The spider family Oecobiidae includes 110 described species (Platnick 2013), including eight that occur in North America north of Mexico. The members of this family have a distinctive appearance and are unlikely to be mistaken for anything else, although they bear a superficial resemblance to Euryopsis (family Theridiidae). Oecobiids have a large anal tubercle that is fringed with long bristles and a subcircular carapace with the eight eyes arranged in a central cluster. (Craig et al. 2005). The bristles spread the capture silk emitted from enlarged posterior spinnerets as the spider wraps its prey (Bradley 2013). Two species (Oecobius cellariorum and Oecobius navus) are widespread in the United States and southeastern Canada—and, in fact, have cosmopolitan distributions (Platnick 2013). In the United States, Oecobius interpellator has been recorded only from Massachusetts and other species of Oecobius are southern. The only other oecobiid genus represented in the United States, Platoecobius, occurs from South Carolina to Florida (P. floridanus), with an apparently undescribed species occurring in southern California. Oecobius are considered to be among the most common human-associated spiders. (Craig et al. 2005)
Oecobius species are found on and under rocks, as well as around human habitation. They typically lie concealed within small sheet webs placed over cavities. The distinctive webs consist of two horizontal sheets. The spider is positioned on the lower sheet and covered by the upper, which has radiating signal lines that give the web a star-shaped appearance. When potential prey touch these lines, the spider emerges and runs rapidly around the prey, periodically changing direction, swathing it in silk. (Craig et al. 2005; Bradley 2013)At least some oecobiids apparently do not construct webs. For example, Platoecobius floridanus, which has been collected under pine scales, is not known to construct a web (Chamberlin and Ivie 1935).
Oecobius are believed to feed heavily on ants, although Liznarova et al. (2013) concluded that the O. navus in their study were simply feeding on locally abundant prey, not necessarily ants; Shear (1970) observed Oecobius in Florida (U.S.A.) feeding on tiny flies. Oecobius spiders often form large aggregations and at least some are reported to be communal. Mating occurs in special webs contructed by the male adjacent to the web of the female. Female egg sacs contain just 3 to 10 eggs, but females provide no maternal care. (Glatz 1967 cited in Shear 1970; Shear 1970)
Craig et al. (2005) note that the recognition by some authors that Oecobiidae includes both cribellate and ecribellate species provided early evidence that the presence of a cribellum was a phylogenetically labile character (its presence apparently being an ancestral trait that has been lost in many lineages) and could not be used to define a monophyletic group (a point later firmly established by Lehtinen 1967).
Els ecòbids (Oecobiidae) són una família d'aranyes araneomorfes.[2] Són de mida petita, d'uns 2 mm, i algunes espècies fan petites teranyines habituals en moltes cases. Els dos primers parells de potes tenen una disposició cap enrere. Mentre el gènere Oecobius és cribel·lada, Uroctea no ho és.
Segons el World Spider Catalog amb data del desembre de 2018 la família té 6 gèneres i 117 espècies.[2] En relació a altres famílies d'aranyes, els ecòbids han patit menys canvis i el 2006 ja tenien aquests 6 gèneres reconeguts i el que s'ha incrementat és els nombre d'espècies: el 2006 n'eren 102 espècies i el 2018 ja en són 117. La majoria d'elles formen part dels gèneres Oecobius amb 90 i Uroctea amb 18 espècies. La seva distribució és molt extensa i Oecobium navus es pot trobar a tot el món, excepte a la franja més septentrional.
Els ecòbids havien part de la superfamília dels eresoïdeus (Eresoidea), juntament amb els hersílids i erèsids.
Les aranyes, tradicionalment, havien estat classificades en famílies que van ser agrupades en superfamílies. Quan es van aplicar anàlisis més rigorosos, com la cladística, es va fer evident que la major part de les principals agrupacions utilitzades durant el segle XX no eren compatibles amb les noves dades. Actualment, els llistats d'aranyes, com ara el World Spider Catalog, ja ignoren la classificació de superfamílies.[3][4]
Els ecòbids (Oecobiidae) són una família d'aranyes araneomorfes. Són de mida petita, d'uns 2 mm, i algunes espècies fan petites teranyines habituals en moltes cases. Els dos primers parells de potes tenen una disposició cap enrere. Mentre el gènere Oecobius és cribel·lada, Uroctea no ho és.
Die Oecobiidae sind eine Familie der Echten Webspinnen und umfassen sechs Gattungen und 108 Arten.[1] (Stand: Dezember 2016)
Oecobiidae sind kleine bis mittelgroße Spinnen mit 3 bis 15 mm Körperlänge. Sie haben drei Tarsalklauen und sechs oder acht Augen. Die sechs oder acht Augen sind in einer kompakten Gruppe im vorderen Teil des Prosomas angeordnet.[2] Die Prosomaform ist fast rund und leicht herzförmig. Das Opisthosoma ist oval bis rund und teilweise abgeflacht. Die Beine sind kurz und stehen sternförmig vom Körper ab.
Es gibt cribellate und ecribellate Gattungen. Alle Arten sind entelegyn.
Der Verbreitungsschwerpunkt der Familie sind die Tropen. Die Gattungen Oecibus und Uroctea weisen aber Kosmopoliten auf oder haben Vertreter in der Holarktis. In Mitteleuropa wurden die folgenden Arten nachgewiesen:[3]
Der World Spider Catalog listet für die Oecobiidae sechs Gattungen und 108 Arten.[1] (Stand: Dezember 2016)
Die Oecobiidae sind eine Familie der Echten Webspinnen und umfassen sechs Gattungen und 108 Arten. (Stand: Dezember 2016)
Oecobiidae, also called disc web spiders, is a family of araneomorph spiders, including about 100 described species.[1] They are small to moderate sized spiders (about 2 to 20 millimetres (0.079 to 0.787 in) long combined head and body length, depending on the species. Larger ones tend to be desert-dwelling. The legs are unusually evenly placed around the prosoma; most other spiders have some legs directed clearly forward and the rest clearly backward, or all forward. The first two pairs of legs of many Oecobiids point forward then curve backwards; somehow in a running spider this gives a curiously scurrying, wheel-like impression that is characteristic of many Oecobiidae, and is helpful as a rough-and-ready aid to identification in the field. Characteristic of the family is the anal gland; it bears a tuft of long hairs. Typical colour patterns range from dark-patterned cream in some smaller species, to a small number of symmetrically-placed, conspicuous round light spots (commonly yellow or white) on a background that may be anything from a dull orange colour to black. The carapace is rounded and bears a compact group of six to eight eyes medially situated near the front of its dorsal surface.[2]
Many Oecobiidae build small, temporary star-shaped webs on or under rocks, or on walls or gravel. They hide near or below such webs and prey largely on ants, giving rise to common names such as "anteater" or "miervreter" (Afrikaans for anteater).[2] Some of the Oecobiidae build tiny webs close to the ceilings in people's homes, which might have something to do with the family name (Oeco biidae meaning in essence "those who are house-living"[3]).
The species Oecobius navus occurs around the world.
While the genus Oecobius is cribellate, the genus Uroctea is ecribellate.
As of April 2019, the World Spider Catalog accepts the following genera:[1]
Oecobiidae, also called disc web spiders, is a family of araneomorph spiders, including about 100 described species. They are small to moderate sized spiders (about 2 to 20 millimetres (0.079 to 0.787 in) long combined head and body length, depending on the species. Larger ones tend to be desert-dwelling. The legs are unusually evenly placed around the prosoma; most other spiders have some legs directed clearly forward and the rest clearly backward, or all forward. The first two pairs of legs of many Oecobiids point forward then curve backwards; somehow in a running spider this gives a curiously scurrying, wheel-like impression that is characteristic of many Oecobiidae, and is helpful as a rough-and-ready aid to identification in the field. Characteristic of the family is the anal gland; it bears a tuft of long hairs. Typical colour patterns range from dark-patterned cream in some smaller species, to a small number of symmetrically-placed, conspicuous round light spots (commonly yellow or white) on a background that may be anything from a dull orange colour to black. The carapace is rounded and bears a compact group of six to eight eyes medially situated near the front of its dorsal surface.
Many Oecobiidae build small, temporary star-shaped webs on or under rocks, or on walls or gravel. They hide near or below such webs and prey largely on ants, giving rise to common names such as "anteater" or "miervreter" (Afrikaans for anteater). Some of the Oecobiidae build tiny webs close to the ceilings in people's homes, which might have something to do with the family name (Oeco biidae meaning in essence "those who are house-living").
The species Oecobius navus occurs around the world.
While the genus Oecobius is cribellate, the genus Uroctea is ecribellate.
Los ecóbidos (Oecobiidae) son una familia de arañas araneomorfas, que forman parte de la superfamilia de los eresoideos (Eresoidea), junto con los hersílidos y erésidos.
Son de talla pequeña, de unos 2 mm, algunas especies hacen pequeñas telarañas habituales en muchas casas y corren muy rápidamente cuando se les molesta. Los dos primeros pares de patas apuntan hacia atrás.
Con la información recogida hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2011, Oecobiidae cuenta con 110 especies distribuidas en 6 géneros, siendo Oecobius el más diverso con 74 especies:
Los ecóbidos (Oecobiidae) son una familia de arañas araneomorfas, que forman parte de la superfamilia de los eresoideos (Eresoidea), junto con los hersílidos y erésidos.
Son de talla pequeña, de unos 2 mm, algunas especies hacen pequeñas telarañas habituales en muchas casas y corren muy rápidamente cuando se les molesta. Los dos primeros pares de patas apuntan hacia atrás.
Les Oecobiidae sont une famille d'araignées aranéomorphes[1].
Les espèces de cette famille se rencontrent sur tous les continents sauf aux pôles[1].
Les Oecobiidae sont surnommées araignées tournoyantes. Elles sont de très petite taille, avec un céphalothorax presque circulaire et un gros tubercule anal. Ces araignées sont souvent rencontrées au plafond des maisons.
Elles tissent des toiles en chapiteaux. Lorsqu'un insecte s'y empêtre, l'araignée tournoie autour de lui tout en y jetant de la soie (ce qui a conféré à ces araignées leur nom vernaculaire), ce qui a pour effet d'immobiliser la proie. L'insecte est ensuite consommé sur place, et ses restes demeurent fixés à la toile. Le nid est de forme étoilée.
Cette famille est connue depuis le Crétacé[2].
Cette famille rassemble 110 espèces dans six genres actuels[1].
Selon World Spider Catalog (version 16.5, 17/07/2015)[3] :
Selon The World Spider Catalog (version 16.0, 2015)[2] :
Les Oecobiidae sont une famille d'araignées aranéomorphes.
Oecobiidae Blackwall, 1862 è una famiglia di ragni appartenente all'infraordine Araneomorphae.
Il nome deriva dal greco οἷκος, òikos cioè casa, tana, riparo, βὶος, bìos cioè vita, ed il suffisso -idae, che designa l'appartenenza ad una famiglia. Il significato del nome deriva dal fatto che le specie più comuni sono reperibili spesso all'interno delle abitazioni.
Sono ragni piuttosto piccoli, raramente di dimensioni maggiori ai 2 millimetri. Le prime due paia di zampe hanno le punte ricurvabili all'indietro. Mentre il genere Oecobius è provvisto di cribellum, il genere Uroctea ne è privo.
Sono abituati ad attaccare anche prede più grandi di loro invischiandole in una grossa quantità di ragnatela finché possono avvicinarsi e colpire con sicurezza. Nello specifico è degna di nota la tecnica di caccia del genere Oecobius, che consiste nel correre velocemente attorno alla preda legandola con la propria tela, prima di finirla.
La famiglia è quasi cosmopolita, non essendo presente solamente ai circoli polari. Le specie Oecobius navus e Oecobius cellariorum sono le più diffuse essendo presenti su tutto l'areale della famiglia[1].
Buona parte delle specie costruisce la tela in zone riparate come l'interno di alberi o rocce. L'habitat preferito di alcune delle specie sinantropiche è un luogo riparato all'esterno o all'interno delle abitazioni umane, dove preferiscono fare la loro ragnatela nelle intersezioni dei soffitti o negli spigoli interni dei muri.
Di seguito sono elencate tutti i 6 generi, le 119 specie, e le 2 sottospecie della famiglia Oecobiidae note al 1 dicembre 2020[2].
In Italia sono presenti solo 2 generi con 4 specie[3].
Oecobiidae Blackwall, 1862 è una famiglia di ragni appartenente all'infraordine Araneomorphae.
Spiraalspinnen (Oecobiidae) zijn een familie van spinnen bestaande uit 105 soorten in 6 geslachten.[2]
De volgende spiraalspinnen komen in België voor:[3]
De volgende spiraalspinnen komen in Nederland voor:[4][5]
Spiraalspinnen (Oecobiidae) zijn een familie van spinnen bestaande uit 105 soorten in 6 geslachten.
Oecobiidae er en gruppe (familie) av edderkopper som tilhører undergruppen Entelegynae i gruppen Araneomorphae.
Små til middelsstore (ca. 2-15 mm), brede edderkopper. Forkroppen er nesten sirkelrund sett ovenfra. De seks eller åtte øynene sitter samlet en stykke bak forkanten, det bakerste paret har en noe uregelmessig form.
Disse edderkoppene finnes ofte inne i hus, og minst én art (Oecobius navus) har blitt spredt over store deler av Jorda med mennesker. De bygger små, flate, sirkelrunde nett. Om de blir forstyrret kan de løpe ganske fort.
Noen av artene i slekten Oecobius er utbredt over store deler av Jorda. Denne slekten er spesielt artsrik på Kanariøyene, der det forekommer rundt 40 arter, de fleste av dem endemiske.
I likhet med flere andre edderkopp-grupper har denne familien mange endemiske arter på Kanariøyene.
Oecobiidae er en gruppe (familie) av edderkopper som tilhører undergruppen Entelegynae i gruppen Araneomorphae.
Oecobiidae é uma família de aranhas araneomorfas, parte da superfamília Eresoidea, que integra espécies caracterizadas pelo seu pequeno tamanho corporal, em geral cerca de 2 mm. Algumas espécies constroem pequenas teias em lugares abrigados, incluindo o interior de habitações, correndo rapidamente quando molestadas. Os dois primeiros pares de pernas estão voltados para trás.[1]
A família Oecobiidae integra cerca de 110 espécies distribuídas por 6 géneros, sendo o género Oecobius o mais diverso, com 74 espécies:
Oecobiidae é uma família de aranhas araneomorfas, parte da superfamília Eresoidea, que integra espécies caracterizadas pelo seu pequeno tamanho corporal, em geral cerca de 2 mm. Algumas espécies constroem pequenas teias em lugares abrigados, incluindo o interior de habitações, correndo rapidamente quando molestadas. Os dois primeiros pares de pernas estão voltados para trás.
Oecobiidae, 2 mm den 2 cm e kadar boylanan yaklaşık 100 tür ile temsil edilen örümcek familyası. İri türleri çöllerde görülür.
Altı ya da sekiz gözlü örümceklerdir. Kribellumlu (Oecobius) ya da kribellumsuz (Uroctea) olabilirler.
Bütün dünyada yayılım gösterir.
6 cinsten oluşur[1].
Türkiye'de iki cinste (Oecobius ile Uroctea) toplanmış 6 türü (Oecobius cellariorum, Oecobius maculatus, Oecobius rhodiensis, Oecobius teliger, Uroctea durandi ile Uroctea thaleri) bulunur.[2]
Oecobiidae, 2 mm den 2 cm e kadar boylanan yaklaşık 100 tür ile temsil edilen örümcek familyası. İri türleri çöllerde görülür.
Oecobiidae là một họ nhện. Họ này gồm có 6 chi và 102 loài.
Oecobiidae Blackwall, 1862
АреалПауки-экобииды[1] (лат. Oecobiidae) — семейство пауков, насчитывающее 102 вида из 6 родов.
Вид Oecobius navus распространён во всём мире.
Это маленькие пауки, в длину достигают всего 2 мм. Имеют 8 тесно расположенных глаз в передней части головогруди. Окраска головогруди и брюшка обычно светлая, с более темными пятнами, образующими расплывчатый рисунок. Хелицеры небольшие, с очень слабыми коготками.
Образ жизни изучен слабо. Обитают обычно на нижней поверхности камней, заплетая их паутиной. Некоторые виды встречаются в домах, сараях, погребах и на чердаках. Самки откладывают по 7-8 яиц. Кокон округлый или слегка уплощенный[2].
Некоторые представители строят сети. Паутина в сетях — тонкая, и строится близ потолка в человеческих жилищах.
Пауки-экобииды (лат. Oecobiidae) — семейство пауков, насчитывающее 102 вида из 6 родов.
チリグモ科 Oecobiidae は、クモ類の分類群の一つで、小柄で壁に張り付くように生活するものである。ヒラタグモ科をここに含めることもある。