
Import Log for Antweb

  • Started: December 29, 2020 11:31
  • Completed: 12:11:52
  • Failed: No.
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 11:51:24 (starts) #propagate_ids Medium
  • 11:51:03 (starts) #import Medium
  • 11:51:02 (starts) Medium
  • 11:51:01 (starts) #propagate_ids Article
  • 11:51:01 (warns) INCORRECT NUMBER OF ROWS DURING IMPORT OF articles: got 20633, expected 20634 (from /app/tmp/antweb_articles.tsv)
  • 11:50:57 (starts) #import Article
  • 11:50:56 (starts) Article
  • 11:50:56 (starts) #propagate_ids Vernacular
  • 11:50:56 (starts) #import Vernacular
  • 11:50:56 (warns) MISSING http://content.eol.org/data/antweb/publish_vernaculars.tsv [404] (10 bytes); skipping
  • 11:50:56 (starts) Vernacular
  • 11:50:50 (starts) #propagate_ids NodeAncestor
  • 11:50:45 (starts) #import NodeAncestor
  • 11:50:45 (starts) NodeAncestor
  • 11:50:44 (starts) #propagate_ids ScientificName
  • 11:50:37 (starts) #import ScientificName
  • 11:50:37 (starts) ScientificName
  • 11:50:37 (starts) #propagate_ids Identifier
  • 11:50:37 (starts) #import Identifier
  • 11:50:37 (warns) MISSING http://content.eol.org/data/antweb/publish_identifiers.tsv [404] (10 bytes); skipping
  • 11:50:37 (starts) Identifier
  • 11:50:37 (starts) #propagate_ids BibliographicCitation
  • 11:50:32 (starts) #import BibliographicCitation
  • 11:50:32 (starts) BibliographicCitation
  • 11:50:31 (starts) #propagate_ids Node
  • 11:50:27 (starts) #import Node
  • 11:50:27 (starts) Node
  • 11:50:27 (starts) #propagate_ids Referent
  • 11:50:27 (starts) #import Referent
  • 11:50:27 (warns) MISSING http://content.eol.org/data/antweb/publish_referents.tsv [404] (10 bytes); skipping
  • 11:50:27 (starts) Referent
  • 11:50:27 (warns) All existing content has been destroyed for the resource.
  • 11:50:27 (infos) Removed 16058 Nodes
  • 11:50:24 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 16058 instances...
  • 11:50:24 (infos) ++ NUKE: Node (16058)
  • 11:50:24 (infos) Updating page node counts...
  • 11:50:24 (infos) Removed 148009 Attributions
  • 11:50:13 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 148009 instances...
  • 11:50:13 (infos) ++ NUKE: Attribution (148009)
  • 11:50:13 (infos) Removed 0 Vernaculars
  • 11:50:13 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
  • 11:50:13 (infos) ++ NUKE: Vernacular (0)
  • 11:50:13 (infos) Removed 16058 Scientificnames
  • 11:50:10 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 16058 instances...
  • 11:50:10 (infos) ++ NUKE: ScientificName (16058)
  • 11:50:10 (infos) Removed 0 Occurrencemaps
  • 11:50:10 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
  • 11:50:10 (infos) ++ NUKE: OccurrenceMap (0)
  • 11:50:10 (infos) Removed 0 Links
  • 11:50:10 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...