle filament-like; c-bristle stouter and almost twice length of b-bristle, ringed proximally and filament-like distally. 8th joint with terminal d-, e-, f-, and g-bristles (d-bristle reaching tip of bristle of 5th joint, with marginal spines and terminal papilla; e-bristle same length as c-bristle, with fairly stout widely spaced marginal spines and terminal papilla, ringed proximally and filament-like distally; f-bristle at slight ventral angle, slightly shorter than d-bristle, with widely spaced marginal spines and terminal papilla, filament-like; g-bristle with tip broken, remaining part more than half length of e-bristle, with widely spaced marginal spines, filament-like). (Marginal spines not shown on bristles of 7th and 8th joints of illustrated limb.)

Second Antenna: Protopodite with distal lateral spines (Figure 27e, spines not shown). Endopodite (Figure 27g–h): 1st joint with a-bristle about half length of b-bristle; 2nd joint of right limb of USNM 193592 at right angle to 1st joint (Figure 27g), but straight on left limb (Figure 27h), with long f- and g-bristles (f-bristle filament-like, more slender and about half length of g-bristle, and with terminal papilla; g-bristle ringed in proximal half, filament like distally and with terminal papilla); 3rd joint small, with filament like h-, i-, and j-bristles, all slightly shorter than f-bristle, each with terminal papilla. Exopodite 9-jointed: 1st joint divided into long proximal and short distal parts; distal part with slender bare medial bristle almost reaching distal end of 4th joint; 2nd joint with long bristle with ventral spines along distal and natatory hairs; bristles of joints 3–8 long and with natatory hairs; 9th joint with 4 bristles (1 short bare, 2 longer with ventral marginal spines, 1 very long with natatory hairs).

Mandible (Figure 27c,e,i–n) Coxale endite with proximal and distal sets of teeth separated by space (Figure 27i): proximal set comprising 4 stout cusps (2 distal cusps with square tips, others more rounded); a short spinous bristle on both anterior and posterior edge of proximal set; surface between cusps and posterior to cusps with abundant slender spines; 2 spinous bristles medial to stout rounded tooth between proximal and distal sets of teeth; 1 spinous bristle and 1 stout curved process proximal to distal set of teeth; distal set comprising 2 flat teeth: proximal tooth with 5 cusps (posterior cusp longer); distal tooth with 7 cusps (middle cusp stouter). Basale with 4 long proximal bristles (3 stout plumose, 1 slender, medial, bare) (Figure 27j,k). Basale endite: distal edge with 6 terminal triangular cusps; lateral surface near distal edge with sharp tooth near midwidth; lateral surface distal to midlength with 4 slender bristles and 2 long stout entwined bristles (Figure 27k–m); anterior margin with 1 slender bristle; posterior margin with proximal spines and 2 short distal bristles (distal of these tubular). Endopodite 3-jointed (Figure 27n): 1st joint with 1 subterminal dorsal bristle, 1 spinous distal ventral bristle, and 4 spinous medial bristles; 2nd joint with 3 spinous terminal dorsal bristles (1 claw-like), and 1 spinous terminal ventral bristle; 3rd joint hirsute medially and along dorsal margin, with 4 medial bristles forming row, and 3 spinous terminal bristles (all marginal spines short; ventral bristle with closely spaced short spines (spines shorter than width of bristle) along distal dorsal half).

Maxilla (Figure 28a–e): Coxale with stout, hirsute, terminal, dorsal bristle (Figure 28a). Endite I with 2 slender proximal bristles and 11 terminal bristles, some tubular (Figure 28c); endite II with 2 slender proximal bristles and 11 subterminal and terminal bristles (Figure 28d), some tubular, endite III with 1 subterminal bristle near basale and 6 terminal bristles (4 claw-like, 2 tubular) (Figure 28e). Basale with 1 slender ventral bristle and 1 slender terminal medial bristle at midwidth. Endopodite: 1st joint with 10 bristles (4 near anterior margin, 6 in vicinity of distal posterior corner); 2nd joint with 2 stout pectinate claws, 6 slender bristles, and long hairs on anterior surface (Figure 28b).

Fifth Limb (Figure 28f): Epipodite with hirsute bristles forming 3 groups: ventral group with 5 (ventral bristle about length of others); middle group with 6; dorsal group with 4 long and 1 short (dorsal). Protopodite with lateral glandular field, and 2 ventral endites: endite I with 3 bristles (longest with long proximal spines, shortest tubular, other with short marginal spines); endite II with 1 proximal medial bristle with short spines and 5 ventral bristles (longest with long proximal spines, others either bare or with short spines and tubular). Basale with 2 long long lateral subventral bristles with long proximal spines, 1 proximal medial bristle with short marginal spines, and 8 ventral bristles (1 medial with long spines, 2 pectinate, somewhat claw-like, 5 tubular). Endopodite with about 10 bristles (1 proximal medial bristle with short marginal spines, 1 lateral subventral with long proximal spines, 2 anterior with long proximal spines, 2 claw-like ventral pectinate, 2 short tubular, 1 long ventral with short marginal spines, 1 short, medial, subterminal, with pointed tip; usual small triangular medial bristle not observed). 1st exopodial joint divided into 2 parts: proximal part with 10 bristles (dorsal margin with very long bare subterminal bristle, 1 plumose bristle just proximal to terminal bristle, 1 plumose terminal lateral bristle at joint midwidth, 1 slender bare lateral bristle near ventral margin, 2 proximal medial bristles, and 4 ventral bristles); distal part with 4 bristles on or near ventral margin, bare or with short marginal spines. 2nd exopodial joint: dorsal margin with 1 distal bristle; ventral margin with 4 slender bristles near midlength. 3rd exopodial joint with 2 stout unringed pectinate claw-like bristles, and 2 slender ringed bristles.

Sixth Limb (Figure 28g): Epipodite with plumose bristles forming 3 groups: ventral group with 5 long bristles, middle group with 6 long bristles, dorsal group with 5 bristles (4 long, 1 short (dorsal)). Precoxale separated from coxale by distinct suture, both joints with long medial hairs. Precoxale with proximal tubular bristle with short marginal spines, and 3 distal bristles (1 with short and 2 with long spines). Coxale with 4 bristles (2 with long spines). Basale with 7 plumose bristles (1 lateral, 6 medial or ventral), none close to endopodite. Endopodite forming thumb-like process with 4 long bristles (terminal bristle longest and bare, others plumose); endopodite of USNM 193592 partly lateral to 1st exopodial joint. Exopodite 3-jointed: 1st joint with 6 bristles (bare or with short marginal spines); 2nd joint with 3 bristles (2 ventral, 1 dorsal). 3rd joint with 4 bristles (2 stout claw-like, longest with ventral marginal teeth distally and, 2 bristles slender bare).

Seventh Limb (Figure 28h): Elongate, unjointed, with 3 terminal bristles.

Furca (Figure 27o): Each lamella with 7 claws; lamellae followed by unpaired spinous dorsal bristle about same length as claw 2; claws 1–4 with teeth along posterior margin, claws 5–7 with small teeth along both margins; teeth of claw 7 only very slightly smaller than those of claws 5 and 6; small glandular peg between claws 1 and 2; right lamella of furca of USNM 193592 very slightly anterior to left lamella. Apron anterior to furca (Figure 27o).

Bellonci Organ (Figure 27d): Well developed, bifurcate at midlength, with each branch tapering to point

Upper Lip (Figure 28i): Not examined in detail but similar to that of D. spiralis. Lower lip beak shaped process on each side of mouth.

Copulatory Organ (Figure 28j,k): Differs from that of D. styrax in having subterminal anterior toothed process on anterior branch.

Posterior of Body: Rounded unsegmented.

Pigmented organs (Figure 27e): 2 organs with brown pigment and containing rounded cells of darker brown pigment present posterior to protopodite of 2nd antenna and anterior to copulatory organ.

Unknown Receptacle: None observed.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figure 28 n).—Carapace similar to that of adult male (Figure 28l).

Carapace Size: USNM 193600, length 1.73 mm, height including tubercle 1.26 mm, height excluding tubercle 1.25 mm; USNM 193604B, length 1.67 mm, height including tubercle 1.21 mm, height excluding tubercle 1.20 mm. Sex uncertain (valves not opened): USNM 193603, length 1.75 mm, height including tubercle 1.30 mm, height excluding tubercle 1.26 mm; USNM 193604A, length 1.71 mm, height including tubercle 1.23 mm, height excluding tubercle 1.21 mm.

First Antenna, Second Antenna (Figure 28m), Mandible, and Maxilla: Not examined in detail but similar to those of adult male.

Fifth Limb: Protopodite without glandular field present on male. Limb not examined in detail but similar to that of male.

Sixth Limb: Similar to that of male except endopodite of

USNM 193600 medial to exopodite.

Seventh Limb (Figure 28n), Furca, Bellonci Organ, and Upper Lip: Similar to those of male.

Genitalia (Figure 28n): Not seen with certainty. Single bristle near genital area.

COMPARISONS.—Carapace of D. medix similar to that of D. jillae in having large disks. Adult D. jillae unknown, but length probably with range of 1.32–1.35 mm (determined by multiplying length of A-l male (1.07 mm) by estimated growth factors of 1.23 and 1.26), much shorter than length of adult male D. medix (1.73 mm) (Figure 30). 3rd joint of 1st antenna of D. medix more elongate than that of D. jillae (width of distal end of 3rd joint of 1st antenna as percent of length of dorsal margin 31% for D. medix (Figure 22f) and 38% for D. jillae (Figure 22b)). Carapace of adult D. hirpex much larger than that of D. medix (length 2.36 mm compared to 1.73 mm)(Figure 30). Carapace of D. medix differing from that of D. bransoni in having larger disks at intersections of walls of reticulations (Figure 29b,f).


The carapaces of known species of Deeveya mainly differ in overall size (Figure 30) and in the diameter (relative to breadth of polygons) of disks at the intersections of walls forming polygons (Figure 29). The carapace of D. spiralis differs from those of other species in having bifurcating rather than simple bristles along the anterior margin. The 1st antennae of some species differ in length (relative to width) of the 3rd joint (Figure 22). The spination of the posterior bristle of the end joint of the endopodite of the mandible differs on some species (D. spiralis and D. bransoni). The end joint of the exopodite of the 5th limb of D. spiralis bears 5 bristles, whereas other species have only 4. The number of bristles in the 3 groups of bristles farming the epipodites of the 5th and 6th limbs may differ slightly among species but intraspecific variability is not known, and these bristles are difficult to count on an undissected specimen and easily break off during dissection. The 5th and 6th furcal claws of D. spiralis bear stouter marginal teeth than those claws of other species. The number of bristles on appendages of known species are compared in Table 2, but intraspecific variability is not known. The adult male is known only for D. styrax and D. medix, but the considerable differences in the tip of the anterior branch of the copulatory organ of those species indicates that it will be useful in identifying other species.
bibliyografik atıf
Kornicker, Louis S., Yager, J., and Williams, D. 1990. "Ostracoda (Halocyprididae) from Anchialine Caves in the Bahamas." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-51. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.495