
Liriomyza resmi

Liriomyza resmi


Figures 20–27.Life history of Liriomyza mystica larvae on Bocconia frutescens. 20–22 External evidence caused by internal larval feeding on vein and petiole 20 Brown to reddish brown spots (ca. 1–2 mm long) on upperside along primary vein, marked by rectangular line. Arrow indicates Liriomyza prompta mine 21 Pale brown linear spots along the primary vein seen through strong sunlight from the back. Note that lower part of vein (underside) is thicker and shown as shadow 22 Mine in pale colour zigzag, approximately 30 mm long 23 Longitudinally opened primary vein with linear mine (circle) and late instar larva (arrow) 24 Late instar larva in situ, ventral view. Cephalopharyngeal skeleton on right. Notice orange spot at head 25 Mature larva exiting from underside of vein (arrow). Close-up view, lower right. Notice orange spot at head 26 Exit hole (ca. 1 mm wide) on underside of primary vein 27 Mature larva in pre-puparial stage. Posterior on right.

Kaynak Bilgileri

telif hakkı
Stéphanie Boucher, Kenji Nishida
bibliyografik atıf
Boucher S, Nishida K (2014) Description and biology of two new species of Neotropical Liriomyza Mik (Diptera, Agromyzidae), mining leaves of Bocconia (Papaveraceae) ZooKeys 369: 79–97
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