
Plancia ëd Trogloraptor

Plancia ëd Trogloraptor


Figures 69–74.Scanning electron micrographs of the ALS and PLS of Trogloraptor marchingtoni, female (CASENT9039440) and male (CASENT9040066) from No Name Cave and penultimate female from M2 Cave (CASENT9040012). 69 penultimatefemale, right ALS, numbers refer to the three ALS segments 70 male right ALS 71 female ALS piriform gland spigots (left image flipped to appear right) 72 female major ampullate gland spigots of ALS, arrows showing individual and grouped sensillae (right image flipped to appear left) 73 female PLS apex showing aciniform gland spigots (left image flipped to appear right); and 74 female right PLS apex. AC aciniform gland spigots MAP major ampullate gland spigot(s) Nu nubbin.

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drit d'autor
Charles E. Griswold, Tracy Audisio, Joel M. Ledford
sitassion bibliogràfica
Griswold C, Audisio T, Ledford J (2012) An extraordinary new family of spiders from caves in the Pacific Northwest (Araneae, Trogloraptoridae, new family) ZooKeys 215: 77–102
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