provided by Flora of Zimbabwe
Annual or perennial herbs, terrestrial or aquatic, usually bearing filiform root-like organs (rhizoids) at the base. Stem-like stolons arise at the base of the peduncle and bear leaves, inflorescences and bladder like traps. Leaves in terrestrial species mostly erect, entire, linear to circular; in the aquatic species usually dichotomously divided into capillary segments. Traps spherical or ovoid with a trap door or mouth and various diverse appendages. Flowers in bracteate racemes, rarely solitary, borne on capillary peduncles. Calyx lobes 2, usually accrescent. Corolla 2-lipped; upper lip 2(-3-lobed; lower much longer with a raised palate, spurred. Stamens 2. Fruit a spherical or ovoid capsule, dehiscent in various ways, rarely indehiscent. Seeds usually minute.
- license
- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
- bibliographic citation
- Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Utricularia Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at
- author
- Mark Hyde
- author
- Bart Wursten
- author
- Petra Ballings
provided by Flora of Zimbabwe
Small terrestrial carnivorous herb with numerous, ovoid, stalked traps. Leaves scattered on the stolons, linear-oblanceolate to spathulate, 2-15 mm long, single-veined. Flowers in 1-5-flowered erect inflorescences. Corolla 2-lipped, 3-7 mm long, white to lilac with a yellow spot on the palate; upper lip narrowly oblong, c. 1.5 × as long as the upper calyx lobe; spur conical-subulate, more or less twice as long as the lower lip. Fruit a spherical capsule, 1.5-2.5 mm in diameter.
- license
- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
- bibliographic citation
- Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Utricularia tortilis Oliv. Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at
- author
- Mark Hyde
- author
- Bart Wursten
- author
- Petra Ballings
Worldwide distribution
provided by Flora of Zimbabwe
Widespread in tropical Africa.
- license
- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
- bibliographic citation
- Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Utricularia tortilis Oliv. Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at
- author
- Mark Hyde
- author
- Bart Wursten
- author
- Petra Ballings