The scaly-tailed possum is restricted to the Kimberly division in the north of Western Australia.
Biogeographic Regions: australian (Native )
The pelage of the scaly-tailed possum is short, fine, and dense. The general dorsal color is pale or dark ashy gray while the underside color is white. A dark stripe, which may be obscure or distinct, runs along the mid-dorsal line from the shoulders to the rump. The scaly-tailed possum has a prehensile tail that is densely furred at the base and has nonoverlapping, thick scales for the remainder of its length. The head is short and wide with short ears. The claws are short and not strongly curved.
Average mass: 1400 g.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry
Average mass: 1700 g.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 4.3 years.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 6.0 years.
The scaly-tailed possum inhabits areas with trees and rocks in the broken sandstone country of savannah woodlands in hot tropics.
Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland
The diet mainly consists of fruits, blossoms, and leaves of Eucalyptus, Terminalia, etc. The scaly-tailed possum has also been known to feed on insects and small vertebrates.
No information
The scaly-tailed possum was once considered endangered but is now less threatened.
US Federal List: threatened
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: data deficient
Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical
The scaly-tailed possum is known to breed in the dry season. The recorded litter size is one. Information on the reproductive behavior of the scaly-tailed possum is limited.
Key Reproductive Features: gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual
Average number of offspring: 1.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
Sex: male: 540 days.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
Sex: female: 730 days.
El pòssum de cua escatosa o ilangnalya (Wyulda squamicaudata) és una espècie de pòssum del nord-oest d'Austràlia. Està restringit a la regió de Kimberley a Austràlia Occidental.[1] Com que és monotípic dins el seu gènere, a vegades se'l coneix pel seu nom genèric, Wyulda.
El pòssum de cua escatosa o ilangnalya (Wyulda squamicaudata) és una espècie de pòssum del nord-oest d'Austràlia. Està restringit a la regió de Kimberley a Austràlia Occidental. Com que és monotípic dins el seu gènere, a vegades se'l coneix pel seu nom genèric, Wyulda.
Der Schuppenschwanzkusu (Wyulda squamicaudata) ist eine Beutelsäugerart aus der Familie der Kletterbeutler (Phalangeridae). Diese Tiere leben ausschließlich in der Kimberley-Region im nördlichen Western Australia.
Namensgebendes Merkmal ist der in der hinteren Hälfte von kleinen Schuppen bedeckte Schwanz, der als Greifschwanz verwendet werden kann. Das kurze, weiche Fell der Tiere ist graubraun gefärbt, ein dunkler Rückenstreifen verläuft von den Schultern bis zum Hinterteil. Bauch und Kehle sind heller gefärbt. Schuppenschwanzkusus erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 29 bis 40 Zentimeter, der Schwanz wird 25 bis 33 Zentimeter lang und das Gewicht der Tiere beträgt 1,4 bis 2 Kilogramm.
Lebensraum dieser Tiere ist baumbestandenes, felsiges Gelände. Sie sind nachtaktiv und schlafen den Tag über in Felsspalten. In der Nacht begeben sie sich auf Nahrungssuche, wobei sie oft auf Bäume klettern. Sie sind Allesfresser, die Blätter, Früchte, Insekten und vermutlich auch kleine Wirbeltiere zu sich nehmen. Schuppenschwanzkusus leben einzelgängerisch.
Zwischen März und August kommt meist ein einzelnes Jungtier zur Welt, das nach acht Monaten entwöhnt wird. Die Geschlechtsreife tritt relativ spät ein, bei Männchen mit 1,5, bei Weibchen mit 3 Jahren.
Bis 1965 waren nur vier Exemplare bekannt, seither wurden die Tiere regelmäßig beobachtet. Ihr Lebensraum ist allerdings relativ klein und zerstückelt, die IUCN listet sie mit "fehlende Daten".[1]
Der Schuppenschwanzkusu (Wyulda squamicaudata) ist eine Beutelsäugerart aus der Familie der Kletterbeutler (Phalangeridae). Diese Tiere leben ausschließlich in der Kimberley-Region im nördlichen Western Australia.
Namensgebendes Merkmal ist der in der hinteren Hälfte von kleinen Schuppen bedeckte Schwanz, der als Greifschwanz verwendet werden kann. Das kurze, weiche Fell der Tiere ist graubraun gefärbt, ein dunkler Rückenstreifen verläuft von den Schultern bis zum Hinterteil. Bauch und Kehle sind heller gefärbt. Schuppenschwanzkusus erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 29 bis 40 Zentimeter, der Schwanz wird 25 bis 33 Zentimeter lang und das Gewicht der Tiere beträgt 1,4 bis 2 Kilogramm.
Lebensraum dieser Tiere ist baumbestandenes, felsiges Gelände. Sie sind nachtaktiv und schlafen den Tag über in Felsspalten. In der Nacht begeben sie sich auf Nahrungssuche, wobei sie oft auf Bäume klettern. Sie sind Allesfresser, die Blätter, Früchte, Insekten und vermutlich auch kleine Wirbeltiere zu sich nehmen. Schuppenschwanzkusus leben einzelgängerisch.
Zwischen März und August kommt meist ein einzelnes Jungtier zur Welt, das nach acht Monaten entwöhnt wird. Die Geschlechtsreife tritt relativ spät ein, bei Männchen mit 1,5, bei Weibchen mit 3 Jahren.
Bis 1965 waren nur vier Exemplare bekannt, seither wurden die Tiere regelmäßig beobachtet. Ihr Lebensraum ist allerdings relativ klein und zerstückelt, die IUCN listet sie mit "fehlende Daten".
The scaly-tailed possum (Wyulda squamicaudata) is found in northwestern Australia, where it is restricted to the Kimberley.
They are light grey over most of the body and have relatively short ears and muzzle. The mostly hairless tail is able to curl around the branches of trees as the possum forages for food, its grasp is aided by rasp-ilke scales and is strong enough to hold its own weight. The species favours complex rocky terrain with dense thickets of vines and the fruiting trees that provide much of their diet.
The new species was presented to the Royal Society of Western Australia in 1918 by the biologist Wilfred Backhouse Alexander, while he was employed by the Western Australian Museum, and published in the society's journal in the same year. The description was accompanied by a reproduction of a painting by George Pitt Morison, and two photographs of the specimen's skull were also included.[2] The holotype was reported to have been collected in the Kimberley region at Violet Valley Station, and forwarded to Walter Kingsmill who presented the specimen to the Perth Zoological Gardens. Alexander assigned the species to a new genus of the phalangerid family, Wyulda, deriving the name from an indigenous word used by the people at Lyons River for the local and common possum; the pronunciation provided by the author is "weeoolda".[3]
Aside from scaly-tailed possum, the recorded names for the species include ilangurra and yilangal (the latter by the Wunambal people of Mitchell Plateau[4]). The describing author proposed the common name scaly-tailed opossum, but gave an alternative as scaly tailed phalanger if the use of the term for the American marsupial opossum was considered inappropriate.[3] As the common name implies, its distinguishing feature is a hairless, scaly tail.
An arboreal species of the Phalangeridae family with short ears and muzzle, and a body with a stocky build. The total length of the head and body is 300 to 390 millimetres, the distinctive tail is 300 millimetres, and their weight ranges from 1.3 to 2.0 kilograms. The coloration of the pelage is light grey with brown flecking over the upper parts, becoming a rufous colour toward the base of tail and over the rump; an indistinct mid-line extends along the back of the possum, from the tail to between the eyes. The fur at the underside is creamy white. A densely furred region extends a short distance over the base of the tail, which is otherwise naked. Wyulda squamicaudata is distinguished by rasp-like scales over the surface of their strongly prehensile tail.[5]
Wyulda squamicaudata is a slow growing species, the rate of increase in skull length for juveniles is 0.26 mm per day. The weight when the female reaches a reproductive age at two years old is 1.1 kg. less than the weight range of fully mature individuals. There is no difference in weight between genders and is not known to be seasonally variable.[6]
The species has been allied within the family Phalangeridae as a relation of other Australasian genera, the cuscuses Phalanger and brushtail possums Trichosurus.[3] Superficially similar to other possum species, the observable differences from the commonly found possum Trichosurus vulpecula are the fox-like face, furry tail and larger of that species. Another rock inhabiting possum found in the region, the ringtail species Petropseudes dahli, has fur covering half the tail, patches of white near the ears, and a steep forehead and pointed muzzle when observed in profile.[5]
The parasites known to use Wyulda squamicaudata as a host include internal species, the cestode Bertiella trichosuri also found in possums of Trichosurus, Adelenema trichosuri and a species of Austrostrongylus, a genus associated with wallabies.[6]
Wyulda squamicaudata is a nocturnal animal that usually occurs alone. Their behaviour is discreet and shy while foraging in trees or over rocks. They demonstrate great agility when climbing, assisted by a prehensile tail that is strong enough to support themselves from a branch while reaching for leaves and other food.[5] Reproduction takes place during the dry season of north west Australia, usually between March and August and occasionally giving birth later in that season. The maternal rearing period of the young includes 150 to 200 days within the pouch and another eight months to become independent of the mother; reproductive maturity for the female is reached after two years.[1]
Usually found in denser wooded areas, W. squamicaudata may be seen foraging in open areas. The diet largely includes leaves, seeds, roots and flowering parts of plants, although nuts and insects are also consumed.[1] A study of the species found that up to three quarters of the diet is composed of fruits.[7]
The possum has a limited range and is found in the high rainfall near coastal regions of the north Kimberley between Yampi Sound and Kalumburu, and a smaller population that occurs inland in the east Kimberley at Emma Gorge.[8][9]
Wyulda squamicaudata is most widely reported across the Artesian Range, where it is moderately common. Populations also inhabit Bigge Island and Boongaree Island. The preferred habitat of this animal is sandstone based woodlands where it can shelter in rock piles and fissures and feed in the trees.[10] They are associated with denser vegetation over rocks and boulders that provide daytime shelter and refuge, often thickets of vines rather than the closed mangrove and open woodlands favoured by Trichosurus arnhemensis.[6] The species is restricted in its range by the complexity of a rocky habitat, providing more dens and refuge from fires in the surrounding landscape.[7]
The species' type location is in the eastern Kimberley, at Violet Valley near Warmun, but most records are of their occurrence are in the north-west of the region. The specimen obtained in 1917 was the only record of the possum in east Kimberley region until 2010, when they were found occurring at Emma Gorge in the Cockburn Range. The eastern and north-western groups may be geographically isolated, but this has not been confirmed by a broad survey of the Kimberley region.[8] It is present in the Charnley River–Artesian Range Wildlife Sanctuary in the Kimberley region of WA.[11]
Wyulda squamicaudata has disappeared at some locations, where they are assumed to have succumbed to frequent and higher intensity fires and predation by feral cats. An outlying occurrence in Broome reported in 1970 is thought have been a displaced individual.[1]
The northern brushtail possum Trichosurus arnhemensis occurs in the same region as this species, but does not appear to share the same habitat.[6]
The IUCN Red List assigns a conservation status of near threatened for the species. The population was assessed in 2014 as numbering between 5000 and 10000 with evidence that it is decreasing.[1]
The scaly-tailed possum (Wyulda squamicaudata) is found in northwestern Australia, where it is restricted to the Kimberley.
They are light grey over most of the body and have relatively short ears and muzzle. The mostly hairless tail is able to curl around the branches of trees as the possum forages for food, its grasp is aided by rasp-ilke scales and is strong enough to hold its own weight. The species favours complex rocky terrain with dense thickets of vines and the fruiting trees that provide much of their diet.
El falangero de cola escamosa (Wyulda squamicaudata) es una especie de marsupial diprotodonto de la familia Phalangeridae.[2] Es la única especie de su género y no se reconocen subespecies.[2] Es propio de Australia, estando confinado a una pequeña zona del norte del estado de Australia Occidental.[1]
El falangero de cola escamosa (Wyulda squamicaudata) es una especie de marsupial diprotodonto de la familia Phalangeridae. Es la única especie de su género y no se reconocen subespecies. Es propio de Australia, estando confinado a una pequeña zona del norte del estado de Australia Occidental.
Wyulda squamicaudata Wyulda generoko animalia da. Martsupialen barruko Diprotodontia ordeneko animalia da. Phalangerinae azpifamilia eta Phalangeridae familian sailkatuta dago.
Wyulda squamicaudata Wyulda generoko animalia da. Martsupialen barruko Diprotodontia ordeneko animalia da. Phalangerinae azpifamilia eta Phalangeridae familian sailkatuta dago.
Wyulda squamicaudata, parfois aussi appelé Wyulda, est une espèce de marsupiaux endémiques du nord-ouest de l'Australie.
L'opossum a coda squamosa (Wyulda squamicaudata Alexander, 1919) è un marsupiale arboricolo della famiglia dei Falangeridi[2]. È l'unica specie del genere Wyulda Alexander, 1918.
L'opossum a coda squamosa ha una lunghezza testa-corpo di 29-39,5 cm e una coda di 25-32,5 cm; pesa circa 1,4–2 kg. Ha una pelliccia corta, soffice, fine e fitta. La colorazione generale del dorso è grigio-cenere chiaro o scuro. Una striscia scura, sfumata o ben distinta, corre lungo la linea mediana del dorso dalla regione scapolare al posteriore. Alcuni esemplari presentano nuca, regione scapolare e posteriore ricoperti da macchie color camoscio, con gola e petto grigi. Fianchi e dorso sono generalmente dello stesso colore, sebbene i fianchi siano talvolta più chiari. Le regioni inferiori sono bianco crema.
La coda prensile è ricoperta di fitta peluria alla base, mentre la parte restante è ricoperta da spesse squame non sovrapposte tra loro. Attorno a esse spuntano dei peli corti e ispidi. W. squamicaudata è l'unica specie della famiglia dei Falangeridi ad avere una coda come questa. La testa è breve e larga. Gli artigli sono corti e non troppo ricurvi[3].
L'opossum a coda squamosa abita in una regione piuttosto desolata, dove dominano formazioni di arenaria con alberi sparsi e rocce. È un animale notturno che trascorre il giorno nascosto tra le rocce ed esce allo scoperto di notte per andare in cerca di foglie, boccioli, frutta, insetti e, forse, piccoli vertebrati[3]. Dopo aver lasciato le rocce si arrampica sugli alberi vicini e passa da un albero all'altro senza scendere mai a terra. Sembra avere natura solitaria, e tre femmine sono state viste trasportare un unico piccolo sul dorso. In una popolazione la densità di questi animali era di un esemplare per ettaro. Il piccolo nasce tra marzo e agosto e viene svezzato dopo circa 8 mesi; i maschi raggiungono la maturità sessuale non prima dei 18 mesi, e le femmine non prima del terzo anno di età. Un esemplare allevato in cattività era tranquillo e affettuoso con i proprietari ed emetteva un richiamo simile al canto di un uccello; visse in cattività per oltre 4 anni e 4 mesi.
Tranne l'olotipo, catturato nella valle del fiume Violet, nel Kimberley orientale (Australia Occidentale), tutti gli opossum a coda squamosa di cui siamo a conoscenza provengono dalle regioni nord-occidentali del Kimberley, in prossimità della costa, dove la piovosità è maggiore. Nel Kimberley orientale la specie non viene più avvistata dal 1917 e potrebbe essere scomparsa. È presente anche sulle isole di Bigge e Boongaree[4].
Fino al 1965 l'opossum a coda squamosa, scoperto nel 1917, era noto unicamente a partire da quattro esemplari, ma in quell'anno ne vennero catturati altri otto. In seguito la specie è stata osservata con più regolarità. Tuttavia, si tratta ancora di una specie poco conosciuta, e la IUCN attualmente la classifica tra le specie a status indeterminato (Data Deficient)[1].
L'opossum a coda squamosa (Wyulda squamicaudata Alexander, 1919) è un marsupiale arboricolo della famiglia dei Falangeridi. È l'unica specie del genere Wyulda Alexander, 1918.
De schubstaartkoesoe (Wyulda squamicaudata) is een klimbuideldier uit de familie der koeskoezen (Phalangeridae) in de bossen bij de westkust van de Kimberley, een streek in het noorden van West-Australië. Het is de enige soort van het geslacht Wyulda. Deze soort is het nauwst verwant aan de koesoes (Trichosurus); sommigen hebben de schubstaartkoesoe in dat geslacht geplaatst.
Dit gedrongen dier is kleiner dan de echte koesoes. De bovenkant is lichtgrijs , de onderkant vuilwit. De staartwortel is geelbruin. Van de ogen tot de staart loopt een smalle, donkere rugstreep. Het eerste deel van de grijpstaart is dik behaard; de rest is onbehaard en bedekt met schubben. De kop-romplengte bedraagt 300 tot 390 mm, de staartlengte 300 mm en het gewicht 1300 tot 2000 g.
Deze solitaire soort is 's nachts actief, leeft in bomen en eet bladeren, bloemen en fruit. Het dier gebruikt zijn grijpstaart om bij voedsel te kunnen. De dag brengt hij door in rotsspleten. De schubstaartkoesoe paart van maart tot augustus. Er wordt een enkel jong geboren, dat na 25 weken de buidel verlaat en na 32 weken gespeend wordt.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesWyulda squamicaudata é uma espécie de marsupial da família Phalangeridae. É a única espécie descrita para o gênero Wyulda.
Endêmica da Austrália.
Wyulda squamicaudata é uma espécie de marsupial da família Phalangeridae. É a única espécie descrita para o gênero Wyulda.
Endêmica da Austrália.
Fjällsvanspungdjur (Wyulda squamicaudata) är en art i familjen klätterpungdjur och den enda arten i släktet Wyulda.[2] Djuret förekommer bara i regionen Kimberley i den australiska delstaten Western Australia. Arten hittades 1917 för första gången.[3]
Artens namn syftar på svansens spets som är täckt med fjäll.[4] Svansen används som gripverktyg. Ögonen är stora, öronen små och nosen är spetsig.[3] Den korta mjuka pälsen har en gråbrun färg och på djurets rygg finns en längsgående strimma från skuldrorna till stjärten. Buken och främre halsen har en ljusare färg. Fjällsvanspungdjur når en kroppslängd mellan 29 och 40 centimeter och därtill kommer den 25 till 33 centimeter långa svansen. Vikten ligger mellan 1,4 och 2 kilogram.[4]
Som habitat föredras regioner med sandstensklippor och några träd.[5] Individerna är aktiva på natten och sover i bergssprickor. De hittar sin föda på träd. Arten är allätare och livnär sig av blad, frukter, insekter och troligen även mindre ryggradsdjur. Utanför parningstiden lever de ensamma.[4]
Efter dräktigheten föds mellan mars och augusti ett enda ungdjur. Efter åtta månader sluter honan att ge di. Fjällsvanspungdjur blir jämförelsevis sent könsmogna, hannar efter 1,5 år och honor efter 3 år.[4]
Fram till 1965 var bara fyra individer kända men sedan iakttas de med jämna mellanrum. Utbredningsområdet är litet och delat i mindre regioner. IUCN listar arten med kunskapsbrist.[1]
Fjällsvanspungdjur (Wyulda squamicaudata) är en art i familjen klätterpungdjur och den enda arten i släktet Wyulda. Djuret förekommer bara i regionen Kimberley i den australiska delstaten Western Australia. Arten hittades 1917 för första gången.
Wyulda squamicaudata là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Phalangeridae, bộ Hai răng cửa. Loài này được Alexander mô tả năm 1918.[2]
Phương tiện liên quan tới Wyulda squamicaudata tại Wikimedia Commons
Wyulda squamicaudata là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Phalangeridae, bộ Hai răng cửa. Loài này được Alexander mô tả năm 1918.
Wyulda squamicaudata Alexander, 1918
Ареал Охранный статусЧешуехвостый кускус[1], или чешуехвостый поссум[2] (лат. Wyulda squamicaudata) — единственный вид одноимённого рода из семейства Поссумы. Эндемик Австралии. Местное название у аборигенов — иллунгалья[2].
Обитает в северной части австралийского штата Западная Австралия в регионе Кимберли. До 1965 года вид был известен по четырём экземплярам. Впоследствии в дикой природе было найдено ещё несколько экземпляров[3].
Населяет преимущественно пустынные районы, покрытые низкорослыми деревьями и скалами[3].
Размеры средние[4]. Длина тела составляет 290—395 мм, хвоста — 250—325 мм, вес — 1,4-2 кг[3].
Голова укороченная, широкая. Уши короткие, округлённые. Хвост хватательный, покрыт волосами только у основания[4]. Волосяной покров густой, короткий, мягкий. Спина покрыта серым мехом с черноватым оттенком, брюхо — желтоватым мехом, голова и лапы — буроватым мехом. По середине спины проходит тёмная полоса[4].
Активность приходится на ночь, днём же прячутся в скалах. Питаются растениями, фруктами, насекомыми, возможно, маленькими позвоночными. С наступлением сумерек забираются на ближайшее дерево, а затем переползают на ближайшие деревья, не спускаясь на землю[3].
Ведут одиночный образ жизни. В потомстве обычно один детёныш, который появляется на свет между мартом и августом. Половая зрелость у самцов наступает через 18 месяцев, у самок — на третий год[3].
Чешуехвостый кускус, или чешуехвостый поссум (лат. Wyulda squamicaudata) — единственный вид одноимённого рода из семейства Поссумы. Эндемик Австралии. Местное название у аборигенов — иллунгалья.
비늘꼬리주머니쥐(Wyulda squamicaudata)는 쿠스쿠스과에 속하며, 오스트레일리아 북서부 지역에서 발견되는 유대류의 일종이다. 웨스턴오스트레일리아주 킴벌리 지역에 제한적으로 분포한다.[3] 비늘꼬리주머니쥐속(Wyulda)의 유일종이다. 홀로 생활하는 야행성 동물이며, 먹이는 풀과 꽃, 나무 열매 등이다.[3] 통용명이 함축하는 바와 같이, 털이 없는 바늘꼬리가 다른 유대류와 구별되는 특징이다. 비늘꼬리주머니쥐의 분포 지역은 아주 제한적이며, 얌피 해협과 칼룸부루 사이의 킴벌리 북부 지역의 비가 많이 내리는 해안가 지역과 엠마 고지 킴벌리 동부 안쪽에서 발견된다.[4][5]