Comprehensive Description
provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Elachista maritimella McDunnough (Figs. 85, 85a, 132.)
1942. Elachista maritimella McDunnough, Canad. Ent., lxxiv, 224. Type <5, Bathurst, New Brunswick [No. 5269, Can. Nat. Coll.].
Head whitish ; palpi wholly white in the palest specimens, varying to dark fuscous on the lower and outer sides of the second segment in darker, dusted specimens ; antennae brownish, with pale annulations. Fore wings very pale ocherous, with faintly indicated whitish irregular fasciae before the middle and at two-thirds; in darker specimens, in which the scales of the ground color are brownish-tipped, the median fascia is better defined, and the second fascia is broken into the usual pair of costal and dorsal spots. Cilia yellowish ; in the darkest specimens a row of narrowly dark-tipped scales toward tornus. Hind wings pale smoky; in the darker specimens darkened and irrorate with grayish brown. Both pairs of wings beneath varying from immaculate whitish ocherous to densely grayish brown dusted. Legs whitish, more or less shaded with fuscous, in proportion to the general darkening of the wings. Abdomen usually pale yellowish, but in the darker specimens, entirely fuscous, except the anal tuft.
Alar expanse : 9 to 10 mm.
Male genitalia (figs. 85, 85a) : of the usual type of the section; lobes of uncus large; gnathos a small spined knob; sacculus processes club-shaped; anellus lobes tapering to a point; vinculum produced into a point; aedeagus produced basally into a short blind sac ; cornuti, one short broad-based spine and a group of minute spines.
Female genitalia (fig. 132): lobes of ovipositor elongate; ductus bursae sclerotized well into segment 6, its not-greatly dilated part before ostium cylindrical ; ostium spinulate ; bursa copulatrix spiculate, signum crescentic, arms dentate.
Specimens examined: 22 $ , 11 9.
New Brunswick: Bathurst, 1 $ paratype, 24.VI.1941 (T. N. Freeman), [A. F. B. Coll. ex type series] ; 1 S paratype, 24.VI.1941 [in U. S. N. M. ex type series].
Nova Scotia: Parrsboro and Ottawa House, Parrsboro, 20 $ , 11 9, 29.VI.1944 to 8.VII.1944 (J. McDunnough), [C. N. Coll.].
Food plant and early stages unknown.
In the original description Dr. McDunnough wrote : "The [type] series was taken on the salt coastal meadows a few miles north of Bathurst."
Maritimella can not be allied to the European subalbidella Schlag., as McDunnough suggests, as this latter species by genitalia (see Pierce and Metcalfe, Genitalia of the British Tineina, 1935, Plate XXV) belongs in Section I, in which the cell of the hind wing is closed. In wing markings, darker specimens of maritimella resemble staintonella Chambers.
- bibliographic citation
- Braun, A.F. 1948. Elachistidae of North America (Microlepidoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 13. Philadelphia, USA