
Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Plazi (legacy text)

Atta (Mycocepurus) Forel, 1893a: 369. - Forel, 1893b: 602-603. - Type of the subgenus: Atta (Mycocepurus) smithi Forel , 1893; designation by Wheeler, 1911.

Mycocepurus : Wheeler. 1911: 167. - Emery, 1913: 251.

Descolcmyrma Kusnezov, 1951: 460. - Type of the genus: Descolemyrma ogloblini Kusnezov , 1951; monotypical. - NOV. SYN.

Generic characters

Worker. - Monomorphic. Integument opaque. Mandibles rather narrow and elongate, finely striate, chewing border with 5-6 teeth. Antennae 11-segmented; funiculus with ill-defined 3- segmented apical club. Clypeus in front with two carinae diverging forward and strongly laterad, running laterally parallel to the anterior border. Posterior portion of clypeus narrowly wedged in between frontal lobes. The latter are strongly approximated to, and separated from, each other by a deeply impressed narrow groove at the bottom of which lies the posterior portion of the clypeus. Posteriorly the frontal carinae are' slightly diverging and gradually weakening, often fading out completely long before reaching the occipital border. Preocular carinule at best vestigial. Compound eyes situated somewhat behind the middle of the sides of head. Occipital angles slightly to more strongly obliquely truncate, the inner angle always dentate. Occipital border emarginata Anteroinferior corner of pronotum rounded. Dorsum of thorax with many and variably developed teeth or spines: 2-3 pairs on pronotum, 5-6 pairs on mesonotum, 2 pairs on epinotum, the posteriormost pair, the epinotal spines, being longest. Some of the spines on each side connected with each other by faint longitudinal carinules. Front tarsi 11-lV dilated. Petiolar node with 2 pairs of spines on dorsum. Antero-lateral border of gaster marginate. Pilosity not very abundant, consisting of short, thin hairs, either erect, or curved, or decumbent.

Female. - Quite similar to the worker except for the differences of the caste. Integument more conspicuously rugulose. Pronotum laterally with 1-2 spines. Scutellum posteriorly bidentate. Epinotal spines well-developed. Wings as in male.

Male. - Mandibles narrow and elongate; chewing border with a few vestigial, or practically without, teeth. Clypeus with the anterior border evenly convex, possessing usually the same oblique carinules of workers and females at each side of a postero-median, often subtruncate tumulus. Eyes, large arid bulging. Ocelli situated on top of the vertex on a raised tumulus. Antennae 13-segmented; scape almost as long as segments I -III of funiculus combined, greatly surpassing the occipital angles.

Funicular segments: I little longer than broad, II-XI three to four times as long as broad. Pronotum bearing laterally 1-2 usually well-developed scapular teeth. Scutum without prominent ridges and appendages, with broad and moderately impressed Mayrian furrows (notauli) that do not fuse posteriorly into a single stem. Scutellum posteriorly bidentate. Paired epinotal spines present. Petiolar node practically unarmed above. Postpetiole trapezoidal, flattened. Wings infuscated, of the Attine type, with strongly reduced venation in the apical field of forewing and in the hindwing. Forewing: pterostigma small but distinct; discoidal cell (M1) absent; submarginal cell as long as marginal; anal vein continuing at least slightly beyond junction of transverse median vein (cu-a); cubital (Mf4) and subdiscoidal (Cu1a) veins vestigial; transverse cubital vein absent, free end of cubital vein (Mf4) arising at or beyond apex of submarginal cell (1st Rl) or transverse vein 2r. Genitalia: apex of aedoeagus with a free lobe set off from the body by a deep excision in front of the serrate ventral border. Volsellae without cuspis. Type-species: M. smithi Forel .

Discussion. - So far as Mycocepurus is concerned, Emery's keys (1922: 332-333) are still sufficient for the identification of the genus. While the generic classification of tribe Attini is still not altogether satisfactory, it now appears that Mycocepurus is a well-differentiated group that by all means deserves recognition as a genus.

Descolemyrma Kusnezov, described on isolated males, was later tacitly sunk by its author. Further details will be found under the discussion of the synonyms of M. goeldii .

As all true Attini, Mycocepurus is a strictly Neotropical genus, ranging from central Mexico (Jalisco) to the northern Argentine. It also occurs on most of the Caribbean islands.

Following is a list of the presently recognized species in the genus with complete synonymy:

1. goeldii Forel , 1893.

= goeldii var. schuppi Forel , 1901 - NOV. SYN.

= goeldii gentilis Santschi , 1924 - NOV. SYN.

= ogloblini Santschi , 1933 - NOV. SYN.

= Descolemyrma ogloblini Kusnezov , 1951 - NOV. SYN.

2. obsoletus Emery , 1913.

3. smithi Forel , 1893.

= smithi var. borinquenensis Wheeler , 1907 - NOV. SYN.

= smithi var. toltecus Wheeler , 1907 - NOV. SYN.

= smithi var. eucarnitae Forel , 1913 - NOV. SYN.

= smithi var. trinidadensis Weber , 1937 - NOV. SYN.

= reconditus Borgmeier , 1937 - NOV. SYN.

= bolivianus Weber , 1938.

= manni Weber , 1938 - NOV. SYN.

= Trachymyrmex attaxenus Menozzi i. litt. - NOV. SYN.

4. tardus Weber , 1940.

not applicable
citação bibliográfica
Kempf, W. W., 1963, A review of the ant genus Mycocepurus Forel, 1893 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Studia Entomologica (N.S.), pp. 417-432, vol. 6
Kempf, W. W.
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Plazi (legacy text)

மைக்கொசெப்பரசு ( Tâmil )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

மைக்கொசெப்பரசு (Mycocepurus) என்பது எறும்புகளில் ஒரு பேரினம். இப்பேரினத்தில் தென் அமெரிக்காவில் வாழும் ஓரினமான மைக்கொசெப்பரசு சிமித்தியி (Mycocepurus smithii) என்னும் எறும்பினம் ஆண்கள் இல்லாமலே முற்றிலுமாக அரசி எறும்பின் உயிர்ப்படியாக (குளோனிங், cloning) முறைப்படி இனப்பெருக்கம் செய்கின்றன.[1].


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wikipedia emerging languages

மைக்கொசெப்பரசு: Brief Summary ( Tâmil )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

மைக்கொசெப்பரசு (Mycocepurus) என்பது எறும்புகளில் ஒரு பேரினம். இப்பேரினத்தில் தென் அமெரிக்காவில் வாழும் ஓரினமான மைக்கொசெப்பரசு சிமித்தியி (Mycocepurus smithii) என்னும் எறும்பினம் ஆண்கள் இல்லாமலே முற்றிலுமாக அரசி எறும்பின் உயிர்ப்படியாக (குளோனிங், cloning) முறைப்படி இனப்பெருக்கம் செய்கின்றன..

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விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்
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Mycocepurus ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Mycocepurus is a Neotropical genus of fungus-growing ants (tribe Attini) in the subfamily Myrmicinae. The genus is known from Mexico, south to Brazil and Argentina. Like other attines, they primarily grow fungi of the tribe Leucocoprini (family Agaricaceae). They use many different substrates for growing their fungi, from dry leaves and caterpillar dung to fruit matter.[3] One of its species, Mycocepurus smithii, which lives in South America, reproduces by cloning – all ants in a colony are clones of the queen.[4] M. castrator is a parasite of M. goeldii.[5][6]



  1. ^ "Genus: Mycocepurus". antweb.org. AntWeb. Retrieved 13 October 2013.
  2. ^ Bolton, B. (2014). "Mycocepurus". AntCat. Retrieved 6 July 2014.
  3. ^ Mackay, W. P.; Maes, J.-M; Fernández, Patricia Rojas; Luna, G. (2004). "The ants of North and Central America: the genus Mycocepurus (Hymenoptera : Formicidae)". Journal of Insect Science. 4 (27): 27. CiteSeerX doi:10.1093/jis/4.1.27. PMC 1081568. PMID 15861242.
  4. ^ Jamieson, Alastair (16 April 2009). "Females get along fine without males - in the world of tropical ants". The Daily Telegraph. Archived from the original on 19 April 2009. Retrieved 27 August 2014.
  5. ^ "Discovery: Deadbeat ant species branched off as parasite inside its own colony". Smithsonian Science. 21 August 2014. Retrieved 26 August 2014.
  6. ^ Rabeling, Christian; Schultz, Ted R.; Pierce, Naomi E.; Bacci Jr., Maurício (21 August 2014). "A Social Parasite Evolved Reproductive Isolation from Its Fungus-Growing Ant Host in Sympatry". Current Biology. Cell Press. 24 (17): 2047–2052. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2014.07.048. PMID 25155509.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Mycocepurus: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Mycocepurus is a Neotropical genus of fungus-growing ants (tribe Attini) in the subfamily Myrmicinae. The genus is known from Mexico, south to Brazil and Argentina. Like other attines, they primarily grow fungi of the tribe Leucocoprini (family Agaricaceae). They use many different substrates for growing their fungi, from dry leaves and caterpillar dung to fruit matter. One of its species, Mycocepurus smithii, which lives in South America, reproduces by cloning – all ants in a colony are clones of the queen. M. castrator is a parasite of M. goeldii.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Mycocepurus ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Mycocepurusrodzaj mrówek z podrodziny Myrmicinae.

Takson amerykański, rozprzestrzeniony od Meksyku i Kuby po Paragwaj[2].


Należy tu 6 opisanych gatunków[3]:


  1. Mycocepurus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Genus: Mycocepurus. W: AntWeb [on-line]. [dostęp 2016-04-14].
  3. Barry Bolton: Mycocepurus. W: An Online Catalog of the Ants of the World [on-line]. [dostęp 2016-04-14].
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Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
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wikipedia POL

Mycocepurus: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Mycocepurus – rodzaj mrówek z podrodziny Myrmicinae.

Takson amerykański, rozprzestrzeniony od Meksyku i Kuby po Paragwaj.

direitos autorais
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
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site do parceiro
wikipedia POL

Mycocepurus ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Mycocepurus é um gênero de insetos, pertencente a família Formicidae.[1]


  1. «Mycocepurus». Sistema Global de Informação sobre Biodiversidade (em inglês). Consultado em 24 de agosto de 2019
direitos autorais
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia PT

Mycocepurus: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Mycocepurus é um gênero de insetos, pertencente a família Formicidae.

direitos autorais
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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site do parceiro
wikipedia PT

Mycocepurus ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Первичноротые
Без ранга: Линяющие
Без ранга: Panarthropoda
Надкласс: Шестиногие
Класс: Насекомые
Надотряд: Hymenopterida
Инфраотряд: Жалящие
Надсемейство: Formicoidea
Семейство: Муравьи
Подсемейство: Мирмицины
Триба: Attini
Род: Mycocepurus
Международное научное название

Mycocepurus Forel, 1893

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 574105NCBI 34711EOL 60068

Mycocepurus (лат.) — род мелких примитивных муравьёв трибы грибководов Attini из подсемейства Myrmicinae. Характерны своим тесным симбиозом с грибами, выращиваемыми в муравейниках. Мелкие мономорфные муравьи, лобные валики мелкие, тело шиповатое, волоски редкие. Стебелёк между грудкой и брюшком состоит из двух члеников: петиолюса и постпетиолюса (последний чётко отделён от брюшка), жало развито, куколки голые (без кокона). Гнездо состоит из одной одной симметричной ячейки-камеры. В качестве субстрата для грибницы используют фекалии насекомых[1].


Род характерен исключительно для Нового Света и встречается только в Неотропике.


Диплоидный набор хромосом 2n = 8.[2]


Вместе с родами Apterostigma и Myrmicocrypta образует базальную группу самых примитивных муравьёв-грибководов трибы Attini.[3] Род включает около 5 видов, в том числе вид Mycocepurus smithii (Южная Америка), воспроизводящийся клонированием.[4]


  • Bolton B., A new general catalogue of the ants of the world, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1995.
  • Kempf W. A review of the ant genus Mycocepurus Forel, 1893 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Studia Entomologica. 1963; 6:417-432.


  1. Hölldobler B., Wilson E. O. The Ants. — Harvard University Press, 1990. — P. 606. — 732 p. — ISBN 0674040759.
  2. Lorite P.& Palomeque T. Karyotype evolution in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with a review of the known ant chromosome numbers. — Myrmecologische Nachrichten (Wien). — 2010. Volume 13, Pages 89-102. (Проверено 12 декабря 2010)
  3. Fernandez-Marin, H.; Zimmerman, J. K.; Wcislo, W. T.; Rehner, S. A. (2005). “Colony foundation, nest architecture and demography of a basal fungus-growing ant, Mycocepurus smithii (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)” (PDF). Journal of Natural History. 39 (20): 1735—1743. DOI:10.1080/00222930400027462. Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 2009-04-20. Проверено 2009-04-19. Используется устаревший параметр |coauthors= (справка)
  4. Females get along fine without males — in the world of tropical ants, The Telegraph, April 16, 2009
  5. Christian RABELING, Maurício BACCI JR. 2010.A new workerless inquiline in the Lower Attini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with a discussion of social parasitism in fungus-growing ants. Systematic Entomology Volume 35, Issue 3, pages 379—392, July 2010.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Mycocepurus: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Mycocepurus (лат.) — род мелких примитивных муравьёв трибы грибководов Attini из подсемейства Myrmicinae. Характерны своим тесным симбиозом с грибами, выращиваемыми в муравейниках. Мелкие мономорфные муравьи, лобные валики мелкие, тело шиповатое, волоски редкие. Стебелёк между грудкой и брюшком состоит из двух члеников: петиолюса и постпетиолюса (последний чётко отделён от брюшка), жало развито, куколки голые (без кокона). Гнездо состоит из одной одной симметричной ячейки-камеры. В качестве субстрата для грибницы используют фекалии насекомых.

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии