Sergey G. Ermilov, Dorothee Sandmann, Franca Marian, Mark Maraun
Figures 1–4.Truncozetes ecuadoriensis sp. n. (1, 2) and Truncozetes monodactylus sp. n. (3, 4), adults. 1, 3 body dorsally 2, 4 body ventrally (gnathosoma and legs not illustrated). Scale bars: (1, 2) 100 μm, (3, 4) 50 μm. Abbreviations in text.
Sergey G. Ermilov, Andrei V. Tolstikov, Nathalie Mary, Heinrich Schatz
Figures 1–3.Fortuynia smiti sp. n., adult: 1 dorsal view 2 ventral view (gnathosoma and legs not illustrated) 3 lateral view (gnathosoma and legs except femur II and trochanters II–IV not illustrated). Scale bar 100 μm.
Sergey G. Ermilov, Badamdorj Bayartogtokh, Dorothee Sandmann, Franca Marian, Mark Maraun
Figure 5.Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) glaber (Beck, 1965), adult: A body dorsally B body ventrally (gnathosoma and legs not illustrated) C prodorsum and anterior part of notogaster laterally D left pteromorph. Scale bar (A–C) 50 μm, scale bar (D) 20 μm.
Sergey G. Ermilov, Dorothee Sandmann, Franca Marian, Mark Maraun
Figures 1–4.Truncozetes ecuadoriensis sp. n. (1, 2) and Truncozetes monodactylus sp. n. (3, 4), adults. 1, 3 body dorsally 2, 4 body ventrally (gnathosoma and legs not illustrated). Scale bars: (1, 2) 100 μm, (3, 4) 50 μm. Abbreviations in text.
Sergey G. Ermilov, Badamdorj Bayartogtokh, Dorothee Sandmann, Franca Marian, Mark Maraun
Figure 6.Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) glaber (Beck, 1965), adult: A anterior part of lamella (medio-distal part of lamellar seta not illustrated) B anterior part of lamella and tutoria, and prolamellar line dorso-laterally (medio-distal part of rostral and lamellar seta not illustrated) C rostral seta D lamellar seta E interlamellar seta F sensillus G bothridium and notogastral seta c H foveolae on rostrum I foveolae in central part of prodorsum J foveolae on notogaster K postanal porose area L left half of subcapitulum M palptarsus N anterior part of chelicera O right genital plate P right anal plate Q tarsus and anterior part of tibia of leg I, right, antiaxial view. Scale bar 10 μm.
Sergey G. Ermilov, Alexander E. Anichkin, Andrei V. Tolstikov
Figures 3–5.Papillocepheus primus sp. n., adult: 3 lateral view of prodorsum and anterior part of notogaster (legs not illustrated) 4 lateral view of posterior part of notogaster 5 tarsus and anterior part of tibia of leg I, right, antiaxial view. Scale bar (3, 4) 100 μm, (5) 20 μm.