
Neobatrachus ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Neobatrachus és un gènere de granotes de la família Myobatrachidae que es troba a Austràlia (tret de l'illa de Tasmània).


Nom comú Nom binomial Neobatrachus albipes (Roberts, Mahony, Kendrick, and Majors, 1991) Neobatrachus aquilonius (Tyler, Davies, i Martin, 1981) Neobatrachus centralis (Parker, 1940) Neobatrachus fulvus (Mahony iRoberts, 1986) Neobatrachus kunapalari (Mahony i Roberts, 1986) Neobatrachus pelobatoides (Werner, 1914) Neobatrachus pictus (Peters, 1863) Neobatrachus sudelli (Lamb, 1911) Neobatrachus sutor (Main, 1957) Neobatrachus wilsmorei (Parker, 1940)


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Neobatrachus: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Neobatrachus és un gènere de granotes de la família Myobatrachidae que es troba a Austràlia (tret de l'illa de Tasmània).

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wikipedia CA

Neobatrachus ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Neobatrachus is a genus of burrowing ground frogs native to Australia. They occur in every state except Tasmania, however this genus is absent from the far north of Australia and most of Queensland. Most of the species in this genus occur in south-western Western Australia. They are often found in arid areas and burrow underground to avoid dehydration. They are typically found in temporary claypan and flooded grassland habitats.

These burrowing frogs have special genetic characteristics that help them to live in extreme environments. They stand out because some species are tetraploids instead of diploids.[1]

All species have a similar body shape, they are rounded and squat with large eyes and the pupils constrict vertically. The limbs are short and the hands are free from webbing while the feet are partially webbed. Males lack a vocal sac. Approximately 1000 eggs are laid in a chain in still water.

The reproductive cycle is dependent on sufficient rainfall, an unpredictable event in the arid and semiarid regions of Australia. When a period of rain creates pools of water they emerge from their burrow to meet in large numbers. The breeding activity becomes frantic as the males seek out an opportunity, several individuals may sometimes be seen clambering over each other on a single female. Neobatrachus tadpoles may feed on the weaker individuals in a pool as available food is exhausted or water evaporates.[2]

The genus was first described by Wilhelm Peters in 1863.[3] A taxonomic revision of the genus was published in 2010, providing clarification to the names of several species and investigating the identity of the specimen examined for the author's earlier description of Neobatrachus albipes.[4]

A genus name, Neoruinosus Wells and Wellington, 1985, erected to separate Neobatrachus sudelli as a monophyletic species or species group was placed in synonymy in the 2010 revision.[5]


Common name Binomial name White-footed frog Neobatrachus albipes (Roberts, Mahony, Kendrick, and Majors, 1991) Northern burrowing frog Neobatrachus aquilonius (Tyler, Davies, and Martin, 1981) Tawny frog Neobatrachus fulvus (Mahony and Roberts, 1986) Kunapalari frog Neobatrachus kunapalari (Mahony and Roberts, 1986) Humming frog Neobatrachus pelobatoides (Werner, 1914) Painted burrowing frog Neobatrachus pictus (Peters, 1863) Sudell's frog Neobatrachus sudelli (Lamb, 1911) Shoemaker frog Neobatrachus sutor (Main, 1957) Goldfield's bull frog Neobatrachus wilsmorei (Parker, 1940)


  1. ^ "Study shows how Australia's burrowing frogs handle the heat". phys.org. Retrieved 2020-06-27.
  2. ^ Browne-Cooper, R.; Bush, B.; Maryan, B.; Robinson, D. (2007). Reptiles and frogs in the bush : southwestern Australia. University of Western Australia Press. p. 88. ISBN 9781920694746.
  3. ^ Neobatrachus Peters, W. 1863. Übersicht der von Hrn. Richard Schomburgk an das zoologische Museum eingesandten Amphibien, aus Buchsfelde bei Adelaide in Südaustralien. Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1863: 228-236 [1864 on title page] [234].
  4. ^ Roberts, J.D. (2010). "Taxonomic status of the Australian burrowing frogs Neobatrachus sudelli, N. centralis and Neoruinosus and clarification of the type specimen of N. albipes". Records of the Western Australian Museum. 25 (4): 455–458 [456]. doi:10.18195/issn.0312-3162.25(4).2010.455-458.
  5. ^ "Genus Neobatrachus Peters, 1863". Australian Faunal Directory. biodiversity.org.au.

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wikipedia EN

Neobatrachus: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Neobatrachus is a genus of burrowing ground frogs native to Australia. They occur in every state except Tasmania, however this genus is absent from the far north of Australia and most of Queensland. Most of the species in this genus occur in south-western Western Australia. They are often found in arid areas and burrow underground to avoid dehydration. They are typically found in temporary claypan and flooded grassland habitats.

These burrowing frogs have special genetic characteristics that help them to live in extreme environments. They stand out because some species are tetraploids instead of diploids.

All species have a similar body shape, they are rounded and squat with large eyes and the pupils constrict vertically. The limbs are short and the hands are free from webbing while the feet are partially webbed. Males lack a vocal sac. Approximately 1000 eggs are laid in a chain in still water.

The reproductive cycle is dependent on sufficient rainfall, an unpredictable event in the arid and semiarid regions of Australia. When a period of rain creates pools of water they emerge from their burrow to meet in large numbers. The breeding activity becomes frantic as the males seek out an opportunity, several individuals may sometimes be seen clambering over each other on a single female. Neobatrachus tadpoles may feed on the weaker individuals in a pool as available food is exhausted or water evaporates.

The genus was first described by Wilhelm Peters in 1863. A taxonomic revision of the genus was published in 2010, providing clarification to the names of several species and investigating the identity of the specimen examined for the author's earlier description of Neobatrachus albipes.

A genus name, Neoruinosus Wells and Wellington, 1985, erected to separate Neobatrachus sudelli as a monophyletic species or species group was placed in synonymy in the 2010 revision.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Neobatrachus ( Esperanto )

fornecido por wikipedia EO

NeobatrachusNovbatrakoj estas genro de grundonestumantaj ranoj indiĝenaj de Aŭstralio de la familio de Mjobatraĥedoj. Ili loĝas en ĉiuj subŝtatoj escepte en Tasmanio, tamen tiu genro forestas el la plej malproksima nordo de Aŭstralio kaj plej el Kvinslando. Plej el la specioj en tiu genro loĝas en sudokcidenta Okcidenta Aŭstralio. Ili estas ofte troviĝantaj en aridaj areoj kaj nestotruoj subgrunde por eviti senakvigon. Ili troviĝas tipe en portempaj argilecaj kaj inundoherbejaj habitatoj. Ĉiuj specioj havas similan korpoformon, ili estas rondoformaj kaj kaŭras montrante grandajn okulojn kaj la pupilojn kiel vertikalaj fendoj. La kruroj estas mallongaj kaj la manoj estas senmembranaj kvankam la piedoj estas parte membranaj. Maskloj ne havas voĉosakon. Proksimume 1000 ovoj estas demetataj laŭ ĉeno de trankvila akvo.

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wikipedia EO

Neobatrachus ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Neobatrachus es un género de ranas de la familia Limnodynastidae que se encuentra en Australia (excepto de la isla de Tasmania).


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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Neobatrachus: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Neobatrachus es un género de ranas de la familia Limnodynastidae que se encuentra en Australia (excepto de la isla de Tasmania).

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Neobatrachus ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Neobatrachus anfibio genero bat da, Anura ordenaren barruko Limnodynastidae familian sailkatua.


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wikipedia EU

Neobatrachus: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Neobatrachus anfibio genero bat da, Anura ordenaren barruko Limnodynastidae familian sailkatua.

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Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
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wikipedia EU

Neobatrachus ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Neobatrachus est un genre d'amphibiens de la famille des Limnodynastidae[1].



Les 9 espèces de ce genre se rencontrent en Australie à l'exception de la Tasmanie[1].

Liste d'espèces

Selon Amphibian Species of the World (19 novembre 2016)[2] :

Publication originale

  • Peters, 1863 : Eine Übersicht der von Hrn. Richard Schomburgk an das zoologische Museum eingesandten Amphibien, aus Buchsfelde bei Adelaide in Südaustralien. Monatsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, vol. 1863, p. 228-236 (texte intégral).

Article connexe

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Neobatrachus: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Neobatrachus est un genre d'amphibiens de la famille des Limnodynastidae.

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Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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wikipedia FR

Neobatrachus ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Neobatrachus is een geslacht van kikkers uit de familie Limnodynastidae.[1] De groep werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Wilhelm Peters in 1863. Later werd de wetenschappelijke naam Neoruinosus gebruikt.

Er zijn negen soorten die endemisch voorkomen in Australië, exclusief Tasmanië.[2]


Geslacht Neobatrachus

  1. Darrel R. Frost - Amphibian Species of the World: an online reference - Version 6.0 - American Museum of Natural History, Neobatrachus.
  2. Amphibia Web, Neobatrachus.
  • (en) - Darrel R. Frost - Amphibian Species of the World: an online reference - Version 6.0 - American Museum of Natural History - Neobatrachus - Website Geconsulteerd 29 november 2016
  • (en) - Amphibiaweb - Neobatrachus - Website
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Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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wikipedia NL

Neobatrachus: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Neobatrachus is een geslacht van kikkers uit de familie Limnodynastidae. De groep werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Wilhelm Peters in 1863. Later werd de wetenschappelijke naam Neoruinosus gebruikt.

Er zijn negen soorten die endemisch voorkomen in Australië, exclusief Tasmanië.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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site do parceiro
wikipedia NL

Neobatrachus ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Neobatrachus é um género de anfíbios anuros, nativos da Austrália. Muitas das espécies deste gênero ocorrem no sudoeste do estado da Austrália Ocidental. Eles são muitas vezes encontrados em terras áridas e em buracos no solo para se proteger da desidratação, mas são encontros em geral em barreiros temporários e habitats encharcados. Todas as espécies possuem aparência similar. São redondos e atarracados, com grandes olhos e pupilas verticais. Os membros são curtos e os machos carecem de sacos vocais.

Lista de espécies

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Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia PT

Neobatrachus: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Neobatrachus é um género de anfíbios anuros, nativos da Austrália. Muitas das espécies deste gênero ocorrem no sudoeste do estado da Austrália Ocidental. Eles são muitas vezes encontrados em terras áridas e em buracos no solo para se proteger da desidratação, mas são encontros em geral em barreiros temporários e habitats encharcados. Todas as espécies possuem aparência similar. São redondos e atarracados, com grandes olhos e pupilas verticais. Os membros são curtos e os machos carecem de sacos vocais.

direitos autorais
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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site do parceiro
wikipedia PT

Neobatrachus ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Neobatrachus là một chi động vật lưỡng cư trong họ Limnodynastidae, thuộc bộ Anura. Chi này có 10 loài và không bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng.[1]

Hình ảnh

Tham khảo

  1. ^ “Danh sách lưỡng cư trong sách Đỏ”. IUCN. Truy cập ngày 3 tháng 7 năm 2012.

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Neobatrachus: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Neobatrachus là một chi động vật lưỡng cư trong họ Limnodynastidae, thuộc bộ Anura. Chi này có 10 loài và không bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng.

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wikipedia VI