Charles E. Griswold, Tracy Audisio, Joel M. Ledford
Figures 59–64.Internal anatomy of Trogloraptor marchingtoni, female (CASENT9040051) from No Name Cave. 59 vulva, dorsal view 60 female posterior respiratory system, tracheae and apodemes, with arrows to median apodemes61–64 Scanning electron micrographs of the internal anatomy 61 vulva, dorsal view, AT, atrium, RC, receptaculum 62 apex of right receptaculum 63 posterior respiratory system, dorsal view, with white arrow to median apodeme and black arrows to lateral tracheal branches; and 64 apex of apodeme (white arrow), note frayed end typical of muscle attachment. Booklungs removed from preparation in 59, 61 and 62.
Charles E. Griswold, Tracy Audisio, Joel M. Ledford
Figures 65–68.Spinnerets, ventral view. 65 Segestriidae female, Ariadna sp. from Tinglewood, Western Australia (CASENT 9020550) 66 Pholcidae female, Artema atlanta from Hawaii, USA (CASENT 9047601) 67 Drymusidae female, Drymusa capensis from Table Mountain, South Africa (CASENT 9043173); and 68 Trogloraptoridae male, Trogloraptor marchingtoni (CASENT 9040065). Arrows point to membranous band on ALS base.
Charles E. Griswold, Tracy Audisio, Joel M. Ledford
Figures 69–74.Scanning electron micrographs of the ALS and PLS of Trogloraptor marchingtoni, female (CASENT9039440) and male (CASENT9040066) from No Name Cave and penultimate female from M2 Cave (CASENT9040012). 69 penultimatefemale, right ALS, numbers refer to the three ALS segments 70 male right ALS 71 female ALS piriform gland spigots (left image flipped to appear right) 72 female major ampullate gland spigots of ALS, arrows showing individual and grouped sensillae (right image flipped to appear left) 73 female PLS apex showing aciniform gland spigots (left image flipped to appear right); and 74 female right PLS apex. AC aciniform gland spigots MAP major ampullate gland spigot(s) Nu nubbin.
Charles E. Griswold, Tracy Audisio, Joel M. Ledford
Figures 75–80.Scanning electron micrographs of spinnerets of Trogloraptor marchingtoni from No Name Cave, female (CASENT9039440), male (CASENT9040066). 75 female spinneret overview (image flipped) 76 male spinneret overview 77 female PMS overview (image flipped) 78 female left PMS (image flipped) 79 female PMS close up showing aciniform gland spigots; and 80 male left PMS apex showing single aciniform gland spigot. AC aciniform gland spigots ALS anterior lateral spinneret mAP minor ampullate gland spigot(s) PMS posterior median spinnerets PLS posterior lateral spinnerets.
Charles E. Griswold, Tracy Audisio, Joel M. Ledford
Figures 81–86.Scanning electron micrographs of the spinnerets of Trogloraptor marchingtoni female (CASENT9039440) and male (CASENT9040066) from No Name Cave, and penultimate female from M2 Cave (CASENT9040012). 81 male colulus 82 male epiandrum 83 male posterior tracheal spiracle 84 penultimatefemale right ALS 85 female anal tubercle; and 86 male left PMS and PLS spinnerets, posterior, arrows to two aciniform gland spigots on PLS. AC aciniform gland spigots MAP major ampullate gland spigot(s) PMS posterior median spinnerets PLS posterior lateral spinnerets.