

Ophrys scolopax subsp. cornuta (Steven) E. G. Camus resmi


Ophrys kvarneri Perko & Kerschb. (2003), syn.: Ophrys zinsmeisteri Fuchs & Ziegenspeck, Ophrys scolopax ssp. cornuta (Steven) Camus, Ophrys abchasica (Kmpel) Delforge, Ophrys oestrifera M. Bieb., Ophrys holoserica ssp. holubyana (Andras.) Dostal + many othersWasp Bearing Ophrys (?), Woodcook orchid (?), Horned Ophrys (?); CR: roiasta kokica, DE: Schnephen Ragwurtz, Bremsen- RagwurzSlo.: kvarnersko maje uhoDat.: May 2. 2018Lat.: 45.066446 Long.: 14.447568Code: Bot_1130/2018_DSC2562Habitat: stony grassland, abandoned olive grove; calcareous, skeletal ground; open place, full sun, dry place, flat terrain; elevation 60 m (200 feet); average precipitations ~ 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 13 -14 deg C, sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: karst soil.Place: West Krk island, south of village Brzac, near the road from village Milohni to Jana harbor, Kvarner bay, Adriatic Sea, Croatia EC. Comment: This beautiful, relatively large flowered ophrys is considered endemic plant of Istria peninsula and Kvarner Bay archipelago consisting of islands Cres, Loinj, Krk and a few smaller island around (northeast Adriatic Sea) (Ref.:1). On island Cres it is not really a rare find. One can find it in abandoned or poorly maintained olive groves and on stony grassland, often next to numerous, narrow dirt-roads surrounded by typical Mediterranean manmade dry stony walls. Taxonomy of genus Ophrys is something special and faraway of anything more or less settled. Some orchidologists recognize over 300 species, subspecies and varieties, others are 'satisfied' with ten or twenty. 'Correct' naming of plants is beyond abilities of (amateur) mortals. There exist few, if any, plant genera where the differences between taxonomic 'lumpers' and 'splitters' are more apparent. Name O. kvarneri is understandably not recognized by all. Many consider it as a synonym of O. zinsmeisteri (Ref.:3) or O. scolopax ssp. cornuta (Ref.:4) or O. holoserica ssp. holubyana (Andras.) Dostal (Ref.5). Two plants were found in this observation.Ref.(1) M.L.Perko & H.Kerschbaumsteiner , Ophrys kvarneri M.L.Perko & H.Kerschb., spec. nov., eine bisher bersehene Art aus Istrien und dem Kvarner-Archipel. Ber. Arbeitskrs. Heim. Orchid. (2003) 20(1): 45-53.(2) www.ophrys-genus.be/croatia.htm (accessed May 5. 2018)(3) W.K. Rottensteiner, Exkursionsflora fr Istrien, Verlag des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fr Krnten, (2014), p 924.(4) www.mittelmeerflora.de/Einkeim/Orchidaceae/scolo_rosa.htm (accessed May 8. 2018)(5) H. Baumann, S. Kuenkele, R.Lorenz, Orchideen Europas, Ulmer (2006), p 164.

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