In Panama this species has been collected from in the Caribbean from:
-Galeta Island (USNM E 25674, USNM E 25715)
-Sail Rock, Colon (USNM E 18779)
-Devils Beach, Fort Sherman, Limon Bay (USNM E 25694)
-Portobelo (USNM E 11407)
-Portobelo, first cove southwest of Buenaventura (USNM E 18813)
-North of Maria Soto River (USNM 1011262, USNM 1011258; Centroid Latitude: 9.5267, Centroid Longitude: -79.6667, depth < 1 m)
-1.5 miles southwest of the mouth of Guanche River (USNM E 18798)
-3.5 miles North of the Piedras River (USNM E 18752)
-Bastimentos, Bocas del Toro (USNM E 36313)
-Miria Island, San Blas (USNM E 25767)
-Pico Feo Island, San Blas (USNM E 18784, USNM E 25766)
Mortensen, T. (1943). A monograph of the Echinoidea 3(3). Camarodonta 2. Copenhagen. 446 pp., 215 figures, 66 pls; pages: 368-373.
LSID Echinometra plana A. Agassiz, 1863 (subjective junior synonym)
Ellipsechinus viridis (A. Agassiz, 1863) (unaccepted combination)