
Conservation Status

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No conservation concerns.
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University of Alberta Museums


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One brood annually, peak flight activity from late May to early June.
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University of Alberta Museums


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Most of temperate North America, from the Mackenzie River valley, NWT south to Arizona / New Mexico and Georgia, but absent from much of the Great Plains states (Layberry et al. 1998, Opler 1999).
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University of Alberta Museums

General Description

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The duskywing skippers (genus Erynnis) can be a challenge to identify, particularly in prairie habitat where all three species may occur together. The Dreamy Duskywing can be separated from the other two species by the white spot near the forewing tip: icelus has either only one spot or none at all, while the other two duskywings (E. afranius and E. persius) have at least two (more often three or four) spots. The Dreamy Duskywing is also slightly smaller on average, with a wingspan of 25 to 30 mm. the forewing apex is more blunt in shape, giving icelus a more squared-off appearance than the other two duskywings.
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Widespread in clearings and meadows and woodlands near aspen woods.
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University of Alberta Museums

Life Cycle

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Freshly laid eggs are green, and turn pink upon aging (Bird et al. 1995). Larvae are stout and tapered at both ends, and pale green with whitish dots. There is a dark dorsal and pale lateral stripe (McCabe & Post 1977). The caterpillar constructs a nest out of the host plant leaves (Layberry et al. 1998).
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University of Alberta Museums

Trophic Strategy

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The larval host plant has not been recorded in Alberta, but likely includes one or more of the following Willows (Salix spp.), poplars (Populus spp.) and Birch (Betula spp.) (Layberry et al.1998). Adults feed at legume blossoms (Hooper 1973) and take moisture at damp soils (Nielsen 1999).
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University of Alberta Museums

Erynnis icelus ( Asturian )

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Erynnis icelus ye una especie de lepidópteru ditrisio perteneciente a la familia Hesperiidae. (Scudder and Burgess, 1870). [1][2]

Atópase en Norteamérica boreal, dende los Territorios del Noroeste per Canadá hasta Nova Scotia, sur y oeste montascosu d'Arizona y sur de Nuevu Méxicu, sur d'Arkansas, nordés d'Alabama y norte de Xeorxa.

Tien un valumbu de ales de 29–38 mm de llargor. Atópase en vuelu dende abril a xunetu. Nel sur de los Montes Apalaches puede apaecer una segunda xeneración añal.

Les canesbes aliméntense d'especies de Salix, Populus y delles vegaes de Betula. Los adultos aliméntense del néctar de les flores de Fragaria, Apocynum, Barbarea y Ceanothus americanus.


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Erynnis icelus: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

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Erynnis icelus ye una especie de lepidópteru ditrisio perteneciente a la familia Hesperiidae. (Scudder and Burgess, 1870).

Atópase en Norteamérica boreal, dende los Territorios del Noroeste per Canadá hasta Nova Scotia, sur y oeste montascosu d'Arizona y sur de Nuevu Méxicu, sur d'Arkansas, nordés d'Alabama y norte de Xeorxa.

Tien un valumbu de ales de 29–38 mm de llargor. Atópase en vuelu dende abril a xunetu. Nel sur de los Montes Apalaches puede apaecer una segunda xeneración añal.

Les canesbes aliméntense d'especies de Salix, Populus y delles vegaes de Betula. Los adultos aliméntense del néctar de les flores de Fragaria, Apocynum, Barbarea y Ceanothus americanus.

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Erynnis icelus ( Alman )

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Erynnis icelus ist ein Schmetterling aus der Familie der Dickkopffalter (Hesperiidae).



Die Flügelspannweite der Falter beträgt 29 bis 38 Millimeter.[1] Die Oberseite ist schwarzbraun bis dunkelbraun gefärbt. Auf den Vorderflügeln befindet sich eine grau bestäubte Postdiskalbinde. Durchsichtige Flecke fehlen. Die Hinterflügel sind dunkelbraun und mit einigen weißlichen Punkten gezeichnet. Deren Unterseite ist einfarbig braun und mit einer Reihe von weißen Punkten nahe am Außenrand versehen.


Ausgewachsene Raupen haben eine grüne Farbe, eine schmale dunkle Rückenlinie, weißliche Seitenstreifen und einen rotbraunen Kopf.[2]


Die Puppe ist in der Grundfarbe rotbraun bis gelbbraun. Das Abdomen ist gelblich, die Flügelscheiden grünlich.[3]

Ähnliche Arten

  • Erynnis brizo zeigt ein insgesamt dunkleres Erscheinungsbild und ist größer (Flügelspannweite 32 bis 45 Millimeter).
  • Erynnis marloyi sowie der Kronwicken-Dickkopffalter (Erynnis tages) kommen nur in Europa und Asien vor und haben somit keine geographische Überlappung mit Erynnis icelus.

Verbreitung und Vorkommen

Das Verbreitungsgebiet der Art erstreckt sich von den Nordwest-Territorien ostwärts durch den Süden Kanadas bis nach Nova Scotia. Weiter südlich wurde sie auch bis Arizona, New Mexico, Arkansas, Alabama und Georgia nachgewiesen. Erynnis icelus besiedelt bevorzugt offene Waldlandschaften und feuchte Bachtäler.[3]


Die Falter fliegen in einer Generationen im Jahr, überwiegend im Mai und Juni. Sie saugen zur Nektaraufnahme an Blüten und nehmen Flüssigkeit und Mineralstoffe von feuchten Erdstellen auf. Die Raupen ernähren sich von den Blättern verschiedener Weiden- (Salix), Pappel- (Populus) und Birken-Arten (Betula). Sie leben in Nestern aus zusammengerollten und versponnenen Blättern.[3] Die ausgewachsenen Raupen überwintern.



  1. Butterflies and Moths of North America http://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/species/Erynnis-icelus
  2. Raupe bei Bugguide http://bugguide.net/node/view/115917
  3. a b c James A. Scott: The Butterflies of North America: A Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1986, ISBN 0-8047-2013-4, S. 487/488


  • James A. Scott: The Butterflies of North America: A Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1986, ISBN 0-8047-2013-4, S. 487/488


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Erynnis icelus: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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Erynnis icelus ist ein Schmetterling aus der Familie der Dickkopffalter (Hesperiidae).

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Erynnis icelus ( Anglèis )

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Erynnis icelus, also known as the dreamy duskywing or aspen dusky wing, is a species of butterfly in the family Hesperiidae. It is found in boreal North America, from the Northwest Territories east across southern Canada to Nova Scotia, south in the western mountains to southern Arizona and southern New Mexico, south in the east to Arkansas, north-eastern Alabama and northern Georgia.

The wingspan is 29–38 mm. There is one generation with adults on wing from April to early July. There might be a rare second generation in the southern Appalachian Mountains.

The larvae are pale green with multiple white dots. Its heart is visible as a green, middorsal stripe.[2]

The larvae feed on Salix, Populus and sometimes Betula species. Adults feed on nectar from flowers of blueberry, wild strawberry, blackberry, Labrador tea, dogbane, New Jersey tea, winter cress, purple vetch and lupine.


  1. ^ "NatureServe Explorer 2.0 Erynnis icelus Dreamy Duskywing". explorer.natureserve.org. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  2. ^ Wagner, David L. (25 July 2005). Princeton Field Guide to Caterpillars of Eastern North America. Princeton University Press. p. 63. ISBN 0691121443.

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Erynnis icelus: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Erynnis icelus, also known as the dreamy duskywing or aspen dusky wing, is a species of butterfly in the family Hesperiidae. It is found in boreal North America, from the Northwest Territories east across southern Canada to Nova Scotia, south in the western mountains to southern Arizona and southern New Mexico, south in the east to Arkansas, north-eastern Alabama and northern Georgia.

The wingspan is 29–38 mm. There is one generation with adults on wing from April to early July. There might be a rare second generation in the southern Appalachian Mountains.

The larvae are pale green with multiple white dots. Its heart is visible as a green, middorsal stripe.

The larvae feed on Salix, Populus and sometimes Betula species. Adults feed on nectar from flowers of blueberry, wild strawberry, blackberry, Labrador tea, dogbane, New Jersey tea, winter cress, purple vetch and lupine.

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Erynnis icelus ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Erynnis icelus es una especie de lepidóptero ditrisio perteneciente a la familia Hesperiidae. Se encuentra en Norteamérica boreal, desde los Territorios del Noroeste por Canadá hasta Nueva Escocia, sur y oeste montañoso de Arizona y sur de Nuevo México, sur de Arkansas, noreste de Alabama y norte de Georgia.

Tiene una envergadura de alas de 29–38 mm de longitud. Se encuentran en vuelo desde abril a julio. En el sur de los Montes Apalaches puede aparecer una segunda generación anual.

Las larvas se alimentan de especies de Salix, Populus y algunas veces de Betula. Los adultos se alimentan del néctar de las flores de Fragaria, Apocynum, Barbarea y Ceanothus americanus.

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Erynnis icelus ( Latin )

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Erynnis icelus est papilio familiae Hesperiidarum, qui in boreali America Septentrionali, a Territoriis Boreoccidentalibus trans Canadam meridianam ad Novam Scotiam, ad meridiem in montibus occidentalibus ad Arizonam meridianam et Novum Mexicum meridianum, ad orientem ad Arcansiam, Alabamam boreorientalem, et Georgiam septentrionalem endemicus est.

Latitudo alarum est 29–38 mm. Est singula generatio per annum. Adulti a mense Aprili ad Iulium ineuntem vegeti sunt. Aliquando raro est generatio altera in Montibus Appalachianis meridianis.

Larvae speciebus generum Salicis, Populi, et aliquando Betulae vescuntur. Adulti nectar florum Ceanothi americani, Fragariae vescae, Rhododendri groenlandici, Rhododendri tomentosi, Rhododendri neoglandulosum,et Viciae americanae, et specierum generum Apocyni, Barbareae, Lupini, Rubi, et Vaccinii sorbillant.

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Erynnis icelus: Brief Summary ( Latin )

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Erynnis icelus est papilio familiae Hesperiidarum, qui in boreali America Septentrionali, a Territoriis Boreoccidentalibus trans Canadam meridianam ad Novam Scotiam, ad meridiem in montibus occidentalibus ad Arizonam meridianam et Novum Mexicum meridianum, ad orientem ad Arcansiam, Alabamam boreorientalem, et Georgiam septentrionalem endemicus est.

Latitudo alarum est 29–38 mm. Est singula generatio per annum. Adulti a mense Aprili ad Iulium ineuntem vegeti sunt. Aliquando raro est generatio altera in Montibus Appalachianis meridianis.

Larvae speciebus generum Salicis, Populi, et aliquando Betulae vescuntur. Adulti nectar florum Ceanothi americani, Fragariae vescae, Rhododendri groenlandici, Rhododendri tomentosi, Rhododendri neoglandulosum,et Viciae americanae, et specierum generum Apocyni, Barbareae, Lupini, Rubi, et Vaccinii sorbillant.

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Erynnis icelus ( olandèis; flamand )

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Erynnis icelus is een vlinder uit de familie van de dikkopjes (Hesperiidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1870 door Scudder & Burgess.

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Erynnis icelus ( vietnamèis )

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Erynnis icelus là một loài bướm ngày thuộc họ Hesperiidae. Nó được tìm thấy ở cực bắc Bắc Mỹ, từ phía đông vùng Northwest Territories băng qua miền nam Canada tới Nova Scotia, phía nam từ miền núi phía tây đến miền nam Arizona và miền nam New Mexico, phía nam từ phía đông đến Arkansas, đông bắc Alabama và miền bắc Georgia.

Sải cánh dài 29–38 mm.

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Erynnis icelus: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Erynnis icelus là một loài bướm ngày thuộc họ Hesperiidae. Nó được tìm thấy ở cực bắc Bắc Mỹ, từ phía đông vùng Northwest Territories băng qua miền nam Canada tới Nova Scotia, phía nam từ miền núi phía tây đến miền nam Arizona và miền nam New Mexico, phía nam từ phía đông đến Arkansas, đông bắc Alabama và miền bắc Georgia.

Sải cánh dài 29–38 mm.

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