provided by BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Foodplant / spinner
caterpillar of Cacoecimorpha pronubana spins live leaf of Daucus carota
Other: major host/prey
Foodplant / feeds on
Calosirus terminatus feeds on Daucus carota
Foodplant / pathogen
Carrot Mottle virus (CMoV) infects and damages twisted leaf (petiole) of Daucus carota
Foodplant / pathogen
Carrot Red Leaf virus (CtRLV) infects and damages twisted leaf (petiole) of Daucus carota
Foodplant / sap sucker
Cavariella aegopodii sucks sap of live leaf of Daucus carota
Remarks: season: 5-summer
Foodplant / internal feeder
larva of Chamaepsila rosae feeds within live root of Daucus carota
Foodplant / pathogen
Ditylenchus dipsaci infects and damages live, swollen, split leaf base of Daucus carota
Foodplant / sap sucker
Dysaphis crataegi sucks sap of live root of Daucus carota
Remarks: season: summer
In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / parasite
cleistothecium of Erysiphe heraclei parasitises live Daucus carota
Foodplant / miner
larva of Euleia heraclei mines live leaf of Daucus carota
Foodplant / saprobe
Heteropatella anamorph of Heterosphaeria patella is saprobic on dead stem of Daucus carota
Remarks: season: -9
Foodplant / open feeder
larva of Hypera pastinacae grazes on flower of Daucus carota
Foodplant / open feeder
Hypera pollux grazes on leaf of Daucus carota
Foodplant / saprobe
Itersonilia perplexans is saprobic on decayed, dead root of Daucus carota
Foodplant / pathogen
amphigenous colony of Mycocentrospora anamorph of Mycocentrospora acerina infects and damages live leaf of Daucus carota
Remarks: captive: in captivity, culture, or experimentally induced
Foodplant / parasite
underground tuber of Orobanche minor var. maritima parasitises root of Daucus carota
Other: major host/prey
Foodplant / miner
larva of Phytomyza chaerophylli mines leaf of Daucus carota
Other: minor host/prey
Foodplant / pathogen
colony of Thielaviopsis dematiaceous anamorph of Thielaviopsis basicola infects and damages root of Daucus carota
Foodplant / parasite
Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae parasitises live leaf of Daucus carota