Liang Tang, Li-Zhen Li, Guang-Hong Cao
Figures 1–6.Adult habitus of Dianous. 1, 2 Dianous tonkinensis 3, 4 Dianous fengtingae 5, 6 Dianous shan. Scales = 1 mm.
Donald S. Chandler, Michael S. Caterino
Figure 7.Oropodes serrano A Dorsal and right lateral view of male genitalia B Posterior view of right male protibia, mesotibia, and metatibia C Ventral view of male third ventrite D Ventral view of male sixth ventrite. Scale line equals 0.1 mm.
Zhong Peng, Li-Zhen Li, Mei-Jun Zhao
Figure 1.Male habitus of Lathrobium spp., A Lathrobium acutissimum B Lathrobium hailuogouense C Lathrobium labahense. Scales: 1.0 mm.
Zhong Peng, Li-Zhen Li, Mei-Jun Zhao
Figure 1.Habitus of Lathrobium spp., A Lathrobium baishanzuense B Lathrobium immanissimum C Lathrobium pilosum. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.
Figures 9–16.9, 11, 13, 15, 16 Aedeagi of Stenus. 10, 12, 14 Spermathecae of Stenus 9, 10 Stenus coronatus 11, 12 Stenus trigonuroides13, 14 Stenus pilosiventris 15 Stenus puthzi 16 Stenus melanarius melanarius. Scales = 0.25 mm.
Figure 1.Tyrodes jenisi, male. A dorsal habitus B antenna C antennal club, enlarged D scape, enlarged E maxillary palpus F tergite VIII G sternite VIII H aedeagus, in dorsal view I same, in lateral view. Scales (mm): A = 0.5; B = 0.2; C–I = 0.1.
Figure 1.Habitus of Derops spp., A Derops hainanus Zhao & Li, sp. n. B Derops yunnanus Zhao & Li, sp. n. C Derops punctipennis Schülke D Derops schillhammeri Schülke E Derops smetanai Schülke; F Derops dingshanus Watanabe. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.
Shûhei Yamamoto, Munetoshi Maruyama
Figure 1.Habitus of Tetrasticta gnatha sp. n., female, dorsal view.
Figures 1–5.Habitus of Dianous. 1 Dianous cyaneovirens (Myanmar) 2 Dianous cyaneovirens (Nepal) 3 D. haraldi 4, 5 Dianous yao. Scales = 1 mm.
Xiao-Yan Li, Alexey Solodovnikov, Hong-Zhang Zhou
Figures 1.Pseudolathra cylind rata sp. n. from Hubei and Sichuan. A habitus B sternite VIII, male C sternite VII, male D aedeagus, dorsal view E aedeagus, lateral view F aedeagus,ventral view. Scale bars: A = 1 mm; B–F = 0.5 mm.
Figures 1–4.Morphogenia struhli sp. n. holotype male. 1 dorsal habitus 2 head, lateral view, with position of vertexal fovea (VF) indicated at dorsal extreme of postantennal notch (region enclosed by dashed line) 3 head venter showing gular fovea (GF). Note the absence of a gular carina 4 right antenna, dorsal view.
Ryo Ogawa, Ivan Löbl, Kaoru Maeto
Figure 1.Habitus of Scaphicoma spp. in dorsal and lateral views. a Scaphicoma subflava sp. n. b Scaphicoma bidentia sp. n. c Scaphicoma quadrifasciata sp. n. Scale: 1.0 mm.
Jan Klimaszewski, Reginald P. Webster, David W. Langor, Caroline Bourdon, H.E. James Hammond, Greg R. Pohl, Benoit Godin
Figure 5.Mniusa minutissima (Klimaszewski & Langor): 5a habitus 5b median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view 5c male tergite VIII 5d male sternite VIII 5e spermatheca in lateral view 5f female tergite VIII 5g female sternite VIII 5h left mandible 5i right mandible 5j labrum 5k maxilla 5l menthum, labial palpi and ligula. Habitus scale bar = 1.0 mm; other scale bars = 0.2 mm.
Adam J. Brunke, Alexey Solodovnikov
Figure 1.Dorsal habitus of Bolitogyrus buphthalmus (Erichson) (A), Bolitogyrus fulgidus (Sharp) (B), Bolitogyrus pulchrus Brunke (C), Bolitogyrus bullatus (Sharp) (D), Bolitogyrus ashei Brunke (E) and Bolitogyrus tortifolius Brunke (F). Scale bars = 2 mm.
Zi-Wei Yin, Li-Zhen Li, Mei-Jun Zhao
Figure 1. Habitus of Araneibatrus gracilipes gen. et sp. n.
Liang Tang, Li-Zhen Li, Guang-Hong Cao
Figures 27–35.Dianous fengtingae. 27 aedeagus 28 apical portion of aedeagus 29 7th male sternite 30 8th male sternite 31 9th male sternite 32 9th and 10th male tergites 33 8th female sternite 34 valvifer 35 9th and 10th female tergites. Scales = 0.25 mm (27, 29–35), scales = 0.05 mm (28).
Donald S. Chandler, Michael S. Caterino
Map 2.Records of the orbiceps-group: Oropodes orbiceps, O. serrano, O. tataviam, O. tipai.
Zhong Peng, Li-Zhen Li, Mei-Jun Zhao
Figure 2.Lathrobium acutissimum. A male sternite VII B male sternite VIII C male sternite IX D aedeagus in lateral view E aedeagus in ventral view F female tergite VIIIG female sternite VIII H female tergites IX–X. Scales: 0.5 mm.
Zhong Peng, Li-Zhen Li, Mei-Jun Zhao
Figure 3.Lathrobium baishanzuense. A male sternite V B male sternite VI C male sternite VIID male sternite VIII E male sternite IX F aedeagus in lateral view G aedeagus in ventral view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Figures 17–25. 17–22, 24, 25. Aedeagi of Stenus and Dianous 23 Internal plate of aedeagus of Stenus. 17 Stenus juno 18 Stenus secretus 19 Stenus alienus20 Stenus scabratus 21 Stenus deceptiosus 22, 23 Stenus falsator24 Dianous inaequalis inaequalis 25Dianous chinensis. Scales = 0.25 mm.
Figure 1.Habitus of Megatyrus. A Megatyrus schuelkei, male B Megatyrus tengchongensis, female. Scales (mm): 1.0.
Figure 2.Derops hainanus Zhao & Li, sp. n. A male sternite VII B male tergite VIII C male sternite VIII D aedeagus in lateral view E aedeagus in ventral view. Scale bars: A–C and F–G: 0.2 mm; D–E: 0.25 mm.
Shûhei Yamamoto, Munetoshi Maruyama
Figures 2–4.Tetrasticta gnatha sp. n. 2 antennal segments I–V (right, dorsolateral view) 3 right mandible, male, dorsal view (hairs along inner side are those of prostheca) 4 right maxillary palpus, male, ventral view.
Figures 10–19.Sexual characters of Dianous yao. 10 aedeagus 11 apical portion of median lobe 12 tergites IX uand X 13 male sternite VII 14 male sternite VIII 15 male sternite IX 16 female tergites IX and X 17 female sternite VII 18 female sternite VIII 15 valvifer. Scales = 0.25 mm.