

Scrophularia peregrina L. resmi


Scrophularia peregrina L., syn.: Scrophularia lesbiaca P. Candargy.Family: ScrophulariaceaeEN: Nettle-Leaved Figwort, Mediterranean Figwort; DE: Fremde BraunwurzSlo.: no nameDat.: May 05. 2023Lat.: 44.50634 Long.: 14.306931Code: Bot_1523/2023_DSC2839Habitat: Steep hill slope, northwest aspect; sandy ground, loosely compacted deposit of wind-blown sediment (loess), partly in shade; average precipitations ~ 1.100 mm/year, average temperature 12-13 deg C, elevations 45 m (150 feet), Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: sandy soil.Place: North Adriatic Sea region, island Susak, next to the most west walking path to the upper settlement of Susak town, Kvarner bay, Rijeka region, Croatia. Comments (pertain to pictures in Flicker album Scrophularia peregrine): Flowers of numerous species of Scrophularia genus are very characteristic. One can recognize them immediately. They are all small, but very interestingly designed and beautiful. Scrophularia peregrina is a warmth loving, Mediterranean plant. It doesn't grow in Slovenia in spite of the fact that the state has a short coast line on the Adriatic Sea. In Croatia the plant grows mostly on Adriatic islands. Otherwise Scrophularia peregrine is present in all other European states bordering to Adriatic Sea, but only in someof them in North Africa and Meddle East.This find is from island Susak. The place is geological unique among thousand+ islands along the east coast of Adriatic Sea. It is small, measuring only about 3.5 km2, but entirely made of loosely compacted yellowish-grey deposit of wind-blown sediments (loess-paleosol) sitting on a carbonate basement. This makes it unique in the whole Mediterranean.Ref.:(1) T. Nikoli, Flora Croatica, Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske, Vol. 3. Alfa d.d.. Zagreb (2020) p 620.(2) W.K. Rottensteiner, Exkursionsflora fr Istrien, Verlag des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Krten (2014), p 871.(3) www.actaplantarum.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2005 (accessed: July 1. 2023)(4) M. Blamey, C. Grey-Wilson, Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean, A & C Black, London (2005), p 407.

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