Figures 3–4. Median lobe of aedeagus; magnification 120×, scale bar = 100 µm 3 Pachybrachis sassii sp. n. holotype; a dorsal b lateral and c ventral view 4 Pachybrachis salfii neotype a dorsal b lateral and c ventral view. Median lobe silhouette is demaged by dehydration, probably due to contact with air for a long time.
Figures 110–115.Morphological characters. 110 Abrarius aethiops (Weise), head and pronotum in dorsal view 111 Ditto, head and right antenna in dorsal view 112 Abrarius cribrosus Fairmaire, ventral parts 113 Afroaltica parvula D’Alessandro & Biondi, head in frontal view 114 Afroaltica subaptera Biondi & D’Alessandro, head and pronotum in dorsal view 115 Ditto, triangular hollow on ventral side of middle tibiae in male.
Figures 4–10.Callispa keram sp. n. 4 median lobe of aedeagus, ventral view 5 median lobe of aedeagus, lateral view 6 median lobe of aedeagus, distal opening 7 spermatheca 8 coxite 9 sternite VIII 10 tergum IX.