
Leucòpsid ( Catalão; Valenciano )

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Els leucòpsids (Leucospidae, de vegades incorrectament cridada Leucospididae) són una família d'himenòpters apòcrits de la superfamília Chalcidoidea. Són un petit grup especialitzat compost exclusivament d'ectoparasitoides de larves de vespes aculeades (amb agulló) i d'abelles.

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Леукоспиддер ( Quirguiz )

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Leucospis gigas.

Леукоспиддер (лат. Leucospidae) — жоон бут чабандестер; чабандес каскак жандыктардын бир тукуму.

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Leucospidae ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Leucospidae (sometimes incorrectly spelled Leucospididae) are a specialized group of wasps within the superfamily Chalcidoidea, that are ectoparasitoids of aculeate wasps or bees. They are typically mimics of bees or stinging wasps, often black with yellow, red, or white markings, sometimes metallic, with a robust mesosoma and very strong sculpturing. The hind femora are often greatly enlarged, with a row of teeth or serrations along the lower margin as in Chalcididae. The wing has a longitudinal fold. The female ovipositor is sometimes short, but if not, it is recurved and lies along the dorsal side of the metasoma, a unique feature. The males are also unusual, in the fusion of many of the metasomal segments to form a capsule-like "carapace".

Leucospidae are external parasitoids of larval hymenoptera, mostly solitary bees but some solitary wasps, and there is a case of a hyperparasitoid. The eggs are laid inside the nests of the host and upon hatching, they feed on the host larva. Usually only a single adult parasite emerges from a single host brood cell. Leucospis pinna, which parasitizes the orchid bee Eulaema meriana, is known to have multiple adults emerging from a single brood cell of the host.[1][2] Leucopsis dorsigera is considered a hyperparasite, as it is a parasite of Xorides sp. which in turn is a parasitoid of a cerambycid beetle larva boring inside the stems of apricots.[3] Leucospids are rarely encountered except in areas where their hosts are abundant; in the United States, the best-known species is Leucospis affinis, which parasitizes leafcutter bees.[4]

There are four genera with about 130 species which are known, of which nearly 44 are from the New World, mostly from the Neotropics. A fossil species Leucospis glaesaria has been described from Early Miocene amber from the Dominican Republic.[5] The Leucospidae have traditionally been suggested as a sister group of the Chalcididae, based on morphology, but a 2011 phylogenetic analysis found that the Leucospidae were a monophyletic lineage but with uncertain placement within the Chalcidoidea and not closely related to the Chalcididae. The study found that the genus Oodera (Pteromalidae: Cleonyminae) was close to the Leucospidae, a result confirmed by a 2018 study.[6][7][8]


  1. ^ Grissell, E.E.; Cameron, S.A. (2002). "A new Leucospis Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Leucospidae), the First Reported Gregarious Species" (PDF). Journal of Hymenoptera Research. 11 (2): 271–278.
  2. ^ Gazola, Ana Lúcia; Garófalo, Carlos Alberto (2003). "Parasitic Behavior of Leucospis cayennensis Westwood (Hymenoptera: Leucospidae) and Rates of Parasitism in Populations of Centris (Heterocentris) analis (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Centridini)". Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 76 (2): 131–142. ISSN 0022-8567. JSTOR 25086098.
  3. ^ Hesami, S; Akrami MA; Baur, H (2005). "Leucospis dorsigera Fabricius (Hymenoptera, Leucospidae) as a Hyperparasitoid of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) through Xoridinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in Iran" (PDF). Journal of Hymenoptera Research. 14 (1): 66–68.
  4. ^ Cowan, David P. (3 November 2017). "Parasitism of Ancistrocerus Antilope(Hymenoptera:Eumenidae) by Leucospis affinis (Hymenoptera:Leucospididae)". The Great Lakes Entomologist. 19 (3): 177–179.
  5. ^ Engel, Michael S. (1 March 2002). "The first leucospid wasp from the fossil record (Hymenoptera: Leucospidae)". Journal of Natural History. 36 (4): 435–441. doi:10.1080/00222930110059682. ISSN 0022-2933. S2CID 84404452.
  6. ^ Munro, James B.; Heraty, John M.; Burks, Roger A.; Hawks, David; Mottern, Jason; Cruaud, Astrid; Rasplus, Jean-Yves; Jansta, Petr (3 November 2011). DeSalle, Robert (ed.). "A Molecular Phylogeny of the Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera)". PLOS ONE. 6 (11): e27023. Bibcode:2011PLoSO...627023M. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027023. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 3207832. PMID 22087244.
  7. ^ Peters, Ralph S.; Niehuis, Oliver; Gunkel, Simon; Bläser, Marcel; Mayer, Christoph; Podsiadlowski, Lars; Kozlov, Alexey; Donath, Alexander; van Noort, Simon; Liu, Shanlin; Zhou, Xin (2018). "Transcriptome sequence-based phylogeny of chalcidoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) reveals a history of rapid radiations, convergence, and evolutionary success". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 120: 286–296. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2017.12.005. PMID 29247847.
  8. ^ Boucek, Z. (1974). "A revision of the Leucospidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of the world". Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology Supplement. 23: 1–240. doi:10.5962/p.140909.

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Leucospidae: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Leucospidae (sometimes incorrectly spelled Leucospididae) are a specialized group of wasps within the superfamily Chalcidoidea, that are ectoparasitoids of aculeate wasps or bees. They are typically mimics of bees or stinging wasps, often black with yellow, red, or white markings, sometimes metallic, with a robust mesosoma and very strong sculpturing. The hind femora are often greatly enlarged, with a row of teeth or serrations along the lower margin as in Chalcididae. The wing has a longitudinal fold. The female ovipositor is sometimes short, but if not, it is recurved and lies along the dorsal side of the metasoma, a unique feature. The males are also unusual, in the fusion of many of the metasomal segments to form a capsule-like "carapace".

Leucospidae are external parasitoids of larval hymenoptera, mostly solitary bees but some solitary wasps, and there is a case of a hyperparasitoid. The eggs are laid inside the nests of the host and upon hatching, they feed on the host larva. Usually only a single adult parasite emerges from a single host brood cell. Leucospis pinna, which parasitizes the orchid bee Eulaema meriana, is known to have multiple adults emerging from a single brood cell of the host. Leucopsis dorsigera is considered a hyperparasite, as it is a parasite of Xorides sp. which in turn is a parasitoid of a cerambycid beetle larva boring inside the stems of apricots. Leucospids are rarely encountered except in areas where their hosts are abundant; in the United States, the best-known species is Leucospis affinis, which parasitizes leafcutter bees.

There are four genera with about 130 species which are known, of which nearly 44 are from the New World, mostly from the Neotropics. A fossil species Leucospis glaesaria has been described from Early Miocene amber from the Dominican Republic. The Leucospidae have traditionally been suggested as a sister group of the Chalcididae, based on morphology, but a 2011 phylogenetic analysis found that the Leucospidae were a monophyletic lineage but with uncertain placement within the Chalcidoidea and not closely related to the Chalcididae. The study found that the genus Oodera (Pteromalidae: Cleonyminae) was close to the Leucospidae, a result confirmed by a 2018 study.

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Leucospidae ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Los leucóspidos (Leucospidae, a veces incorrectamente llamada Leucospididae) son una familia de himenópteros apócritos de la superfamilia Chalcidoidea. Son un pequeño grupo especializado compuesto exclusivamente de ectoparasitoides de larvas de avispas aculeadas (con aguijón) y de abejas. Más de 130 especies en 4 géneros en el mundo. La mayoría son del Neotrópico.[1]


Son mímicos de las abejas o de las avispas con aguijón, con colores negros, y diseños en tonos amarillos, rojos o blancos generalmente; a veces con reflejos metálicos. Miden de 4 7 mm. El mesosoma es robusto con fuerte labrado. El fémur de las patas posteriores suele ser muy ensanchado, con hileras de dientes como sierra a lo largo del margen inferior, como en la familia Chalcididae.

Historia natural

El ovipositor de la hembra es a veces muy corto, de lo contrario es curvado y se extiende a lo largo de la parte dorsal del abdomen. Los machos tienen la particularidad de que los segmentos del metasoma forman una especie de cápsula o caparazón.

La hembra deposita un huevo en o cerca de la presa. Cuando nace la larva, primero busca y mata a cualquier competidor y sólo entonces comienza a alimentarse del huésped.

En general los leucóspidos no son muy comunes y sólo se los encuentra en lugares donde sus huéspedes son abundantes. A veces se los encuentran visitando flores. La especie más común es Leucospis affinis, que ataca a las abejas megaquílidas.

Se conoce un fósil, Leucospis glaesaria, encontrado en ámbar dominicano del Mioceno temprano.[2]


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Leucospidae: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Los leucóspidos (Leucospidae, a veces incorrectamente llamada Leucospididae) son una familia de himenópteros apócritos de la superfamilia Chalcidoidea. Son un pequeño grupo especializado compuesto exclusivamente de ectoparasitoides de larvas de avispas aculeadas (con aguijón) y de abejas. Más de 130 especies en 4 géneros en el mundo. La mayoría son del Neotrópico.​

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Leucospidae ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Leucospidae sont une famille d'insectes hyménoptères apocrites térébrants de la super-famille des Chalcidoidea. C'est une famille d'insectes entomophages parasitant essentiellement des hyménoptères Megachillidae.



Cette famille est divisée en 4 genres pour 134 espèces, le genre Leucospis regroupant à lui seul 84 % des espèces (112 espèces).

  • Leucospis Fabricius 1775 cosmopolite principalement parasite de Megachillidae
  • Micrapion Kriechbaumer 1894 restreint à l’Afrique sur Ceratina (Xylocopinae), Ceratinella (Araignée)
  • Neleucospis Boucek 1974 restreint à l’Afrique sur Sphecidae.
  • Polistomorpha Westwood 1839 présent uniquement en Amérique du Sud sur Euglossa (Apidae)

Liste des espèces

  • Genre Leucospis Fabricius 1775
    • addenda Boucek 1974
    • affinis Say 1824
    • africana Cameron 1907
    • aliena Boucek 1974
    • anthidioides Westwood 1874
    • antiqua Walker 1862
    • aruina Walker 1862
    • atriceps (Girault 1925)
    • aurantiaca Shestakov 1923
    • auripyga Boucek 1974
    • australis Walker 1871
    • azteca Cresson 1872
    • bakeri Crawford 1915
    • banksi Weld 1922
    • bifasciata Klug 1814
    • biguetina Jurine 1807
    • bioculata Boucek 1974
    • birkmani Brues 1925
    • brasiliensis Boucek 1974
    • brevicauda Fabricius 1804
    • buchi Hedqvist 1968
    • bulbiventris Cresson 1872
    • calligastri (Ferrière 1938)
    • carinifera Kriechbaumer 1894
    • cayennensis Westwood 1839
    • clavigaster Boucek 1974
    • colombiana Boucek 1974
    • conicus (Schrank 1802)
    • coxalis Kirby 1885
    • darjilingensis Mani 1937
    • desantisi Boucek 1974
    • dorsigera Fabricius 1775
    • egaia Walker 1862
    • elegans Klug 1834
    • enderleini Ashmead 1904
    • fallax Boucek 1974
    • femoricincta Boucek 1974
    • fuelleborniana Enderlein 1903
    • funerea Schletterer 1890
    • genalis Boucek 1974
    • gigas Fabricius 1793
    • giraulti Boucek 1974
    • globigera Boucek 1974
    • guzeratensis Westwood 1839
    • histrio Maindron 1878
    • holubi Boucek 1974
    • hopei Westwood 1835
    • ignota Walker 1862
    • imitans Boucek 1974
    • incarnata Westwood 1839
    • insularis Kirby 1900
    • intermedia Illiger 1807
    • japonica Walker 1871
    • klugii Westwood 1839
    • lankana Boucek & Narendran 1981
    • latifrons Schletterer 1890
    • leptomera Boucek 1974
    • leucotelus Walker 1852
    • mackerrasi Naumann 1981
    • maculata Weld 1922
    • malaica Schletterer 1890
    • manaica Roman 1920
    • metatibialis Boucek 1974
    • mexicana Walker 1862
    • micrura Schletterer 1890
    • miniata Klug 1834
    • moleyrei Maindron 1878
    • morawitzi Schletterer 1890
    • nambui Habu 1977
    • namibica Boucek 1974
    • nigerrima Kohl 1908
    • nigripyga Boucek 1974
    • niticoxa Boucek 1974
    • obsoleta Klug 1834
    • opalescens Weld 1922
    • ornata Westwood 1839
    • osmiae Boucek 1974
    • parvula Boucek 1974
    • pediculata Guérin-Méneville 1844
    • petiolata Fabricius 1787
    • pictipyga Boucek 1974
    • poeyi Guérin-Méneville 1844
    • procera Schletterer 1890
    • propinqua Schletterer 1890
    • pubescens Boucek 1974
    • pulchella Crawford 1915
    • pulchriceps Cameron 1909
    • pyriformis (Weld 1922)
    • regalis Westwood 1874
    • reversa Boucek 1974
    • rieki Boucek 1974
    • rileyi Schletterer 1890
    • robertsoni Crawford 1909
    • robusta Weld 1922
    • rostrata Boucek 1974
    • santarema Walker 1862
    • schlettereri Schulthess-Schindler 1899
    • sedlaceki Boucek 1974
    • signifera Boucek 1974
    • sinensis Walker 1862
    • slossonae Weld 1922
    • speifera Walker 1862
    • sumichrastii Cresson 1872
    • texana Cresson 1872
    • tricolor Kirby 1883
    • varicollis Cameron 1909
    • ventricosa Boucek 1974
    • versicolor Boucek 1974
    • violaceipennis Strand 1911
    • williamsi Boucek 1974
    • xylocopae Burks 1961
    • yasumatsui Habu 1961
  • Genre Micrapion Kriechbaumer 1894
    • biimpressum Boucek 1974
    • bilineatum Kriechbaumer 1894
    • clavaforme Steffan 1948
    • congoense Steffan 1948
    • dalyi Boucek 1974
    • dolichum Boucek 1974
    • flavocinctum (Kieffer 1905)
    • lugubre Boucek 1974
    • nasutum Boucek 1974
    • punctulatum Boucek 1974
    • richardsi Boucek 1974
    • steffani Boucek 1974
  • Genre Neleucospis Boucek 1974
    • masculina Boucek 1974
  • Genre Polistomorpha Westwood 1839
    • atrata Boucek 1974
    • conura Boucek 1974
    • fasciata (Westwood 1874)
    • femorata Boucek 1974
    • nitidiventris Ducke 1906
    • sphegoides Walker 1862
    • surinamensis (Westwood 1839)


Toutes les espèces de Leucospidae sont ectoparasites de larves d’hyménoptères aculéates, principalement de Megachillidae, mais on les rencontre parasitant les familles suivantes :

  • Apidae (genres Antophtora, Euglossa, Xylocopa),
  • Eumenidae (Xenorynchium),
  • Megachillidae (Anthidiellum, Anthidium, Chalicodoma, Hoplitis, Megachille, Osmia, Stelis),
  • Mellitidae (Ctenoplectra),
  • Sphecidae (Chalybion, Psenulus, Sphex),
  • Vespidae (Ancistrocerus, Anterhynchium, Calligaster)


  • Boucek Z. (1974). A revision of the Leucospidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of the World. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History Entomology Supplement 23: 1–241.
  • Cardinal S. & Darling D. C. (2003) Interactive identification key to the world species-groups of Leucospis (Hymenoptera: Leucospidae). Chalcid Forum 25: 10–11.
  • Darling D. & Cardinal S. (2005); The world species-groups of Leucospis (Hymenoptera: Leucospidae) - thirty years later. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 69: 49–64. doc. PDF
  • Noyes J. S. (2004). Universal Chalcidoidea Database. The Natural History Museum London. base de données Chalcidoidea.

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wikipedia FR

Leucospidae: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Leucospidae sont une famille d'insectes hyménoptères apocrites térébrants de la super-famille des Chalcidoidea. C'est une famille d'insectes entomophages parasitant essentiellement des hyménoptères Megachillidae.

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Leucospidae ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

I Leucospidi (Leucospidae Fabricius, 1775) sono una piccola famiglia di insetti (Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea) comprendente specie parassitoidi ectofaghe di Imenotteri Aculeati.


I Leucospidi si distinguono nettamente dagli altri Calcidoidi per diversi evidenti caratteri morfologici, in parte condivisi con la famiglia dei Calcididi. Sono frequenti i fenomeni di mimetismo, in quanto spesso si confondono con le vespe, ma non ci sono rapporti trofici tra il leucospide e la specie imitata.

Sono insetti abbastanza grandi rispetto alle dimensioni tipiche dei Calcidoidi, con corpo di lunghezza dell'ordine di 1-16 mm. Il corpo imita nella colorazione quello delle vespe e spesso presenta colori metallici.

Il capo porta antenne genicolate, con funicolo composto da 8 articoli, e un marcato sviluppo del complesso maxillo-labiale. Il torace è robusto e mostra le tegule particolarmente allungate. Il propodeo è molto stretto e poco visibile. Le zampe posteriori mostrano i femori notevolmente ingrossati e ventralmente dentati e le tibie arcuate. Le ali anteriori sono ripiegate longitudinalmente in fase di riposo e mostrano una lunga vena postmarginale.

L'addome presenta come caratteri morfologici evidenti la colorazione del gastro, tipicamente zonata a bande gialle o rosse come nelle vespe, e la notevole lunghezza dell'ovopositore nelle femmine. Questo sporge ventralmente e si ripiega sul dorso dell'addome fino al torace.


La biologia di questa famiglia è poco conosciuta. Le specie più conosciute si comportano come ectoparassite soprattutto di larve di Imenotteri Apoidei solitari. Ad esempio, Leucospis gigas, una delle specie più comuni, è associata a imenotteri del genere Megachile (M. parietina M. pyrenaica, M. sicula).[1]

Le femmine cercano gli ospiti nei potenziali nidi, in genere costruiti nel legno o in cavità di fango, impiegando anche ore per individuare la vittima. Una volta individuata la larva ospite depone più uova nel nido, ma solo una delle larve del parassitoide riesce a completare lo sviluppo. Dal momento che le femmine non sono in grado di riconoscere ospiti già attaccati da altri parassitoidi, i Leucospidi possono comportarsi anche come iperparassiti.


La maggior parte dei Leucospidi è diffusa in regioni tropicali o subtropicali. Alcune specie hanno una diffusione neartica o paleartica.

Sistematica e filogenesi

I Leucospidi hanno affinità filogenetica e morfologica con i Calcididi, nei quali sono stati in passato inseriti al rango di sottofamiglia.

Si differenziano morfologicamente dai Calcididi per diversi caratteri come lo sviluppo del complesso maxillo-labiale, la presenza di 8 articoli nel funicolo delle antenne, lo sviluppo della vena postmarginale nelle ali anteriori e il ripiegamento longitudinale dell'ala in riposo, lo sviluppo dell'ovopositore e il suo ripiegamento sul dorso dell'addome.

La famiglia è suddivisa in 4 generi comprendenti circa 130 specie:


  1. ^ Associates of Leucospis gigas, in Universal Chalcidoidea Database.


  • Viggiani Gennaro. Lotta biologica ed integrata. Liguori editore. Napoli, 1977. ISBN 88-207-0706-3

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Leucospidae: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

I Leucospidi (Leucospidae Fabricius, 1775) sono una piccola famiglia di insetti (Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea) comprendente specie parassitoidi ectofaghe di Imenotteri Aculeati.

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Leucospidae ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Leucospidae er en gruppe som hører til blant parasittvepsene og er en familie av årevingene. Gruppen omfatter rundt 135 kjente arter fordelt på 4 slekter. Det er funnet 8 arter i Europa, de finnes ikke i Norge. Ulikt de fleste andre Chalcidoidea er disse middelsstore, kraftig bygde vepser. De er trolig nærmest beslektet med Chalcididae.

Leucospis dorsigerafennikel


Middelsstore (4 – 17 mm), nokså kraftige vepser, gjerne farget i gult eller rødt og svart. Hodet er nokså lite, antennene trådformede. Forkroppen (thorax) er noe sammanklemt fra sidene. Fram- og mellombeina er nokså slanke, bakbeina har svært fortykkede hofter (coxae) og lår (femorae), sistnevnte med én eller flere tenner på innsiden. Leggen er krummet slik at den kan foldes inntil låret. Bakkroppen er noe sammentrykt fra sidene. Hos hannen ser det ut som om den bare består av tre ledd, siden det tredje og de utenforliggende leddene er vokst sammen til et skjold. Hos hunnen kan eggleggingsrøret være ganske kort, hvis det er forlenget, bøyer det seg oppover og framover over ryggen på insektet, dette er et unikt trekk for familien. Vingene kan foldes sammen som hos stikkveps. Forvingen har en smal åre langs framkanten i de innerste 2/3, et lite vingemerke og en buet åre nær vingespissen.


Leucospidene er, så langt man kjenner til, parasitoider som angriper broddveps (Aculeata), særlig solitære bier (Apoidea) men også graveveps (Sphecidae) og murerveps (Eumeninae). Vertslarvene ligger gjerne inne i ved eller i kamre av leire, og hunnen kan bruke opptil tre timer på å bore seg ned til den. Hunnen legger egg også om vertslarven er død eller angrepet av en parasitoid, det ser ut til at leucospide-larven kan klare seg med en død larve eller en parasitt-larve som føde. Eggene er uvanlig store, hos Leucospis gigas opptil 3 mm lange. De voksne vepsene besøker gjerne blomster, særlig skjermplanter og kurvplanter.

Systematisk inndeling



  • Natural History Museum, Universal Chalcidoidea Database [1]
  • Fauna Europaea, utbredelsesdatabase over europeiske dyr: [2]

Eksterne lenker

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wikipedia NO

Leucospidae: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Leucospidae er en gruppe som hører til blant parasittvepsene og er en familie av årevingene. Gruppen omfatter rundt 135 kjente arter fordelt på 4 slekter. Det er funnet 8 arter i Europa, de finnes ikke i Norge. Ulikt de fleste andre Chalcidoidea er disse middelsstore, kraftig bygde vepser. De er trolig nærmest beslektet med Chalcididae.

 src= Leucospis dorsigera på fennikel
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Leucospidae ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Латинское название Leucospidae Walker, 1834

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

ITIS 709271 NCBI 92434

Левкоспиды[1] (лат. Leucospidae) — семейство паразитических наездников надсемейства Chalcidoidea подотряда Стебельчатобрюхие отряда Перепончатокрылые насекомые. Размеры от мелких (4 мм) до крупных (6—17 мм). Крылья с сильно редуцированным жилкованием. Задние ноги с утолщенными и сильно изогнутыми бедрами и голенями.


Паразиты пчелиных Apoidea (главным образом пчел-листорезов семейства Megachillidae) и некоторых ос (Sphecidae и Vespidae). Список хозяев включает:

  • Apidae (рода Antophora, Euglossa, Xylocopa),
  • Eumenidae (Xenorynchium),
  • Megachilidae (Anthidiellum, Anthidium, Chalicodoma, Hoplitis, Megachille, Osmia, Stelis),
  • Melittidae (Ctenoplectra),
  • Sphecidae (Chalybion, Psenulus, Sphex),
  • Vespidae (Ancistrocerus, Anterhynchium, Calligaster)




Около 130 видов, 4 рода

  • Leucospis Fabricius 1775 — более 100 видов
  • Micrapion Kriechbaumer 1894 — более 10 видов
  • Neleucospis Boucek 1974 — 1 вид
  • Polistomorpha Westwood 1839 — около 10 видов


  • Никольская М. Н. Хальциды фауны СССР (Chalcidoidea). М. ; Л. : Изд-во АН СССР, 1952. Вып. 44. 576 с. В надзаг.: Определители по фауне СССР, изд. Зоол. ин-том АН СССР.
  • Boucek Z. (1974). A revision of the Leucospidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of the World. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History Entomology Supplement 23: 1-241.
  • Cardinal S. & Darling D. C. (2003). Interactive identification key to the world species-groups of Leucospis (Hymenoptera: Leucospidae). Chalcid Forum 25: 10-11.
  • Darling D. & Cardinal S. (2005); The world species-groups of Leucospis (Hymenoptera: Leucospidae) — thirty years later. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 69: 49-64. doc. PDF
  • Engel M.S. (2002). The first leucospid wasp from the fossil record (Hymenoptera: Leucospidae). Journal of Natural History 36: 435—441. https://doi.org/10.1080/00222930110059682


  1. Аннотированный каталог насекомых Дальнего Востока России. Том I. Перепончатокрылые. / Лелей А. С. (гл. ред.) и др. — Владивосток: Дальнаука, 2012. — 635 с. — 300 экз.ISBN 978-5-8044-1295-2.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Leucospidae: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Левкоспиды (лат. Leucospidae) — семейство паразитических наездников надсемейства Chalcidoidea подотряда Стебельчатобрюхие отряда Перепончатокрылые насекомые. Размеры от мелких (4 мм) до крупных (6—17 мм). Крылья с сильно редуцированным жилкованием. Задние ноги с утолщенными и сильно изогнутыми бедрами и голенями.

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии