The Jerusalem Cricket was found in the backyard of a house in Ocean Beach. It came out after a rainy day and was just on the ground. If you didn't touch it, the cricket was mostly still but with any sudden changes usually the Jerusalem Cricket would hop away. This observation is apart of the High Tech High Insects of San Diego Field Guide.
Arizona, United States
Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Sarawak, Malaysia
Mbombela, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Camptonotus carolinensis - Carolina Leaf-roller. These unusual crickets spend their days, mostly, inside a leaf shelter--I believe constructed with silk they make. This one, I found on my deck at night. I captured it, but one antenna broke off--too bad, because they are spectacular. Body length (without ovipositor) of about 18 mm. Length of the unbroken antenna is about 55 mm.
Mulu Airport, Sarawak, Malaysia
Kampung Serana, Pahang, Malaysia
Kampung Serana, Pahang, Malaysia
Cedar Creek, Queensland, Australia
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
Kingdom=AnimaliaPhylum=ArthropodaClass=InsectaOrder=OrthopteraSuborder=EnsiferaSuperfamily=StenopelmatoideaFamily=GryllacrididaeCommon name=Raspy cricket
Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia
Kampung Serana, Pahang, Malaysia
Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, Australia
Exmouth, Western Australia, Australia