
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.

Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. resmi


Jeniang, Kedah, Malaysia.Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Poaceae. CN: [Malay - Rumput sambau, Godong ular, Suket wululang], Crowsfoot grass, Goose grass, Indian goosegrass, Silver crabgrass, Wiregrass. Considered as weeds in agricultural land and nurseries. Annual, stem tufted, compressed, 5-60cm high, often branched. Leaf blades 5-20cm long, narrow, often folded, shiny below; a few scattered hairs on upper surface, sheath keeled. Ligule short membranous with jagged edge. Hairy on margin about the junction of blade and sheath. Inflorescence of one to many spikes, unbranched, usually three or more radiating at the top of the culm with one attached below, axis flat. Spikelets without stalks, flattened, three to five flowered, all bisexual, jointed below the florets, which fall of and leave the two basal glumes. The seed, transversely ridged.Synonym(s):Chloris repens Steud.Cynodon indicus (L.) RaspailCynosurus indicus L.Eleusine japonica Steud.Eleusine distachya NeesEleusine distans MoenchEleusine domingensis Sieber ex Schult.Eleusine glabra Schumach.Eleusine gonantha SchrankEleusine gouini E. Fourn.Eleusine gracilis Salisb.Eleusine inaequalis E. Fourn.Eleusine inaequalis E. Fourn. ex Hemsl.Eleusine indica var. major E. Fourn.Eleusine indica var. sandaensis VanderystEleusine rigidifolia E. Fourn.Eleusine rigidifolia E. Fourn. ex Hemsl.Eleusine scabra E. Fourn.Eleusine scabra E. Fourn. ex Hemsl.Eleusine textilis Welw.Ref and suggested reading:www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?14997en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleusine_indicawww.missouriplants.com/Grasses/Eleusine_indica_page.htmlwww.theplantlist.org/tpl/record/kew-410636

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Ahmad Fuad Morad
Ahmad Fuad Morad
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