2009-07-29 Vienna XXII. district (Lobau national park, 155 msm Quadrant 7864/2).German name: Rot-Zaunrbe
2010-07-12 Lower Austria, district Schwechat (hedgerow, 180 m AMSL).Female, fruiting (and withering already); red ones are ripe.German name: Rot-Zaunrbe
2010-07-12 Lower Austria, district Schwechat (hedgerow, 180 m AMSL).Male flower.German name: Rot-Zaunrbe
2010-07-12 Lower Austria, district Schwechat (hedgerow, 180 m AMSL).Male flower.German name: Rot-Zaunrbe
2010.04.20 Vienna XI./Schwechat (brownlands, 170 m AMSL).Young plant, its tendrils searching for support to climb.Common; of indeterminable gender, at this stage of growth.German name: Rote Zaunrbe
2009.08.10: Austria, Lower Austria, district Schwechat/WU, 178 m AMSL, thicket near farmland: male plant - flowering.Females grow nearby, however have completely withered already around this time (they're fruiting in mid july already). So those male flowers are completely 'wasted', they won't help producing any more fruit - and as you can see the plant's still growing.Flowering in (may) june-july (august).Not uncommon in Eastern Austria, else rare.German names: Rot-Zaunrbe, Rotbeerige Z., Rotfrchtige Z., Zweihusige Z.ID: Fischer, Exkursionsflora 3rd
2008.07.28: Austria, Lower Austria (district Gnserndorf)/Vienna, 155 m AMSL, broadleaf forest fringe: female plant - ripe fruit (plenty of male plants in immediate surroundings).Flowering in (may) june-july (august).Quite common in Eastern Austria, else rare.German names: Rot-Zaunrbe, Rotbeerige Z., Rotfrchtige Z., Zweihusige Z.ID: Fischer, Exkursionsflora 3rd
2010-07-12 Lower Austria, district Schwechat (hedgerow, 180 m AMSL).Female, fruiting (and withering already); red ones are ripe.German name: Rot-Zaunrbe
2010-07-12 Lower Austria, district Schwechat (hedgerow, 180 m AMSL).Male flower; females already are fruiting at this time of year, and their plants are withering - while males continue flowering (quite uselessly so, as no female flowers are around anymore).German name: Rot-Zaunrbe
2010-07-12 Lower Austria, district Schwechat (hedgerow, 180 m AMSL).Female, fruiting (and withering already); red ones are ripe.German name: Rot-Zaunrbe